王守创,男,博士,教授,博士生导师,海南大学C1类 高层次人才。海南省领军人才(C类人才),入选中国科协青年人才托举工程第五届项目,海南省“515人才工程”。热带生物学报和Frontiers in Plant Science编委。中国农业大学农学院兼职博士生导师,中国热带农业科学院特聘研究员。主要从事植物代谢组学技术开发与创新应用研究,以水稻、番茄和药用植物为研究对象,以代谢组学为切入点,综合运用生物信息学、基因组学、生物化学、分子生物学、细胞生物学等多种手段,致力于代谢组学检测新技术与代谢数据人工智能分析方法的开发,以及植物重要天然产物生物功能的解析。部分研究成果入选 “十三五”期间农业科技标志性成果和“2019中国农业科学重大进展”。
作物遗传育种作物生物技术 农艺与种业 资源利用与植物保护
E-mail: shouchuang.wang@hainanu.edu.cn
2008/09-2012/06 青岛农业大学,生命科学学院,学士
2012/09-2018/06 华中农业大学,生命科学技术学院,博士
2019/01-至今, 海南大学,热带作物学院,教授
1.Wang, S,Xiao, Y, Zhou, Z, Yuan, J, Guo, H, Yang, Z, Yang, J, Sun, P, Sun, L, Deng, Y, Xie, W, Song, J, Qamar, M, Xia, W, Liu, R, Gong, S, Wang, Y, Wang, F, Liu, X, Fernie, A, Wang, X, Fan, H, Chen, L and Luo, J.High-quality reference genome sequences of two coconut cultivars provide insights into evolution of monocot chromosomes and differentiation of fiber content and plant height.Genome Biol,2021, 22, 304.
2.Wang S, Alseekh S, Fernie A. R*, Luo J*. The structure and function of major plant metabolite modifications.Mol Plant,2019, 12:899-919.
3.Ying S#, Su M#, Fu R, Li Y, Guo H, Luo J,Wang S*, Zhang Y*. Trichome regulator SlMX1 directly manipulates primary metabolism in tomato fruit.Plant Biotechnol J,2019, 18, 354-363.
4.Zhu G#,Wang S#, Huang Z, Zhang S, Liao Q, Zhang C, Lin T, Qin M, Peng M, Yang C, Cao X, Han X, Wang X, Knaap E, Zhang Z, Cui X, Klee K, Fernie AR, Luo J*, Huang S*. Rewiring of the fruit metabolome in tomato breeding.Cell, 172, 249-261.
5.Wang S, Yang C, Tu H, Zhou J, Liu X, Cheng Y, Luo J, Deng X, Zhang H*, & Xu J*. Characterization and metabolic diversity of flavonoids in citrus species.Sci Rep-UK, 2017, 7(1), 10549.
6.Wang S, Tu H, Wan J, Chen W, Liu X, Luo J, Xu J*, Zhang H*. Spatio-temporal distribution and natural variation of metabolites in citrus fruits.Food Chem, 2016, 199, 8-17.
7.Fang C, Luo J,Wang S*. The diversity of nutritional metabolites: origin, dissection, and application in crop breeding.Front Plant Sci, 2019, 10, 1028.
8.Chen W#, Wang W#, Peng M#, Gong L, Gao Y, Wan J,Wang S, Shi L, Zhou B, Li Z, Peng X, Yang C, Qu L, Liu X, Luo J*. Comparative and parallel genome-wide association studies for metabolic and agronomic traits in cereals.Nat Commun, 2016, 7:12767 doi: 10.1038/ncomms12767.
9.Ewas M, Gao Y,Wang S, Liu X, Zhang H, Nishawy E, Ali F, Shahzad R, Ziaf K, Subthain H, Martin C, Luo J*. Manipulation of SlMXl for enhanced carotenoids accumulation and drought resistance in tomato.Sci Bull, 2016, 61(18): 1413-1418.
10.Fang C, Zhang H, Wan J, Wu Y, Li K, Jin C, Chen W,Wang S, Wang W, Zhang H, Zhang P, Zhang F, Qu L, Liu X, Zhou D, Luo J*. Control of leaf senescence by a MeOH-jasmonates cascade that is epigenetically regulated byOsSRT1in rice.Mol Plant,2016, doi: 10.1016/j.molp.2016.07.007.
11.Jin C, Fang C, Yuan H,Wang S, Wu Y, Liu X, Zhang Y, Luo J*. Interaction between carbon metabolism and phosphate accumulation is revealed by a mutation of a cellulose synthase-like protein, CSLF6.J Exp Bot, 2015, 66 (9): 2557-2567.
12.Jin M#, Zhang X#, Zhao M, Deng M, Du Y, Zhou Y,Wang S, Tohge T, Fernie A. R, Willmitzer L, Brotman Y, Yan J, & Wen W*. Integrated genomics-based mapping reveals the genetics underlying maize flavonoid biosynthesis.BMC Plant Biol, 2017, 17(1), 17.
13.Peng M#, Gao Y#, Chen W#,Wang W, Shen S, Shi J, Wang C, Zhang Y, Zou L,Wang S, Wan J, Liu X, Gong L, Luo J*. Evolutionarily distinct BAHDN-acyltransferases are responsible for natural variation of aromatic amine conjugates in rice.Plant Cell, 2016, 28:1533 - 1550.
14.Peng M#, Shahzad R#, Gul A#, Subthain H#, Shen S, Lei L, Zheng Z, Zhou J, Lu D,Wang S, Nishawy E, Liu X, Tohge T, Fernie AR, Luo J*. Differentially evolved glucosyltransferases determine natural variation of rice flavone accumulation and UV-tolerance.Nat Commun,2017, 8(1), 1975.
15.Zhou Y, Tang Q, Wu M, Mou D, Liu H,Wang S, Zhang C, Ding L, Luo J*.Comparative transcriptomics provides novel insights into the mechanisms of selenium tolerance in the hyperaccumulator plantCardamine hupingshanensis.Sci Rep-UK, 2018, 8, 2789.
16.Zhang X#, Ding X#, Ji Y,Wang S, Chen Y, Luo J, Shen Y*, Peng L*. Measurement of metabolite variations and analysis of related gene expression in Chinese liquorice (Glycyrrhiza uralensis) plants under UV-B irradiation.Sci Rep-UK, 2018, 8, 6144.
17.Zhang F#, Zhang P#, Zhang Y,Wang S, Qu L, Liu X, Luo J*. Identification of a peroxisomal-targeted aldolase involved in chlorophyll biosynthesis and sugar metabolism in rice.Plant Sci, 2016, 250: 205-215.
(#Co-first authors, *Corresponding author)