刘兰 女1985.10
2011.9-2015.6 博士中山大学 植物学/植物与微生物互作方向 导师:Christian Staehelin
2008.9-2011.6 硕士 华中农业大学 园林植物与观赏园艺/城市生物多样性方向 导师:陈龙清
2004.9-2008.6 本科 华中农业大学 园林
2021.5至今 副教授 海南大学 林学院
2016.10-2021.4 博士后华东师范大学生态学/微生物生态和植物微生物互作方向 导师:张健
2018.3-2018.9访问学者加州大学生态学/微生物生态和植物微生物互作方向 导师:朱锴
1.Lan Liu,…Zhang jian*. 2023.Urbanization reduces soil microbial network complexity and stability in themegacity of Shanghai. Science of Total Environment 893:164915. (SCI,中科院大类一区)
2.Yifan Feng,…Lan Liu*. 2023.Soil microbes support Janzen’smountain passes hypothesis: Therole of local-scale climatevariability along a tropicalmontane gradient. Frontiers in Microbiology 14: 1135116. (SCI,中科院大类二区)
3.Rongzhi Chen, Jing Zhu, Lan Jiang,Lan Liu,Cheng Gao, Bo Chen,Daowei Xu, Jinfu Liu, Zhongsheng He *. 2023.Soil phosphorus availability controls deterministic and stochasticprocesses of soil microbial community along an elevational gradient insubtropical forests. Forests 14:1475. (SCI,中科院大类二区)
4.Hui Zhang*,Mengfei He, Shree Prakash Pandey,Lan Liu,Shrong Zhou*. 2023.Soil fungal community is more sensitive than bacterial tomining and reforestation in a tropical rainforest.Land Degradation and Development14: 1135116. (SCI,中科院大类一区)
5.Luwen Ma,Lan Liu,…Jian Zhang*. 2022. When microclimates meet soil microbes: temperature controls soil microbial diversity along an elevational gradient in subtropical forests. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 166: 108566. (SCI,中科院大类一区)
6.Lan Liu, …Jian Zhang*. 2021. Impact of urbanization on soil microbial diversity and composition in the megacity of Shanghai. Land Degradation&Development 33:282-293. (SCI,中科院大类二区)
7.Lan Liu, …Jian Zhang*. 2021. Changes in assembly processes of soil microbial communities during secondary succession in two subtropical forests. Soil Biology&Biochemistry 154: 108144. (SCI,中科院大类一区,被评为该杂志高被引文章)
8. Mingyue Zhang,Lan Liu, …Xiaoqi Zhou*. 2021. Urbanization degree rather than methanotrophic abundance decreases soil CH4 uptake. Geoderma, 404: 115368. (SCI,中科院大类一区)
9.Lan Liu, … Jian Zhang*. 2020. Relationships between plant and soil microbial diversity vary across taxonomic groups and spatial scales. Ecosphere 11: e02999. (SCI,中科院大类三区)
10.Lan Liu, Jian Zhang*. 2019. Decoding the secret of species coexistence: a perspective from soil fungi. Science China-Life Sciences 63: 169-170. (SCI,中科院大类二区)
11. Lucheng Zhang,Lan Liu, …Guohui Yu*. 2017. Identification and validation of reference genes for RT-qPCR analysis in banana (Musa spp.) under Fusarium wilt resistance induction conditions. Journal of Phytopathology 165: 746-754. (SCI,中科院大类四区,共同第一作者)
12.Lan Liu, …Christian Staehelin*. 2016. Distance-dependent effects of pathogenic fungi on seedlings of a legume tree: impaired nodule formation and identification of antagonistic rhizosphere bacteria. Journal of Ecology 104: 1009-1019. (SCI,中科院大类一区)
13.刘兰,王子夫,陈龙清。2012,黄冈市乡土植物资源调查及开发利用潜力分析,中国园林,10: 78-81.
1. 喻国辉,李一平,沈汉国,刘文,陈继敏,刘兰。芽孢杆菌生物被膜形成能力评估方法及应用的培养基。2019-04-05,中国,201610064177.7
2. 史德海林 奥斯丁 巴特瑟,谢致平,刘兰。一株光叶红豆伯克氏菌XS1865及其应用。2019-09-20,中国,201610015570.7
5. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,31700464,负密度制约在维持亚热带森林不同演替阶段植物多样性中的重要性,2018.01-2020.12,24万元,主持。
6. 中国博士后科学基金,2018M632063,不同天敌的捕食对浙江天童亚热带森林物种共存的重要性,2018.01-2020.12,5万元,主持。
7. 上海市城市化生态过程和生态恢复重点实验室开放课题项目,城市化过程中人类活动对土壤微生物群落多样性的影响—以上海市为例,2017.01-2018.12,3万元,主持。
8. 海南省重点研发项目,ZDYF2022SHFZ320,南海诸岛生物多样性维持机制研究,2022.07-2025.06,250万元,参与。
10. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,32071538,森林垂直结构和微气候对植物多样性海拔梯度格局的影响机制,2021.01-2024.12,58万元,参与。