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30 2019.05





国家肉羊产业技术体系疾病防控研究室主任, 岗位科学家。



通讯地址:海南省海口市人民大道58号 邮政编码570228








1998年-2001年 军事医学科学院11所(原军需大学研究所),博士。师从殷震院士。


2001年-2003年 清华大学生物系博士后

2003年-2004年 华盛顿大学(圣路易斯)医学院Research Associate





1. 国家肉羊产业技术体系岗位科学家,国家级。

2.国家重点研发计划项目, 国家级,课题(2018YFD0501904)主持。



1.He M, Li H, Zhang Z, Jiang J, Li H, Yang W, Cheng Y, Gao H, Chen Q, Du L, Chen S*, Man C, Wang F* (2022) Microbiological characteristics and pathogenesis of Klebsiella pneumoniae isolated from Hainan black goat. Vet. Sci. 9, 471

2. Li L, Li K, Bian Z, Chen Z, Li B, Cu K, Wang F*(2022) Association between body weight and distal gut microbes in Hainan black goats at weaning age. Front. Microbiol., DOI 10.3389/fmicb.2022.951473.

3. Chen Q, Chai Y, Zhang W, Cheng Y, Zhang Z, An Q, Chen S, Man C, Du L, Zhang W*, Wang F*(2022) Whole-genome sequencing reveals the genomic characteristics and selection signatures of Hainan black goat. Genes. 13(9):1539.

4. Zhang X, Cui K, Wen X, Li L, Yu X, Li B, Lin H, He H*, Wang F*(2022) The association between gut microbiome diversity and composition and heat tolerance in cattle. Microorganisms. 10(8):1672.

5. Chen S, Wang C, Chen Q, Zhao D, Liu Y, Zhao S, Fu S, He X, Yang B, Zhao Q, An Q, Zhang Z, Cheng Y, Man C, Liu G, Wei X, Zhang W*, Du L*, Wang F*(2022) Downregulation of three novel miRNAs in the lymph nodes of sheep immunized with the Brucella suis Strain 2 vaccine. Front Vet Sci. DOI: 10.3389/fvets.2022.813170.

6.Chen Q, Zhang Z, Chen S, Chen J, Cheng Y, Liu A, Li B, Chen Z, Zheng Y, Man C, Du L, Wang F* (2021) Genome-wide differential expression profiling of pulmonary circRNAs associated with immune reaction to Pasteurella multocida in goats.Front Vet Sci.DOI:10.3389/fvets. 2021.615405

7. Jiao H*, Zhao Y, Zhou Z, Li W, Li B, Gu G, Luo Y, Shuai X, Fan C, Wu L, Chen J, Huang Q, Wang F*, Liu J*(2021) Identifying circular RNAs in HepG2 expressing Genotype IV Swine Hepatitis E Virus ORF3 via whole genome sequencing. Cell Transplant.DOI: 10.1177/09636897211055042.

8. Li B, Chen S, Wang C, Chen Q, Man C, An Q, Zhang Z, Liu Z, Du L*, Wang F* (2021) Integrated mRNA-seq and miRNA-seq analysis of goat fibroblasts response to Brucella Melitensis strain M5-90. PeerJ.DOI:10.7717/peerj.11679.

9. Pang F, Wang X, Chen Z, Zhang Z, Zhang M, Wang C, Yang X, An Q, Du L, Wang F* (2020) Integrated analysis of differentially expressed miRNAs and mRNAs in goat skin fibroblast cells in response to Orf virus infection reveals that cfa-let-7a regulates thrombospondin 1 expression. Viruses.DOI:10.3390/v12010118.

10.JiaoH, Nie X, Zhu H, Li B, Pang F, Yang X, Cao R, Yang X, Zhu S, Peng D, Li Y, Li G, Zhang Z, Huang H, Xu K, Zhao T, Cheng Y, Chen C*, Du L*, Wang F* (2020) miR-146b-5pplays acriticalrole in theregulation ofautophagy in ∆per Brucella melitensis-infected RAW264.7cells.Biomed Res Int. 2020:1953242.

11.Pang F, Chen Z, Wang C, Zhang M, Zhang Z, Yang X, Zheng Y, Liu A, Cheng Y, Chen J, Li B, Du L, Wang F* (2019) Comprehensive analysis of differentially expressed microRNAs and mRNAs in MDBK cells expressing bovine papillomavirus E5 oncogene. PeerJ. 2019.DOI:10.7717/peerj.8098.

12. Pang F, Zhang M, Li G, Zhang Z, Huang H, Li B, Wang C, Yang X, Zheng Y, An Q, Zhang L, Du L, Wang F* (2019) Integrated mRNA and miRNA profiling in NIH/3T3 cells in response to bovine papillomavirus E6 gene expression. PeerJ. 2019.DOI:10.7717/peerj.7442.

13. Pang F, Zhang M, Yang X, Li G, Zhu S, Nie X, Cao R, Yang X, Zhang Z, Huang H, Li B, Wang C, Du L, Wang F* (2019) Genome-wide analysis of circular RNAs in goat skin fibroblast cells in response to Orf virus infection. Peer J. 2019.DOI:10.7717/peerj.6267.

14.Zhu H, Jiao H, Nie X, Li B, Xu K, Pang F, Cao R, Zhu S, Yang X, Zhang Z, Peng D, Li Y, Li G, Huang H, Chen C*, Du L*, Wang F* (2018) Alterations of microRNAs and their predicted targeting mRNAs expression in RAW264.7 macrophages infected with Omp25 mutant Brucella melitensis. Innate Immun. 2018.DOI:10.1177/1753425918792298.

15.Peng D, Pang F, Cao R, Zhu S, Yang X, Nie X, Zhang Z, Li B, Huang H, Li Y, Li G, Du L, Wang F* (2018) Upregulation of Immune Process-Associated Genes in RAW264.7 Macrophage Cells in Response to Burkholderia pseudomallei Infection Biomed Res Int. 2018.DOI:10.1155/2018/1235097.

16. Rong H, Jiao H, Hao Y, Pang F, Li G, Peng D, Li Y, Wang Y, Zhang H, Fan Q, Wang F*, Chen C*, Du L* (2017) CD14 gene silencing alters the microRNA expression profile of RAW264.7 cells stimulated by Brucella melitensis infection. Innate Immun. 2017:1753425917707025.DOI:10.1177/1753425917707025.

17. Xu K, Guo S, Zhao T, Zhu H, Jiao H, Shi Q, Pang F, Li Y, Li G, Peng D, Nie X, Cheng Y, Wu K, Du L, Cui K, Zhang W*, Wang F* (2016) Transcriptome analysis of HepG2 cells expressing ORF3 from Swine Hepatitis E Virus to determine the effects of ORF3 on host cells. Biomed Res Int. 2016:1648030.DOI:10.1155/2016/1648030.

18. Jiao H, Jia X, Zhao T, Rong H, Zhang J, Cheng Y, Zhu H, Xu K, Guo S, Shi Q, Zhang H, Wang F*, Chen C*, Du L* (2016) Upregulation of TDAG51 is a dependent factor of LPS induced RAW264.7 macrophages proliferation and cell cycle progression. Immunopharmacol Immunotoxicol. 38: 124-130.

19. Chen H, Jiao H, Cheng Y, Xu K, Jia X, Shi Q, Guo S, Wang M, Du L, Wang F* (2016) In vitro and in vivo immunomodulatory activity of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) polysaccharides. J Med Food.19 (3):253–265.

20. Cheng Y, Du L, Jiao H, Zhu H, Xu K, Guo S, Shi Q, Zhao T, Pang F, Jia X, Wang F* (2015) Mmu-miR-27a-5p-Dependent Upregulation of MCPIP1 Inhibits the Inflammatory Response in LPS-Induced RAW264.7 Macrophage Cells. Biomed Res Int. 2015: 607692.DOI:10.1155/2015/607692.

21. Pang F, Shi Q, Du L, Zhao T, Cheng Y, Jiao H, Zhao J, Wang M, Rong H, Zhou H, Wang F* (2014) Complete genome sequence of Bovine Papillomavirus genotype 13 from local yellow cattle in Hainan Province, China. Genome Announc, 4; 2(6).

22. Du L, Rong H, Cheng Y, Guo S, Shi Q, Jia X, Zhu H, Hao Y, Xu K, Zhang J, Jiao H, Zhao T, Zhang H, Chen C and Wang F* (2014) Identification of microRNAs dysregulated in CD14 gene silencing RAW264.7 macrophage cells. Inflammation. 37(1): 287-294.

23. Cheng Y, Du L, Shi Q, Jiao H, Zhang X, Hao Y, Rong H, Zhang J, Jia X, Guo S, Kuang W, Zhang H, Chen C, Wang F* (2013) Identification of miR-221 and 222 as important regulators in genotype IV swine hepatitis E virus ORF3expressing HEK 293 cells. Virus Genes. 47(1): 49-55.

24. Jiao H, Du L, Hao Y, Cheng Y, Luo J, Kuang W, Zhang D, Lei M, Jia X, Zhang X, Qi C, He H*, Wang F* (2013) Effective inhibition of mRNA accumulation and protein expression of H5N1 avian influenza virus NS1 gene in vitro by small interfering RNAs. Folia Microbiol (Praha). 58(4): 335-342.

25. Cheng Y, Kuang W, Hao Y, Zhang D, Lei M, Du L, Jiao H, Zhang X, Wang F* (2012) Downregulation of miR-27a* and miR-532-5p and upregulation of miR-146a and miR-155 in LPS-induced RAW264.7 macrophage cells. Inflammation. 2012 Aug;35(4):1308-13.

26. Lei M, Du L, Jiao H, Cheng Y, Zhang D, Hao Y, Li G, Qiu W, Fan Q, Li C, Chen C*, Wang F* (2012) Inhibition of mCD14 inhibits TNFα secretion and NO production in RAW264.7 cells stimulated by Brucella melitensis infection. Vet Microbiol. 160(3-4):362-368.

27. Lei M, Jiao H, Liu T, Du L, Cheng Y, Zhang D, Hao Y, Man C, Wang F* (2011) siRNA targeting mCD14 inhibits TNF-α, MIP-2, and IL-6 secretion and NO production from LPS-induced RAW264.7 cells. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 92(1):115-124.

28. Liu T, Lei M, Jiao H, Du L, Cheng Y, Zhang D, Hao Y, Man C, Wang F* (2011) RNA interference induces effective inhibition of mRNA accumulation and protein expression of SHEV ORF3 gene in vitro. Curr Microbiol. 62(5):1355-1362.


1. 《兽医微生物学》,科学出版社,2007. 主译.

2. 《细菌分子遗传学》,科学出版社,2013. 主译.

3. 《畜牧微生物学》(第五版),中国农业出版社,2009. 参编.

4. 《畜牧微生物学》(第六版),中国农业出版社,2017. 参编.

5. 《绵羊与山羊医学》(第二版),中国农业大学出版社. 2020. 主译.


1. 2015年海南省科学技术进步奖一等奖(排名第一);

2. 2013年海南省科学技术进步奖一等奖(排名第一);

3. 2011年海南省科学技术进步奖三等奖(排名第一);

4. 2008年海南省科技成果转化奖一等奖(排名第一);

5. 海南省高校优秀科研成果奖4项(均排名第一);

6. 海南大学“吴多泰博士科研成果奖”4项(均排名第一)。


1. 2019年,海南省杰出人才;

2. 2017年,国家百千万人才工程;

3. 2017年,国家有突出贡献的中青年专家;

4. 2016年,国务院特殊津贴专家;

5. 2015年,海南省“515”人才工程第一层次;

6. 2014年,海南省有突出贡献的优秀专家。

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