姓名: 李海燕
性别: 女
民族: 汉族
主要研究方向:1. 热带大豆/毛豆种质资源表型与基因型精准鉴定;
2. 热带大豆/毛豆优异基因挖掘与分子育种。
E-mail: hyli@hainanu.edu.cn
3 海南省崖州湾种子实验室揭榜挂帅项目,热带大豆环境适应性及高产优异种质资源精准鉴定与新基因挖掘,2021年12月至 2024年12月,480万,主持,在研;
1. Chen K, Su C, Tang WS, Zhou YB, Xu ZS, Chen J,Li HY*, Chen M*, Ma YZ*.Nuclear transport factor GmNTF2B-1 enhances soybean drought tolerance by interacting with oxidoreductase GmOXR17 to reduce ROS content.The plant Journal, 2021,107(3): 740-759.(通讯作者)
2.Feng C, He C, Wang Y, Xu H, Xu K, Zhao Y, Yao B, Zhang Y, Zhao Y, Idrice Carther KF, Luo J, Sun D, Gao H, Wang F, Li X, Liu W, Dong Y, Wang N, Zhou Y,Li HY*. Genome-wide identification of soybean Shaker K+channel gene family and functional characterization of GmAKT1 in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana under salt and drought stress. Journal of Plant Physiol. 2021, 266:153529.(通讯作者)
3.Ketehouli T#, Zhou YG#, Dai SY, Kue Foka IC, Sun DQ, Li Y, Nguyen Q, Hu X, Wang FW, Liu WC, Li XW*, Li HY*. A soybean calcineurin B-like protein-interacting protein kinase, GmPKS4, regulates plant responses to salt and alkali stresses.Journal of Plant Physiology,2021, 153331.(通讯作者)
4. Muhammad N, Jameel A, Toi K, Yang J, Du LN, Wang FW, Li HY*. Calmodulin binding transcription activators: An interplay between calcium signaling and plant stress tolerance.Journal of Plant Physiology,2021,153327.(通讯作者)
5. Gao HT#, Wang FW#, Hu XL, Li YL, Zhang Y, Kue Foka IC, Wang B, MinF, Wang X, Wu H, Xu KH, Zhou YG, Liu X*, Li XK*, Li HY*.Camelina lipid droplets as skin delivery system promotes wound repair by enhancing the absorption of hFGF2. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2021, 598(3):120327.(通讯作者)
6.Chen K, Liu WC, Li XW, Li HY*. Overexpression ofGmGASA32promoted soybean height by interacting with GmCDC25. Plant Signaling and Behavior, 2021, 16(2): 1855017.(通讯作者)
7. Xu KH, Wu N, Yao WB, Li XW, Zhou YG, Li HY*. The Biological Function and Roles in Phytohormone Signaling of the F-Box Protein in Plants. Agronomy. 2021, 11: 2360.(通讯作者)
8. Chen K, Tang WS, Zhou YB, Xu ZS, Chen J, Ma YZ, Chen M* and Li HY*. Overexpression ofGmUBC9gene enhances plant drought resistance and affects flowering time via histone H2B monoubiquitination. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2020, 11:555794.(通讯作者)
9. Naveed A, Li T, Liu Y, Nguyen QVH, Ma X, Zhang X, Liu JY, Yao N, Liu XM*, Li HY*. Molecular and biochemical rhythms in dihydroflavonol 4-reductase -mediated regulation of leucoanthocyanidin biosynthesis inCarthamus tinctoriusL. Industrial Crops & Products, 2020, 156:112838.(通讯作者)
10. Zhou YG, Liu WC, Li XW, Sun DQ, Xu KH, Feng C, Kue Foka IC, Ketehouli T, Gao HT, Wang N, Dong YY, Wang FW*, Li HY*.Integration of sRNA, degradome, transcriptome analysis and functional investigation reveals gma-miR398c negatively regulates drought tolerance viaGmCSDsandGmCCSin transgenic Arabidopsis and soybean. BMC Plant Biology, 2020, 20: 190.(通讯作者)
11.Jameel A, Noman M, Liu WC, Ahmad N, Wang FW, Li XW*, Li HY*. Tinkering cis motifs jigsaw puzzle led to root-specific drought-inducible novel synthetic promoters. International Journal of molecular science, 2020, 21(4):1357.(通讯作者)
12. Kue Foka IC, Ketehouli T, Ye N, Yang YH, Wang N, Dong YY, Yao N, Liu XM, Liu WC, Li XW, Wang FW*, Li HY*. Comprehensive genomic analysis and expression profiling of Diacylglycerol Kinase (DGK) gene family in Soybean (Glycine max) under Abiotic Stresses. International Journal of molecular science, 2019, 20:1361.(通讯作者)
13. Noman M, Jameel A, Qiang WD, Ahmad N, Liu WC, Wang FW*, Li HY*. Overexpression ofGmCAMTA12enhanced drought tolerance in Arabidopsis and Soybean. International Journalof molecular science, 2019, 20, 1361.(通讯作者)
14.Ketehouli T,Kue Foka IC,NomanM,WangFW*,LiHY*.Adaptation of plants to salt stress: characterization of Na+and K+transporters and role of CBL gene family in regulating salt stress response. Agronomy Basel, 2019, 9, 687.(通讯作者)
15. Qiang WD, Zhou TT, Lan XX, Zhang XM, Guo YX, Muhammad N, Du LN, ZhengJ, Li WQ, Li HY, Lu YB, Wang HR, Guan LL, Zhang LB, Li XK*, Yang J*, Li HY*. A new nanoscale transdermal drug delivery system: oil body linked oleosin hEGF improves skin regeneration to accelerate wound healing, Journal of nanobiotechnology, 2018,16: 62.(通讯作者)
16. Jameel A, Noman M, Wang FW, Liu WC, Zhou YG, Li HY*, Li XW*.Synthetic promoters: designing the cis regulatory modules for controlled gene expression. Molecular biotechnology, 2018, 60(8):608-620.(通讯作者)
17. Li XW, WangFW, Sun DQ, Dong YY, Li HY*.Cloning and characterization of SucNHX1, a novel vacuolar Na+/H+antiporter from the halophyte S. corniculata that enhances the saline-alkali tolerance in Arabidopsis by its overexpression. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 2018.(通讯作者)
18. Liu WC, Zhou YG, Li XW, Wang XC, Dong YY, Wang N, Liu XM, Chen H, Yao N, Cui XY, Jameel A, Wang FW*, Li HY*. Tissue-specific regulation of Gma-miR396 family on coordinating development and low water availability responses. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8: 1112.(通讯作者)
19. Zong JM, Li XW, Zhou YH, Wang FW, Wang N, Dong YY, Yuan YX, Chen H, Liu XM, Yao N, Li HY*. The AaDREB1 transcription factor from the cold-tolerant plant Adonis amurensis enhances Abiotic stress tolerance in Transgenic Plant. International Journal of molecular science, 2016, 17(4):611.(通讯作者)
20. Liu WC, Deng Y, Zhou YG, Chen H, Dong YY, Wang N, Li XW, Jameel A, Yang H, Zhang M, Chen K, Wang FW*, Li HY*. Normalization for relative quantification of mRNA and microRNA in soybean exposed to various abiotic stresses. PLoS One, 2016, 11(5): e0155606.(通讯作者)
21.Wang FW, Chen H, Li XW, Wang N, Wang TY, Yang J, Guan LL, Yao N, Du LN, Wang YF, Liu XM, Chen X, Wang ZM, Dong YY*, Li HY*. Mining and identification of polyunsaturated fatty acid synthesis genes active during camelina seed development using 454 pyrosequencing. BMC Plant Biology, 2015, 15: 147.(通讯作者)
22. Wang FW, Deng Y, Zhou YG, Dong JY, Chen H, Dong YY, Wang N, Li XW, Li HY*. Genome-Wide analysis and expression profiling of the phospholipase C gene gamily in Soybean (Glycine max). PLoS One, 2015, 10(9): e0138467.(通讯作者)
23.Chen H, Wang FW, Dong YY, Wang N, Sun YP, Li XY, Liu L, Fan XD, Yin HL, Jing YY, Zhang XY, Li YL, Chen G, Li HY*. Sequence mining and transcript profiling to explore differentially expressed genes associated with lipid biosynthesis during soybean seed development. BMC Plant Biology, 2012, 31(12):122.(通讯作者)
24. Liu L, Wang Y, Wang N, Dong YY, Fan XD, Liu XM, Yang J, Li HY*. Cloning of a vacuolar H+-pyrophosphatase gene from the halophyte Suaeda corniculata whose heterologous overexpression improves salt, saline-alkali and drought tolerance in Arabidopsis. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2011, 53(9):731-742. (通讯作者)
1.李海燕,李晓薇,王法微,刘伟灿,王南,董园园,刘秀明,姚娜,刘欣,肖洪庆,侯心悦. 大豆低温诱导人工合成启动子SP5及其应用,中国,ZL201710312593.9,2020.07.24.
2.李海燕,李晓薇,王法微,刘伟灿,王南,董园园,刘秀明,姚娜,刘欣,肖洪庆,戢舒涵. 一种植物干旱诱导型人工合成启动子SP2及应用,中国,ZL201710312594.3,2020.07.24.
3.李海燕,王法微,张 洁,王南,李琼琼,董圆圆,陈欢. 大豆逆境诱导基因启动子及其应用,ZL201410045503.0,2015.09.30.
4.李海燕,王佳琦,张晓美,王南,陈欢. 一种高频诱导大豆丛生芽的高效转基因方法,中国,ZL201010584615.5,2012.10.31.
5.李海燕,崔喜艳,刘晓庆,张林波,陈展宇,宋慧. 一种大豆叶片特异性启动子SRS4及其应用,中国,ZL201010526255.3,2012.01.11.
6.李海燕,刘 亮,王 南,王莹. 一种植物耐高pH盐碱基因SucHP及应用,中国,ZL200810050629.1,2012.10.31.