29 2019.12















E-mail: saizjxiawei@hainanu.edu.cn, saizjxiawei@126.com









2. 2022年“崖州湾”菁英人才科技专项,SCKJ-JYRC-2022-91,调控椰子童期长短关键基因区段解析和分子标记开发,2022.07-2024.0760万元,在研,主持;


4.海南省基础与应用基础研究计划(自然科学领域)高层次人才项目,2019RC1572020.01-2022.12, 10万元,在研,主持;


6.国家自然科学基金青年基金项目, 31301358,油棕低温响应miRNA的筛选及其功能分析,2014.01-2016.1225万,结题,主持;






1. Hong, Yuhui#; Xiao, Yong#; Song Na#; Zhu, Shousong; Zhao Rui; Li Ke; Geng Mengting; Yu Xiaohui; Wang Honggang;Xia, Wei*; Chen, Yinhua*. Identification and characterization ofMeERFgenes and their targets in pathogen response by cassava (Manihot esculenta).The Crop Journal2021, 9(5):1145-1153.(*Corresponding author)

2. Yang, Yaodong#, Bocs, Stéphanie#, Fan, Haikuo#, Armero, Alix#, Baudouin, Luc#, Xu, Pengwei#, Xu, Junyang, This, Dominique, Hamelin, Chantal, Iqbal, Amjad, Qadri, Rashad, Zhou, Lixia, Li, Jing, Wu, Yi, Ma, Zilong, Issali, Auguste Emmanuel, Rivallan, Ronan, Liu, Na,Xia, Wei*, Peng, Ming*, Xiao, Yong*. Coconut genome assembly enables evolutionary analysis of palms and highlights signaling pathways involved in salt tolerance.Communications Biology2021, 4(1):105.2.(*Corresponding author)

3. Wang S#; Xiao Y#; Zhou Z#; Yuan J#, Guo H#, Yang Z, Yang J, Sun P, Sun L, Deng Y, Xie W, Song J, Qamar M,Xia W, Liu R, Gong S, Wang Y, Wang F, Liu X, Fernie A, Wang X*; Fan H*; Chen L*; Luo J*.(2021)High-quality reference genome sequences of two coconut cultivars provide insights into evolution of monocot chromosomes and differentiation of fiber content and plant height.Genome Biology, 2021, 22: 304.(*Corresponding author)

3. Dou, Yajing#;Xia, Wei#; Mason, Annaliese S.; Huang, Dongyi; Sun, Xiwei; Fan, Haikuo; Xiao, Yong*. Developing functional markers for vitamin E biosynthesis in oil palm.PLoS One2021, 16(11).(*Corresponding author)

4.Xia, Wei#, Liu, Rui#, Zhang, Jun#, Mason, Annaliese S., Li, Zhiying, Gong, Shufang, Zhong, Yazhu, Dou, Yajing, Sun, Xiwei, Fan, Haikuo*, Yong, Xiao*: Alternative splicing of flowering time gene FT is associated with halving of time to flowering in coconut.Scientific Reports2020, 10(1):11640.(*Corresponding author)

5. Luo, Tingting#,Xia, Wei#, Gong, Shufang#, Mason, Annaliese S, Li, Zbiying, Liu, Rui, Dou, Yajing, Tang, Wenqi, Fan, Haikuo*, Zhang, Chuyu, Xiao, Yong*: Identifying vitamin E biosynthesis genes inElaeis guineensisby genome-wide association study.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry2020, 68(2):678-685.(*Corresponding author)

6.Xia, Wei#, Dou, Yajing#, Liu, Rui, Gong, Shufang, Huang, Dongyi, Fan, Haikuo*, Xiao, Yong*. Genome-wide discovery and characterization of long noncoding RNAs in African oil palm (Elaeis guineensisJacq.).PeerJ2020, 8:e9585.(*Corresponding author)

7.Xia, Wei#; Luo, Tingting#; Dou, Yajing#; Zhang, Wei; Mason, Annaliese S.; Huang, Dongyi; Huang, Xiaolong; Tang, Wenqi; Wang, Jihua*; Zhang, Chunyu; Xiao, Yong*. Development of high-density SNP markers and their application in evaluating genetic diversity and population structure inElaeis guineensis.Frontiers in Plant Science2019, 10, 130.(*Corresponding author)

8.Xia, Wei#; Luo, Tingting#; Zhang, Wei; Mason, Annaliese S.; Huang, Dongyi; Huang, Xiaolong; Tang, Wenqi; Dou, Yajing; Zhang, Chunyu; Xiao, Yong*. Identification and validation of candidate genes involved in fatty acid content in oil palm by genome-wide association analysis.Frontier in Plant Sciences2019, 10, 1263.(*Corresponding author)

9.Xia, Wei#*; Zhang, Bo#; Xing, Dan; Li, Ying; Wu, Wenqiang; Xiao, Yong; Sun, Jinhua; Dou, Yajing; Tang, Wenqi; Zhang, Jinlan; Huang, Xiaolong; Xu, Yun; Xie, Jun; Wang, Jihua; Huang, Dongyi*. Development of high-resolution DNA barcodes forDioscoreaspecies discrimination and phylogenetic analysis.Ecology and Evolution2019, 9(18), 10843-10853.(*Corresponding author)

10. Xiao, Yong#;Xia, Wei*; Mason, Annaliese S.; Cao, Zengying; Fan, Haikuo; Zhang, Bo; Zhang, Jinlan; Ma, Zilong; Peng, Ming; Huang, Dongyi. Genetic control of fatty acid composition in coconut (Cocos nucifera), African oil palm (Elaeis guineensis), and date palm (Phoenix dactylifera).Planta2019, 249(2), 333-350.(*Corresponding author)

11. Xiao, Yong#*; Zhou Lixia#, Lei Xintao, Cao Hongxin, Wang Yong, Dou Yajing, Tang Wenqi,Xia, Wei*. Genome-wide identification of WRKY genes and their expression profiles under different abiotic stresses inElaeis guineensis.PLoS One2017, 12(12):e0189224.(*Corresponding author)

12. Xiao, Yong#*;Xia, Wei#; Ma, Jianwei; Mason, Annaliese S.; Fan, Haikuo; Shi, Peng; Lei, Xintao; Mao, Zilong; Peng, Ming. Genome-wide identification and transferability of microsatellite markers between palmae species.Frontier in Plant Sciences2016, 7, 157.(*Corresponding author)

13. Xiao, Xiaorong#; Hong, Yuhui#;Xia, Wei#; Feng, Shipeng; Zhou, Xi; Fu, Xiumei; Zang, Jian; Xiao, Yong; Niu, Xiaolei; Li, Chunxia*; Chen, Yinhua*. Transcriptome Analysis ofCeriops tagalin Saline Environments Using RNA-Sequencing.PLoS One2016, 11(12):e0167551.(*Corresponding author)

14. Wu W, Chen C, Zhang Q, Ahmed JZ, Xu Y, Huang X, Xie J,Xia W, Huang D: A comparative assessment of diversity of greater yam (Dioscorea alata) in China.Scientia Horticulturae2019, 243:116-124. (*Corresponding author)

15.Xiao Y, Zhou L, Lei X, Cao H, Wang Y, Dou Y, Tang W, Xia W*: Genome-wide identification of WRKY genes and their expression profiles under different abiotic stresses inElaeis guineensis.PLoS ONE2017, 12(12):e0189224. (*Corresponding author)

16.Xiao Y, Xu P, Fan H, Baudouin L,Xia W, Bocs S, Xu J, Li Q, Guo A, Zhou L et al: The genome draft of coconut (Cocos nucifera).Gigascience2017, 6(11):1-11.

17.Liu L, Huang Y, Huang X, Yang J, Wu W, Xu Y, Cong Z, Xie J,Xia W, Huang D: Characterization of the dioscorin gene family inDioscorea alatareveals a role in tuber development and environmental response.International Journal of Molecular Sciences2017, 18(7):1579.

18.Xiao Y#,Xia W#(Co-first author), Ma J, Mason AS, Fan H, Shi P, Lei X, Ma Z, Peng M: Genome-wide Identification and transferability of microsatellite markers between palmae species. Frontiers in Plant Science 2016, 7.

19.Xiao X#, Hong Y#,Xia W#(Co-first author), Feng S, Zhou X, Fu X, Zang J, Xiao Y, Niu X, Li C et al: Transcriptome analysis ofCeriops tagalin saline environments using RNA-sequencing. PLoS ONE 2016, 11(12):e0167551.

20. Xiao Y, Zhou L,Xia W, Mason AS, Yang Y, Ma Z, Peng M: Exploiting transcriptome data for the development and characterization of gene-based SSR markers related to cold tolerance in oil palm (Elaeis guineensis). BMC Plant Biology 2014, 14(1):384-384.

21.Xia W, Xiao Y, Liu Z, Luo Y, Mason A, Fan H, Yang Y, Zhao S, Peng M: Development of gene-based simple sequence repeat markers for association analysis inCocos nucifera. Mol Breeding 2014, 34(2):525-535.

22.Xia W, Mason AS, Xiao Y, Liu Z, Yang Y, Lei X, Wu X, Ma Z, Peng M: Analysis of multiple transcriptomes of the African oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) to identify reference genes for RT-qPCR.J Biotechnol2014, 184:63-73.

23. Lei X#, Xiao Y#,Xia W, Mason AS, Yang Y, Ma Z, Peng M: RNA-Seq analysis of oil palm under cold stress reveals a different c-repeat binding factor (CBF) mediated gene expression pattern inElaeis guineensiscompared to other species. PLoS ONE 2014, 9(12):e114482.





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