2011.7-9:美国佐治亚大学遗传学系Visiting Faculty,合作教授为Jeffrey Lynn Bennetzen院士
2006.05至2007.05:在美国德克萨斯大学奥斯丁分校分子细胞与发育生物学系任Research Assistant Professor,致力于植物异源多倍体形成后基因表达模式与进化机制的比较功能基因组学研究。
2005.01至2006.04:在美国休斯顿大学生物与生物化学系任Research Assistant Professor,与国际著名的分子进化生物学家Dan Graur教授在分子进化和生物信息学等领域开展合作,致力于LTR-反转座子对植物基因组大小进化和基因表达与分化的影响研究。
2003.07至2004.12:在美国德克萨斯大学休斯顿分校的人类遗传学中心任Research Fellow,合作导师为Hideki Innan教授。在群体基因组学和比较基因组学等国际前沿学科在理论上得到了系统的学习和训练,致力于基因重复的分子进化以及水稻的驯化与人工选择的理论群体遗传学研究。
2002.07至2003.06:在美国密西根大学(Ann Arbor)生态与进化生物学系任Research Fellow,合作导师为张建之教授,在分子进化、生物信息学和进化基因组学等国际前沿学科理论上得到了系统的学习和训练,致力于年轻重复基因的分子进化、群体遗传学和比较基因组学研究。
2000.11至2002.06:在美国佐治亚大学遗传学系Susan Wessler院士和John F. McDonald教授指导下作博士后研究,在分子进化、生物信息学和基因组学等前沿学科领域上接受了系统的学习和训练,致力于水稻基因组LTR-反转座子的进化研究。
1999.11至2000.11:被遴选为联合国粮农组织下属的国际植物遗传资源研究所的Vavilov-Frankel Fellow,赴美国华盛顿大学(圣路易斯)生物学系在Barbara A. Schaal院士指导下作博士后研究。在此期间系统地学习和加强了群体遗传学、谱系地理学、分子系统学和保护遗传学的基础理论,致力于普通野生稻的群体遗传结构与原生境保护研究。
1999年获得联合国粮农组织下属的国际植物遗传资源研究所(BiodiversityInternational)(原名为IPGRI)授予的Vavilov-Frankel Fellow。该奖项从全世界约1000余名申请人中,每年仅授予两名年轻优秀的科学家
(7)科技部“973 ”项目(2007CB815701):重要栽培植物的人工选择与基因组进化(2007.1-2012.12),60万,子专题负责人,已顺利结题。
(4)农业农村部“95”科技攻关项目:野生稻(Oryza longistaminataandO. rufipogon)中抗稻瘟病和白叶枯病优异基因的导入与水稻的分子标记育种(1997-2000),60万,主持人为刘旭和庞汉华,已顺利结题。
(5)美国国家自然科学基金植物基因组项目:植物转座子和水稻基因组进化(2000-2005),120万美元,主持人为Susan Wessler,已顺利结题。
(6)美国国立卫生研究所项目:年轻重复基因的功能分化进化机制的研究(2002-2007),100万美元,主持人为Jian-zhi Zhang,已顺利结题。
(7)美国德克萨斯大学休斯敦分校启动基金:利用人和啤酒酵母及其近缘物种基因组数据进行群体遗传学研究(2003-2006),30万美元,主持人为Hideki Innan,已顺利结题。
(8)美国休斯敦大学特聘教授启动基金:利用模式生物基因组信息进行分子进化和生物信息学研究(2004-2007),40万美元,主持人为Dan Graur,已顺利结题。
(9)美国国家自然科学基金植物基因组项目:植物多倍化的比较功能基因组学基础(2005-2010),300万美元,主持人为Jeff Chen,参加人之一,已顺利结题。
在Nature(1),Science(2),PNAS(2),Molecular Plant(5),Trends in Genetics,Genome Biology,Plant Physiology,PLoS Genetics,Genetics,Molecular Ecology(2),Theoretical and Applied Genetics(2)等刊物上发表论文121篇,迄今引用4,000多次。
123Dai S-f, Zhu X-g, Hutang G-r, Li J-y, Tian J-q, Jiang X-h, Zhang D,Li-zhi Gao*.2022. Genome Size Variation and Evolution Driven by Transposable Elements in the GenusOryza.Front. Plant Sci.13:921937. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.921937
122Jing Zhang, Yan Wang, Tao Chen, Qing Chen, Lei Wang, Zhen-shan Liu, Hao Wang, Rui Xie, Wen He, Ming Li, Cong-li Liu, Shao-feng Yang,Meng-yao Li, Yuan-xiu Lin, Yun-ting Zhang, Yong Zhang, Ya Luo, Hao-ru Tang,Li-zhi Gao*,Xiao-rong Wang*. 2021. Evolution of Rosaceae Plastomes Highlights Unique Cerasus Diversification and Independent Origins of Fruiting Cherry.Frontiers in Plant Science.DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2021.736053
121Xin Peng, Win Tun, Shuang-feng Dai, Jia-yue Li, Qun-jie Zhang, Guo-ying Yin,Jinmi Yoon, Lae-hyeon Cho, Gynheung An,Li-zhi Gao*.2021. Genome-Wide Analysis of CCT Transcript Factors to Identify Genes Contributing to Photoperiodic Flowering inOryza rufipogon.Frontiers in Plant ScienceDOI: 10.3389/fpls.2021.736419
120Li-Ying Feng,Li-Zhi Gao*.2021. Characterization of chloroplast genome ofEleusine coracana, a highly adaptable cereal crop with high nutritional reputation.Mitochondrial DNA Part B6(10):2816-2818
119Li-Ying Feng,Chao Shi,Li-Zhi Gao*.2021. The complete chloroplast genome sequence ofBromus catharticusVahl. (Poaceae).Mitochondrial DNA Part B6(10):2825-2827
118Li-Ying Feng,Chao Shi,Li-Zhi Gao*.2021. The complete chloroplast genome sequence ofArundo formosanaHack. (Poaceae).Mitochondrial DNA Part B6(10):2819-2821
117Li-Ying Feng,Li-zhi Gao*. 2021. Characterization of the chloroplast genome sequence ofBonia amplexicaulis(L.C.Chia, H.L.Fung & Y.L.Yang) N.H.Xia (Poaceae).Mitochondrial DNA Part B6 (10):2822-2824.
116Kui Li, Wenkai Jiang, Yuanyuan Hui, Mengjuan Kong,Li-zhi Gao*,Pengfu Li,*, Shan Lu*. 2021. Gapless indica rice genome reveals synergistic effects of active transposable elements and segmental duplications that promote rice genome evolution.Molecular Plant14 (10): 1745-1756 DOI: 10.1101/2020.12.24.424264
115Hong Nan, Yanglei Lin, Xinghua Wang,Li-zhi Gao*.2021. Comprehensive Genomic Analysis and Expression Profiling of Cysteine-Rich Polycomb-Like Transcription Factor Gene Family in Tea Tree.Horticultural Plant Journal7 (Suppl 13) DOI: 10.1016/j.hpj.2021.03.001
114Wei Li, Cong Shi, Kui Li, Qunjie Zhang, Yan Tong, Yun Zhang, Jun Wang, Lynn Clark,Li-zhi Gao*. 2021. Draft genome of the herbaceous bambooRaddia distichophylla.G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics11(2) DOI: 10.1093/g3journal/jkaa049
113Wei Li,Xun-Ge Zhu,Qun-Jie Zhang,Kui Li,Dan Zhang,Cong Shi,Li-Zhi Gao*. 2020.SMRT sequencing generates the chromosome-scale reference genome of tropical fruit mango,Mangifera indica.bioRxivdoi:https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.02.22.960880
112Nan, H., Lin, YL., Liu, J., Huang H.,Li-zhi Gao*. 2020. Genome-wide analysis of the WRKY transcription factor gene family and their response to salt stress in rubber tree.Tropical Plant Biol.https://doi.org/10.1007/s12042-020-09268-x
111Zhang D, Li W, Chen ZJ, Wei FG, Liu YL,Li-zhi Gao*. 2020. SMRT- and Illumina-based RNA-seq analyses unveil the ginsinoside biosynthesis and transcriptomic complexity inPanax notoginseng.Sci Rep.2020 Sep 17;10(1):15310. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-72291-1
110Wei Li, Fen Zhang,Li-zhi Gao*. 2020.SMRT-based mitochondrial genome of the edible mushroomMorchella conica.Mitochondrial DNA Part B5(3):3219-3220
109Li-Ying Feng, Jin Liu, Cheng-Wen Gao, Hai-Bo Wu, Guo-Hua Li andLi-Zhi Gao.2020. Higher genomic variation in wild than cultivated rubber trees,Hevea brasiliensis, revealed by comparative analyses of chloroplast genomes.Front. Ecol. Evol.|https://doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2020.00237
108Wei Li, Qun-jie Zhang, Ting Zhu, Yan Tong, Kui Li, Cong Shi, Yun Zhang, Yun-long Liu, Jian-jun Jiang, Yuan Liu, En-hua Xia, Hui Huang, Li-ping Zhang, Dan Zhang, Chao Shi, Wen-kai Jiang, You-jie Zhao, Shu-yan Mao, Jun-ying Jiao, Ping-zhen Xu, Li-li Yang,Li-zhi Gao*.2020. Draft genomes of two outcrossing wild rice,Oryza rufipogonandO. longistaminata, reveal genomic features associated with mating-system evolution.Plant Direct.DOI: 10.1002/pld3.232
107Cong Shi, Wei Li, Qun-Jie Zhang, Yun Zhang, Yan Tong, Kui Li, Yun-Long Liu,Li-zhi Gao*. 2020. The draft genome sequence of an upland wild rice species,Oryza granulata.Scientific Data, 7:131
106Yan Tong,Li-zhi Gao*. 2020.Development and characterization of EST-SSR markers forCamellia reticulata:Camellia reticulatamicrosatellitesApplications in Plant Sciences8(4): e11348
105Wei Li, Kui Li, Ying Huang, Cong Shi, Wu-Shu Hu, Yun Zhang, Qun-Jie Zhang, En-Hua Xia, Ge-Ran Hutang, Xun-Ge Zhu, Yun-Long Liu, Yuan Liu, Yan Tong, Ting Zhu, Hui Huang, Dan Zhang, Yuan Zhao, Wen-Kai Jiang, Jie Yuan, Yong-Chao Niu, Cheng-Wen Gao,Li-zhi Gao*. 2020. SMRT sequencing of theOryza rufipogongenome reveals the genomic basis of rice adaptation.Communications Biology, 3:167
104Qun-Jie Zhang, Wei Li, Kui Li, Hong Nan, Cong Shi, Yun Zhang, Zhang-Yan Dai, Yang-Lei Lin, Xiao-Lan Yang, Yan Tong, Dan Zhang, Cui Lu, Li-Ying Feng, ChenFeng Wang, Xiao-Xin Liu, Jian-An Huang, Wen-Kai Jiang, Xing-Hua Wang, XingCai Zhang, Evan E. Eichler, Zhong-Hua Liu,Li-zhi Gao*. 2020. The Chromosome-Level Reference Genome of Tea Tree Unveils Recent Bursts of Non-autonomous LTR Retrotransposons to Drive Genome Size Evolution.Molecular Plant. DOI: 10.1016/j.molp.2020.04.009(首次发表的达到染色体水平的小叶茶茶树基因组,发表后被国内外几乎所有重要媒体报道)
103Hong Nan, Wei L, Yang-lei Lin,Li-zhi Gao*. 2020. Genome-Wide Analysis of WRKY Genes and Their Response to Salt Stress in the Wild Progenitor of Asian Cultivated Rice,Oryza rufipogon.Frontiers in Genetics, 11:359
102Jin Liu, Cong Shi, Cheng-Cheng Shi, Wei Li, Qun-Jie Zhang, Yun Zhang, Kui Li, Hui-Fang Lu, Chao Shi, Si-Tao Zhu, Zai-Yun Xiao, Hong Nan, Yao Yue, Xun-Ge Zhu, Yu Wu, Xiao-Ning Hong, Guang-Yi Fan, Yan Tong, Dan Zhang, Chang-Li Mao, Yun-Long Liu, Shi-Jie Hao, Wei-Qing Liu, Mei-Qi Lv, Hai-Bin Zhang, Yuan Liu, Ge-Ran Hu-tang, Jin-Peng Wang, Jia-Hao Wang, Ying-Huai Sun, Shu-Bang Ni, Wen-Bin Chen, Xing-Cai Zhang, Yuan-Nian Jiao, Evan E. Eichler, Guo-Hua Li, Xin Liu,Li-Zhi Gao*. 2020. The Chromosome-Based Rubber Tree Genome Provides New Insights into Spurge Genome Evolution and Rubber Biosynthesis.Molecular Plant, 13(2): 336-350(首次发表的达到染色体水平的橡胶树基因组,发表后被国内外几乎所有重要媒体报道)
101Wei Li, Kui Li, Qun-jie Zhang, Ting Zhu, Yun Zhang, Cong Shi, Yun-long Liu, En-hua Xia, Jian-jun Jiang, Chao Shi, Li-ping Zhang, Hui Huang, Yan Tong, Yuan Liu, Dan Zhang, Yuan Zhao, Wen-kai Jiang, You-jie Zhao, Shu-yan Mao, Jun-ying Jiao, Ping-zhen Xu, Li-li Yang, Guo-ying Yin,Li-zhi Gao. 2020. Improved hybriddenovogenome assembly and annotation of African wild rice,Oryza longistaminata, from Illumina and PacBio sequencing reads.ThePlant Genome, e20001
100Fen Zhang, Wei Li, Cheng-wen Gao, Dan Zhang,Li-zhi Gao*. 2019.. Deciphering tea tree chloroplast and mitochondrial genomes ofCamellia sinensisvar.assamica.Scientific Data, 6:209
99 Li-Zhi Gao*, Yun-Long Liu, Dan Zhang, Wei Li, Ju Gao, Yuan Liu, Kui Li, Chao Shi, Yuan Zhao, You-Jie Zhao, Jun-Ying Jiao, Shu-Yan Mao, Cheng-Wen Gao, Evan E. Eichler. 2019. Evolution ofOryzachloroplast genomes promoted adaptation to diverse ecological habitats.Communications Biology, 3:278
98Hong Nan,Gao L. Z.*.2019. Genome-wide analysis ofWRKYgenes and their response to hormone and mechanic stresses in carrot.Frontiers in Genetics10:363. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2019.00363
97You-jun Huang, …,Gao L. Z., Jian-qin Huang.2019.The genomes of pecan and Chinese hickory provide insights intoCaryaevolution and nut nutrition.GigaScience8(5)
96Zhong-hua Liu,Gao L. Z., Zong-mao Chen, Xiao-xiong Zeng, Jian-an Huang, Yu-shun Gong, Qin Li, Shuo-qian Liu, Yong Lin, Shu-xian C ai, Sheng Zhang, Li-gui Xiong, Wei Li, Li Zhou, Xinru Wang, Feng-jian Luo, Qun-jie Zhang, Dan Zhang. 2019. Leading progress on genomics, health benefits and utilization of tea resources in China.Nature556(7742).https://www.nature.com/articles/d42473-019-00032-8(与刘仲华院士和陈宗懋院士共同在Nature上组织了茶叶专刊,受到国内外的高度关注)
95Hui Huang, Qiuyang Yao, Enhua Xia, andGao L. Z.*.2018. Metabolomics and transcriptomics analyses reveal nitrogen
influences on the accumulation of flavonoids and amino acids in young shoots of tea plant (Camellia sinensisL.) associated with tea flavor.J. Agric. Food Chem.66, 9828−9838
94Junki Lee, Nomar Espinosa Waminal, Hong-Il Choi, Sampath Perumal, Sang-Choon Lee, Van Binh Nguyen, Woojong Jang, Nam-Hoon Kim,Gao L. Z., and Tae-Jin Yang. 2017. Rapid amplification of four retrotransposon families promoted speciation and genome size expansion in the genusPanax.Scientific Reports7(1). DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-08194-5
93Hui Huang, En-Hua Xia, Hai-Bin Zhang, Qiu-Yang Yao,Gao L. Z.*. 2017.De novotranscriptome sequencing ofCamellia sasanquaand the analysis of major candidate genes related to floral traits.Plant Physiology and Biochemistry120: 103-111
92Xi Du, Qi Zhao, En-Hua Xia,Gao L. Z., Franck Richard, Zhu L. Yang. 2017. Mixed-reproductive strategies, competitive mating-type distribution and life cycle of fourteen black morel species.Scientific Reports7: 1493 DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-01682-8
91 Jia-huan Xu, Hai-bo Wu, Gao L. Z.*. 2017. The complete chloroplast genome sequence of the threatened trident mapleAcer buergerianum(Aceraceae).Mitochondrial DNA Part B2:1, 273-274, DOI: 10.1080/23802359.2017.1325345
90Qun-Jie Zhang,Gao L. Z.*. 2017. Rapid and recent evolution of LTR retrotransposons drives rice genome evolution during the speciation of AA- genomeOryzaspecies.G3-Genes Genomes Geneticshttps://doi.org/10.1534/g3.116.037572(作为一个新的“研究亮点”,Genetics杂志对该工作进行了点评)
89Wei Li, Yuan Liu,Gao L. Z.*. 2017. The complete chloroplast genome of the endangered wildMusaitinerans(Zingiberales:Musaceae).Conservation Genetics ResourcesDOI: 10.1007/s12686-017-0737-x
88Ge-Ran Hutang,Gao L. Z.*. 2017. The complete chloroplast genome sequence ofLeersia perrieriof the rice tribe Oryzeae (Poaceae).Conservation Genetics ResourcesDOI: 10.1007/s12686-017-0729-x
87En-Hua Xia, Hai-Bin Zhang, Jun Sheng, Kui Li, Qun-Jie Zhang, Changhoon Kim, Yun Zhang, Yuan Liu, Ting Zhu, Wei Li, Hui Huang, Yan Tong, Hong Nan, Cong Shi, Chao Shi, Jian-Jun Jiang, Shu-Yan Mao, Jun-Ying Jiao, Dan Zhang, Yuan Zhao, You-Jie Zhao, Li-Ping Zhang, Ben-Ying Liu, Yue Yu, Sheng-Fu Shao, De-Jiang Ni, Evan E. Eichler,Gao L. Z.*. 2017. The tea tree genome provides insights into tea flavor and independent evolution of caffeine biosynthesis.Molecular Plant(http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.molp.2017.04.002)(作为国际上首次破译的茶树基因组,发表后被CCTV(新闻联播)、CNN、BBC等几乎所有国内外重要的新闻媒体报刊的采访、报道或转载;该论文被中国科学技术协会遴选为“优秀期刊论文”;是ESI高被引论文)
86En-Hua Xia, Da-Rong Yang, Jian-Jun Jiang, Qun-Jie Zhang, Yuan Liu,Yun-Long Liu,Yun Zhang,Hai-Bin Zhang, Cong Shi, Yan Tong,Changhoon Kim, Hua Chen,Yan-Qiong Peng, Yue Yu, Wei Zhang,Evan E. Eichler,Gao L. Z.*. 2017.The caterpillar fungus,Ophiocordyceps sinensis, genome provides insights into highland adaptation of fungal pathogenicity.Scientific Reports7(1): 1806. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-01869-z.
85Dan Zhang, Wei Li, En-hua Xia, Qun-jie Zhang, Yuan Liu, Yun Zhang, Yan Tong, Yuan Zhao, Yong-chao Niu, Jia-huan Xu,Gao L. Z.*. 2017. The medicinal herbPanax notoginsenggenome provides insights into ginsenoside biosynthesis and genome evolution.Molecular Plant10: 903–907(首次发表的人参属三七基因组,发表后被国内外几乎所有重要媒体报道)
84Fan-chun Zeng, You-Jie Zhao, Que-jie Zhang,Gao L. Z.*. 2017.LTRtype, an efficienttool topredictstructurally complex LTR retrotransposon elementsand nested insertions.Frontiers in Plant Science8:402. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.00402
83T Mornkham, PP Wangsomnuk, XC Mo, FO Francisco,Gao L. Z.,H Kurzweil. 2016.Development and characterization of novel EST-SSR markers and their application for genetic diversity analysis of Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosusL.).Genetics and Molecular Research: GMRdoi: 10.4238/gmr15048857
82Huang J, Zhang C, Zhao X, Fei Z, Wan K, Zhang Xiaoming Pang, Yin X, Bai Y, Sun X,Gao L. Z., Li R, Zhang J, Li X. 2016. The jujube genome provides insights into genome evolution and the domestication of sweetness/acidity taste in fruit trees.PLoS Genetics12(12): e1006433. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1006433
81Qing-Xia Ding, Jia Liu ,Gao L. Z.*.2016. The complete chloroplast genome of eggplant (Solanum melongenaL.).Mitochondrial DNA Part B1:1, 843-844, DOI:
80Cheng-wen Gao,Gao L. Z.*.2016. The complete chloroplast genome sequence of semi-wild soybean,Glycine gracilis(Fabales: Fabaceae).Conservation Genetics Resources(DOI: 10.1007/s12686-016-0683-z)
79Cheng-wen Gao,Gao L. Z.*.2016. The complete chloroplast genome sequence of wild soybean,Glycine soja(Fabales: Fabaceae).Conservation Genetics Resources(DOI 10.1007/s12686-016-0659-z)
78Dan Zhang, Yuan Liu,Gao L. Z.*.2016. The complete chloroplast genome sequence ofPhyllostachys heterocycla, a fast-growing non-timber bamboo (Poaceae: Bambusoideae).Conservation Genetics Resources(DOI: 10.1007/s12686-016-0654-4)
77Shuo Wang,Gao L. Z.*.2016. Complete chloroplast genome sequence and annotation of the tropicaljaponicagroup of Asian cultivated rice (Oryza sativaL.).Genome Announcement18;4(1). pii: e01703-15. doi: 10.1128/genomeA.01703-15
76 Gao L. Z.*, Dan Zhang, Kui Li, Ju Gao. 2016. The complete plastid genome sequence of the wild-riceZizania latifoliaand comparative chloroplast genomics of the tribe Oryzeae.Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution4:88.doi: 10.3389/fevo.2016.00088
75Chao Shi, Shuo Wang, En-Hua Xia, Jian-Jun Jiang, Fan-Chun Zeng, Qiu-Yang Yao, andGao L. Z.*.2016.Full transcription of thephotosynthetic eukaryote chloroplast genome.Scientific Reports6doi:10.1038/srep30135(2016-08-05的【CCTV13】(朝闻天下)以“中国科学院发现叶绿体基因全转录新机制”为题对该研究成果做了采访报道;发表后被国内外其它重要媒体报道)
74 Gao L. Z.*,Cheng-wen Gao. 2016.Lowereddiversityand increasedinbreeding depression withinperipheralpopulationsofan endangered wild riceOryza rufipogon.PLoS ONE11(3):e0150468. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0150468
73Qiu-Yang Yao, Hui Huang, Yan Tong,Gao L. Z.*.2016. Transcriptome sequencing reveals gene expression profiles of flavonoid and fatty acid biosynthesis pathways and the development of EST-SSR markers inCamellia reticulata(Theaceae).Frontiers in Plant Sciencedoi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.00163
72En-Hua Xia*, Qiu-Yang Yao*, Hai-Bin Zhang, Jian-Jun Jiang, Li-Ping Zhang,Gao L. Z.*.2016.CandiSSR: an efficient pipeline used for identifying candidate polymorphic SSRs based on multiple assembled sequences.Frontiers in Plant Science6:1171. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2015.01171
71Wang S, Shi C, Zhang YJ, Hu GX,Gao L. Z.*. 2016. Trading away ancient amber's secrets.Science351(6276):926. doi: 10.1126/science.351.6276.926-a.(发表后被国内外几乎所有重要媒体报道)
70Ning Wang,Gao L. Z.*2015.Genome-wide analysis of WRKY family of transcription factors in common bean,Phaseolus vulgaris: chromosomal localization, protein structure, evolution and expression divergence.Plant Gene5: 22–30
69Shuo Wang,Gao L. Z.*2015.Complete chloroplast genome sequence of green foxtail (Setaria viridis), a promising model system for C4photosynthesis.Mitochondrial DNA: 1-2.DOI:10.3109/19401736.2015.1079867
68Shuo Wang,Gao L. Z.*2015.Complete chloroplast genome sequence of an irreplaceable dietary and model crop, foxtail millet (Setaria italica).Mitochondrial DNA: 1-2.DOI: 10.3109/19401736.2015.1089562
67Shuo Wang, Cheng-wen Gao,Gao L. Z.*2015.Plastid genome sequence of an ornamental and editable fruit tree of Rosaceae,Prunus mume.Mitochondrial DNA: 1-2.DOI:10.3109/19401736.2015.1089546
66Jie Zhang, Xiang-dong Liu,Gao L. Z.*.2015. Methylome of autotetraploid rice revealed DNA methylation variation of transposable elements and their effects on gene expression.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA112(50):E7022–E7029(发表后被国内外几乎所有重要媒体报道)
65Zengjie Han, Wei Li, Yuan Liu,Gao L. Z.* 2015.The complete chloroplast genome of North American ginseng,Panax quinquefolius.Mitochondrial DNA: 1-2.DOI:10.3109/19401736.2015.1066365
64Dan Zhang, Wei Li, Chengwen Gao, Yuan Liu,Gao L. Z.*2015. The complete plastid genome sequence ofPanax notoginsengand comparative chloroplast genomics of the family Araliaceae.Mitochondrial DNA: 1-2.DOI:10.3109/19401736.2015.1063131
63Bang Liu,Gao L. Z.*2015.The complete chloroplast genome sequence ofCucumis sativusvar.Hardwickii, the wild progenitor of cultivated cucumber.Mitochondrial DNA: 1-2.DOI:10.3109/19401736.2015.1101588
62Jie Zhang, Dan Zhang, Chao Shi, Ju Gao,Gao L. Z.*.2015. The complete chloroplast genome sequence ofChikusichloa aquatica(Poaceae: Oryzeae).Mitochondrial DNA: 1-2.DOI:10.3109/19401736.2015.1053058
61Bang Liu, Xiao-di Hu,Gao L. Z.*2015.The complete mitochondrial genome of the central chimpanzee,Pan troglodytes troglodytes.Mitochondrial DNA: 1-2.DOI:10.3109/19401736.2015.1053060
60 Hai-Bin Zhang, En-Hua Xia, Hui-Huang, Jian-Jun Jiang, Ben-ying Liu and Gao L. Z.*. 2015. De novo transcriptome assembly of the wild relative of tea tree (Camellia taliensis) and comparative analysis with tea transcriptome identified putative genes associated with tea-quality and stress response. BMC Genomics 16:298 (DOI: 10.1186/s12864-015-1494-4)
59Qiu-yang Yao, En-hua Xia, Fei-hu Liu,Gao L. Z.*2015. Genome-wide identification and comparative analysis of expression profiling reveal a rapid expansion and functional divergence of duplicated genes of WRKY gene family in cabbage,Brassica oleraceavar.capitata.Gene557(1):35-42.
58Qun-jie Zhang, Qun-jie Zhang, Ting Zhu, En-hua Xia, Chao Shi, Yun-long Liu, Yun Zhang, Yuan Liu, Wen-kai Jiang, You-jie Zhao, Shu-yan Mao, Li-ping Zhang, Hui Huang, Jun-ying Jiao, Ping-zhen Xu, Qiu-yang Yao, Fan-chun Zeng, Li-li Yang, Ju Gao, Da-yun Tao, Yue-ju Wang, Jeffery L. Benntzen,Gao L. Z.*.2014. Rapid diversification of fiveOryzaAA genomes associated with rice adaptation.Proc Natl Acad Sci USA111(46)E4954-E4962(doi/10.1073/pnas.1418307111)(发表次日被国务院官网列为新闻要闻,被国内外几乎所有重要媒体报道)
57En-Hua Xia, Jian-Jun Jiang, Li-Ping Zhang, Hui Huang, Hai-Bin Zhang,Gao L. Z.* 2014. Transcriptome analysis of the oil-rich tea plant,Camellia oleifera, reveals candidate genes related to lipid metabolism.PLoS ONE9(8): e104150. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0104150
56Ju Gao, Shuo Wang,Gao L. Z.*.2014. The complete chloroplast genome sequence ofPhyllostachys sulphurea(Poaceae: Bambusoideae).Mitochondrial DNA(doi: 10.3109/19401736.2014.926516)
55Ju Gao, Kui Li,Gao L. Z.*.2014.The complete chloroplast genome sequence ofBambusa multiplex(Poaceae:Bambusoideae).Mitochondrial DNA(doi:10.3109/19401736.2014.926515)
54Hui Huang, Chao Shi, Yuan Liu, Shu-yan Mao,Gao L. Z.*.2014. ThirteenCamelliachloroplast genome sequences determined by high-throughput sequencing:genome structure andphylogenetic relationships.BMC Evolutionary Biology14:151 doi:10.1186/1471-2148-14-151
53Qun-jie Zhang,Gao L.Z.*.2014. The complete chloroplast genome sequence of desert poplar (Populus euphratica).Mitochondrial DNA(DOI: 10.3109/19401736.2014.913159)
52Fan-chun Zeng, Cheng-wen Gao,Gao L.Z.*.2014. The complete chloroplast genome sequence of American bird pepper (Capsicum annuumvar.glabriusculum).Mitochondrial DNA(DOI: 10.3109/19401736.2014.913160)
51Xiao-di Hu, En-hua Xia,Gao L. Z.*2014. The complete mitochondrial genome of eastern lowland gorilla,Gorilla beringei graueri,and comparative mitochondrial genomics of theGorillaspecies.Mitochondrial DNA(doi:10.3109/19401736.2014.953103)
50Xiao-di Hu, Kui Li,Gao L. Z.*2014. The complete mitochondrial genome of celebes wild boar,Sus celebensis(Cetartiodactyla: Suina: Suidae) and comparative mitochondrial genomics of theSusspecies.Mitochondrial DNA(doi:10.3109/19401736.2014.953099)
49Xiao-di Hu,Gao L. Z.*2014. The complete mitochondrial genome of domestic sheep,Ovis aries.Mitochondrial DNA(doi:10.3109/19401736.2014.953076)
48Cheng-wen Gao, Shuo Wang,Gao L. Z.*.2013. Complete mitochondrial genome of the black flying fox,Pteropus alecto(Chiroptera: Megachiroptera:Pteropodidae).Mitochondrial DNA(doi: 10.3109/19401736.2013.869691)
47Jian-Jun Jiang, En-Hua Xia, Cheng-Wen Gao,Gao L. Z.*.2013.The complete mitochondrial genome of the western painted turtle,Chrysemys picta bellii(Chrysemys, Emydidae).Mitochondrial DNA(doi:10.3109/19401736.2013.873900)
46Xin-chun Mo, Ju Gao,Gao L. Z.*. 2013.Characterization of microsatellite markers and their application to genetic diversity analysis ofBrachypodium sylvaticumvar.breviglumefrom Yunnan, China.American Journal of Plant Sciences4 (7):1427-1434.
45Shuo Wang, Chao Shi,Gao L. Z.*2013. Plastid genome sequence of a wild woody oil species,Prinsepia utilis, provides insights into evolutionary and mutational patterns of Rosaceae chloroplast genomes.PLoS ONE8(9):e73946. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0073946.
44Yan Tong, Chun-Yan Wu,Gao L. Z.*2013. Characterization of chloroplast microsatellite loci from whole chloroplast genome ofCamellia taliensisand their utilization for evaluating genetic diversity ofC. reticulata(Theaceae).Biochemical Systematics and Ecology50: 207–211
43Jing Wu, Xiu-ying Kong, Chao Shi, Cui-yun jin,Gao L. Z.*, Ji-zeng Jia*. 2013. Dynamic evolution ofRht1homologous regions in grass genomes.PLoS ONE8(9):e75544. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0075544
42Hui Huang, Yan Tong, Qun-jie Zhang,Gao L.Z.*.2013. Genome size variation among and withinCamelliaspecies by using flow cytometric analysis and high-throughout genome sequencing.PLoS ONE8(5): e64981. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0064981
41Chao Shi, Yuan Liu, Hui Huang, En-Hua Xia, Hai-Bin Zhang,Gao L.Z.*.2013.Contradiction between plastid gene transcription and function due to complex posttranscriptional splicing: an exemplary study ofycf15function and evolution in angiosperms.PLoS ONE8(3): e59620. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0059620
40Zhu T, Xu PZ, Liu JP, Peng S, Mo XC,Gao L. Z.*. 2013.Phylogenetic relationships and genome divergence among AA- genome species of the genusOryzaas revealed by 53 nuclear genes and 16 intergenic regions.Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution70:348–361
39Wen-kai Jiang, Yun-long Liu, En-hua Xia,Gao L. Z.*. 2013.Prevalent role of gene features in determining evolutionary fatesof WGD duplicated genes in flowering plants.Plant Physiology161: 1844–1861
38Shi C, Hu N, Huang H, Gao J, Zhao Y-J,Gao L. Z.*.2012.An improved chloroplast DNA extraction procedure for whole plastid genome sequencing.PLoS ONE7(2):e31468.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0031468
37 Gao L. Z. *,Li D., Wu X., Chen W., Huang Z., WeiX.M.2012.In Situconservation ofwildricepopulations:atargetedstudy ofcommonwildriceOryza rufipogonfrom China.American Journal of Plant Sciences3(7):854-868
36Liu Y., Yang S.X.,JiP. Z.,Gao L. Z.*2012.Phylogeography ofCamellia taliensis(Theaceae) inferred from chloroplast and nuclear DNA: insights into evolutionary history and conservation.BMC Evolutionary Biology12:92 doi:10.1186/1471-2148-12-92
35Zhang Y, Jiang W-k,Gao L. Z.*.2011.Evolution of microRNA genes inOryza sativaandArabidopsis thaliana: an update of the inverted duplication model.PLoS ONE6(12):e28073.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0028073
34Ji, P. Z., Li, H.,Gao, L. Z., Zhang, J., Cheng, Z. Q., Huang, X. Q. 2011. ISSR diversity and genetic differentiation of ancient tea (Camellia sinensisvar.assamica) plantations from China: implications for precious tea germplasm conservation.Pakistan Journal of Botany43(1): 281-291
33Ya-yu Fan,Gao L. Z.*. 2011. A preliminary study on patterns of TE-gene associations inOryza(Poaceae) and adaptive significance.Plant Diversity33 (2): 201-208
32Li Xiao-xiang,Liu Yong,Duan Yong-hong,Wang Shu-hong,Zhan Qing-cai,Sun Gui-hua,Gao L. Z. 2010. Estimation of mating system in naturalOryza rufipogonpopulations by SSR markers.Chinese Journal of Rice Science24(6): 601-607
31Yang Liu, Shi-xiong Yang,Gao L. Z.*. 2010. Comparative study on the chloroplastRPL32-TRNLnucleotide variation within and genetic differentiation among ancient tea plantations ofCamellia sinensisvar.assamicaandC. taliensis(Theaceae) from Yunnan, China.Plant Diversity32(5): 427-434
30 Gao L. Z.*, Hideki Innan. 2008. Non-independent domestication of the two rice subspecies,Oryza sativasubsp.indicaand subsp.japonica, demonstrated by multilocus microsatellites.Genetics179(2):965-976(作为一个新的“研究亮点”,Genetics杂志对该工作进行了点评)
29 Gao L. Z.*, Hongyan Xu.2008. Patterns of mutation rate variation at microsatellites: evolutionary insights from comparisons of Asian cultivated rice (Oryza sativaL.) and related species.BMC Evolutionary Biology8:11doi: 10.1186/1471-2148-8-11
28Yin-He Zhao, Guo-Ying Wang, Jin-Peng Zhang, Jun-Bo Yang, Sheng Peng, Lian-Ming Gao, Jin-Yong Hu, De-Zhu Li,Gao L. Z.2006.Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) and phylogenetic analysis of floral genes from a paleoherb species,Asarum caudigerum.Annals of Botany98(1):157-163
27 Gao L. Z.*, Zhang C. H., Jia J. Z., Dong Y. S. 2006. Genetic diversity withinOryza rufipogongermplasms preserved in Chinese field genebanks of wild rice as revealed by microsatellite analysis.Biodiversity and Conservation15: 4059-4077
26 Gao L. Z.*, Zhang C. H., Chang L. P., Jia J. Z., Qiu Z. En., Dong Y. S. 2005. Microsatellite diversity ofOryza sativawith emphasis onindica-japonicadivergence.Genetical Research85: 1-14
25 Gao L. Z.*, Zhang C. H. 2005. Comparisons of microsatellite variability and population genetic structure of two endangered wild rice species,Oryza rufipogonandO. officinalis, and their conservation implications.Biodiversity and Conservation14: 1663-1679
24 Gao L. Z.*, Ge S., Hong D. Y. 2005.Pattern of allozyme variation at two stages of the life-cycle in common wild riceOryza rufipogonGriff. and its conservation significance.Biodiversity and Conservation14:2821–2834
23 Gao L. Z.*2005. Microsatellite diversity and population genetic structure of an endangered wild rice,Oryza officinalis(Poaceae) from China.Molecular Ecology14: 4287-4297(该刊创刊后Molecular Ecology发表的来自中国的第二篇论文)
22 Gao L. Z.*, Zhang C. H., Jia J. Z , Dong Y. S. 2005. Cross-species transferability of rice microsatellites in its wild relatives and the potential for conservation genetic studies.GeneticResources and Crop Evolution52: 931-940
21 Gao L. Z.*2004. Population structure and conservation genetics of wild riceOryza rufipogon(Poaceae): a region-wide perspective from microsatellite variation.Molecular Ecology13(5):1009-1024(该刊创刊后Molecular Ecology发表的来自中国的第一篇论文)
20 Gao L. Z.*, McCarthy E. M., Gankgo E., McDonald J. F. 2004.Evolutionary history ofOryza sativaLTR retrotransposons: a preliminary survey of the rice genome sequences.BMC Genomics5: 1-1
19 Gao L. Z., Hideki Innan. 2004.Very low gene duplication rate in the yeast genome.Science306: 1367-1370
18 Gao L. Z., Zhang J. Z. 2003. Why human disease-associated mutations are identical in orthologous sites of healthy mouse?Trends in Genetics19(12):678-681
17McCarthy E. M., Liu J. D.,Gao L. Z., McDonald J. F. 2002. Long terminal repeat retrotransposons ofOryza sativa.Genome Biology3(10): research0053.1-0053.11
16Gao L. Z.*,Schaal B. A., Zhang C. H., Jia J. Z., Dong Y. S. 2002. Assessment of population genetic structure of common wild riceOryza rufipogonGriff. detected by microsatellite DNA and allozyme loci.Theoretical and Applied Genetics106: 173-180
15 Gao L. Z.*2002.The conservation of rice biodiversity in China: significance, genetic erosion, ethnobotany and prospect.Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution50: 17-32
14 Gao L. Z.*, Ge S., Hong D. Y.2001. Intra-population genetic structure and gene flow of typical population of common wild riceOryza rufipogonGriff.Journal of Plant Research114:107-113
13 Gao L. Z.*, Ge S., Hong D. Y. 2001. High levels of genetic differentiation ofOryza officinalisWall. et Watt. from China.Journal of Heredity92(6): 511-516
12 Gao L. Z.*, Ge S., Hong D. Y. 2001. Low levels of allozyme diversity and conservation genetics of common wild riceOryza rufipogonGriff. from Yunnan, China.Euphytica124: 273-281
11 Gao L. Z.*, Ge S., Hong D. Y., Chen W., Jiang W. Z. , Wang X. K. 2000.Genetic erosion in northern marginal population of common wild riceOryza rufipogonGriff. and its conservation, revealed by allozyme analysis.Hereditas133(1): 47-53
10 Gao L. Z.*, Ge S., Hong D. Y. 2000. Allozymic diversity and genetic structure of common wild riceOryza rufipogonGriff., China.Theoretical and Applied Genetics101 (3): 494-502
9 Gao L. Z.*, Ge S., Hong D. Y. 2000. Low levels of genetic diversity within population and high differentiation among populations of a wild rice,Oryza granulataNees et. Arn. ex. Watt. from China.International Journal of Plant Sciences161(4): 691-697
8 Gao L. Z.*, Ge S., Hong D. Y., Zhang J. W., Luo Q. Y., Tao G. D., Xu Z. F. 1999.Studies on population genetic structure ofOryza granulataNees et. Arn. ex. Watt. from Yunnan and itsinsituconservation significance,Sciencein China(Volume C) :297-302
7Ge S., Oliveira G. C., Schaal B. A.,Gao L. Z., Hong D. Y. 1999.RAPD variation within and between natural populations of the wild riceOryza rufipogonGriff. from China and Brazil.Heredity82: 638-644
6高立志*,葛颂,洪德元. 2000.普通野生稻Oryza rufipogonGriff.生态分化的初探。作物学报26 (2): 210-216
5高立志*,洪德元. 1999.中国稻属研究进展.中国农业科学32 (6): 40-46
4 Gao L. Z.*, Ge S., Hong D. Y., Zhang J. W., Luo Q. Y., Tao G. D., Xu Z. F. 1999.Studies on population genetic structure ofOryza granulataNees et. Arn. ex. Watt. from Yunnan and itsinsituconservation significance,Sciencein China(Volume C) 42(1): 102-108
2高立志*,周毅,葛颂,洪德元,梁耀懋,林登豪,陈成斌,吴妙. 1998.现状广西普通野生稻(Oryza rufipogonGriff.)的遗传资源及其保护对策.中国农业科学31(1): 32-39
1高立志*,张寿洲,周毅,葛颂,洪德元. 1996.中国野生稻的濒危现状调查.生物多样性4(3): 160-166
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