
性别: 男
民族: 汉
学位: 博士研究生
职称: 副研究员
二、 联系方式:
1. 200609~201006:海南大学,农学院,生物技术,理学学士学位
2. 201009~201306:海南大学,农学院,生物化学与分子生物学,理学硕士学位
3. 201409~202112:华中农业大学,植物科学技术学院,作物遗传育种,农学博士学位
1. 2022.09~2023.07,中国热带农业科学院,热带生物技术研究所
2. 202307~今,海南大学,热带作物学院(热带农林学院)
1.国家自然科学基金委员会,地区科学基金项目,32360458,木薯CC类谷氧还蛋白MeGRXC3修饰Catalase1蛋白调控过氧化氢酶活性的分子机制,2024-01-01 至 2027-12-31,在研,主持
2.国家自然科学基金委员会,地区科学基金项目,31960526,番茄茉莉酸信号途径抑制子基因SlJAZ2/9/10/11在病原菌防御中的功能及调控机理研究,2020-01-01 至 2023-12-31,2022-01-01至2023-12-31,参与
1.Guo, X.#, Yu, X.#, Xu, Z., Zhao, P., Zou, L., Li, W., Geng, M., Zhang, P., Peng, M., and Ruan, M. (2022). CC-type glutaredoxin,MeGRXC3, associates with catalases and negatively regulates drought tolerance in cassava (Manihot esculentaCrantz).Plant Biotechnol J.(SCI, IF=13.26, 中科院一区top)
2.Guo, X., Yu, X., Lin, C., Zhao, P., Wang, B., Zou, L., Li, S., Yu, X., Chen, Y., Zhang, P., et al. (2023). Down-regulation ofMeMYB2leads to anthocyanin accumulation and increases chilling tolerance in cassava (Manihot esculentaCrantz).Crop J.(SCI, IF=4.64, 中科院一区top)
3. Yu, X.,Guo, X.#, Zhao, P., Li, S., Zou, L., Li, W., Xu, Z., Peng, M., and Ruan, M. (2023). A homeodomain-leucine zipper I transcription factor,MeHDZ14, regulates internode elongation and leaf rolling in cassava (Manihot esculentaCrantz).Crop J.(SCI, IF=4.64, 中科院一区top)
4. Lin, C.#;Guo, X#.; Yu, X.; Li, S.; Li, W.; Yu, X.; An, F.; Zhao, P. and Ruan M. (2023). Genome-Wide Survey of the RWP-RK Gene Family in Cassava (Manihot esculentaCrantz) and Functional Analysis.Int. J. Mol. Sci.(SCI, IF=6.20, 中科院二区top)
5. Ruan, M.B.,Guo, X., Wang, B., Yang, Y.L., Li, W.Q., Yu, X.L., Zhang, P., and Peng, M. (2017). Genome-wide characterization and expression analysis enables identification of abiotic stress-responsive MYB transcription factors in cassava (Manihot esculenta).J Exp Bot.(SCI, If=6.992, 中科院一区top)
6. Wang, B.,Guo, X., Zhao, P., Liao, W., Zeng, C., Li, K., Zhou, Y., Xiao, J., Ruan, M., Peng, M., et al. (2021).MeMYB26, a drought-responsive transcription factor in cassava (Manihot esculentaCrantz).Crop Breed. Appl. Biotechnol..(SCI, IF=1.5, 中科院四区)
7. Wang, B.,Guo, X., Zhao, P., Ruan, M., Yu, X., Zou, L., Yang, Y., Li, X., Deng, D., Xiao, J., et al. (2017). Molecular diversity analysis, drought related marker-traits association mapping and discovery of excellent alleles for 100-day old plants by EST-SSRs in cassava germplasms (Manihot esculentaCranz).PLoS One.(SCI, IF=3.75, 中科院三区)
8. Zhao, P.,Guo, X., Wang, B., Zhang, X., Sun, J., Ruan, M., and Peng, M. (2021). Overexpression of MeH1.2 gene inhibited plant growth and increased branch root differentiation in transgenic cassava.Crop Sci..(SCI, IF=2.3, 中科院三区)
9. Ruan, M.B., Yang, Y.L., Li, K.M.,Guo, X., Wang, B., Yu, X.L., and Peng, M. (2018). Identification and characterization of drought-responsive CC-type glutaredoxins from cassava cultivars reveals their involvement in ABA signaling.BMC Plant Biol..(SCI, IF=5.26, 中科院二区top)
10. Ruan, M.B., Yu, X.L.,Guo, X., Zhao, P.J., and Peng, M. (2022). Role of cassava CC-type glutaredoxinMeGRXC3in regulating sensitivity to mannitol-induced osmotic stress dependent on its nuclear activity.BMC Plant Biol..(SCI, IF=5.26, 中科院二区top)
11. Zhao, P., Liu, P., Shao, J., Li, C., Wang, B.,Guo, X., Yan, B., Xia, Y., and Peng, M. (2015). Analysis of different strategies adapted by two cassava cultivars in response to drought stress: ensuring survival or continuing growth.J. Exp. Bot.(SCI, If=6.992, 中科院一区top).