2013-2020 中国农业大学,蔬菜学,博士
2009-2013 华南农业大学,园艺学院,学士
2023-至今 海南大学,热带作物学院,高聘副研究员
2020-2023 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Institute for Genomic Biology,博士后
2018-2020 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Plant Biology,访问学者
1.Li, Y.#, Liu, H.#, Yao, X.#, Sun, L. and Sui, X. (2022) The role of sugar transporter CsSWEET7a in apoplasmic phloem unloading in receptacle and nectary during cucumber anthesis.Frontiers in plant science.(doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.758526). (IF 7.255)
2.Li, Y.#, Liu, H.#, Yao, X., Wang, J., Feng, S., Sun, L., Ma, S., Xu, K., Chen, L.Q. and Sui, X. (2021) CsSWEET7a in Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) mediates phloem unloading in companion cells for fruit development.Plant physiology, 186, 640-654. (IF 9.115)
3.Li, Y.#, Li, Q.#, Beuchat, G., Zeng, H., Zhang, C., and Chen, L. Q. (2021) Combined analyses of translatome and transcriptome in Arabidopsis reveal new players responding to magnesium deficiency.Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 63, 2075-2092 (IF 8.241)
4. Wang, J.,Li, Y.,Ching, M. W., Beuchat, G., and Chen, L. Q. (2021) Identification and analysis of stem-specific promoters from sugarcane and energy cane for oil accumulation in their stems.Global Change Biology.Bioenergy, 13, 1515-1527. (IF 6.293)
5. Ma, S.#,Li, Y.#, Li, X., Sui, X.*and Zhang, Z.*(2019) Phloem unloading strategies and mechanisms in crop fruits.Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 38, 494-500. (并列一作, IF 4.469)
6.Wang, J.,Li, Y., Zhu, F., Ming, R. and Chen, L.Q. (2019) Genome-Wide Analysis of Nitrate Transporter (NRT/NPF) Family in SugarcaneSaccharum spontaneumL.Tropical Plant Biology, 12, 133-149. (IF 1.61)
7.Sun, L., Sui, X., Lucas, W.J.,Li, Y., Feng, S., Ma, S., Fan, J., Gao, L. and Zhang, Z. (2019) Down-regulation of the sucrose transporter CsSUT1 causes male sterility by altering carbohydrate supply.Plant physiology,180, 986-997. (IF 9.115)
8.Ma, S., Sun, L., Sui, X.,Li, Y., Chang, Y., Fan, J. and Zhang, Z. (2019) Phloem loading in cucumber: combined symplastic and apoplastic strategies.The Plant Journal, 98, 391-404. (IF 8.028)
9.Li, Y.#, Feng, S.#, Ma, S., Sui, X.*and Zhang, Z.*(2017) Spatiotemporal expression and substrate specificity analysis of the cucumber SWEET gene family.Frontiers in plant science, 8, 1855. (IF 7.225)
10.Y. X. Li, W. X. Chen, A. Y. Liu, Q. L. Chen, S. J. Feng. (2014) First Report of Gliocephalotrichum bulbilium Causing Fruit Rot of Posthavest Mangosteen in China.Plant Disease, 98, 994. (IF 5.33)