李勇 教授、博士生导师
-研究方向 理论物理,量子光学
-联系方式 yongli@hainanu.edu.cn



[1]C. Ye, Y. Sun,Y. Li, and X. Zhang,Single-Shot Nondestructive Quantum Sensing for Gaseous Samples with Hundreds of Chiral Molecules,J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 14, 6772 (2023).

[2]Jian-Jian Cheng, Chong Ye, andYong Li,Enantio-specific state transfer of chiral molecules through enantio-selective shortcut-to-adiabaticity paths,J. Chem. Phys.158, 164303 (2023).

[3]Zhi-Cheng Gong, Cheng-Yu Shen, Tian-Hua Mao, Chang-Pu Sun,Yong Li, and Hao Fu,Optimal squeezed cooling of a mechanical oscillator using measurement-based vector feedback,Science China - Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy66(7), 274211 (2023).

[4]L. Du, Y.-T Chen, Y. Zhang,Y. Li, and J.-H. Wu,Decay dynamics of a giant atom in a structured bath with broken,Quantum Sci. Technol.8, 045010 (2023).

[5]Mao-Rui Cai, Chong Ye, Hui Dong, andYong Li,Enantiodetection of Chiral Molecules via Two-Dimensional Spectroscopy,Phys. Rev. Lett.129, 103201 (2022).

[6]Lei Du, Yan Zhang, Jin-Hui Wu, Anton Frisk Kockum, andYong Li,Giant Atoms in a Synthetic Frequency Dimension,Phys. Rev. Lett.128, 223602 (2022).

[7]Lei Du, Yao-Tong Chen, Yan Zhang, andYong Li,Giant atoms with time-dependent couplings,Phys. Rev. Research4, 023198 (2022).

[8]Yu-Yuan Chen, Jian-Jian Cheng, Chong Ye, andYong Li,Enantiodetection of cyclic three-level chiral molecules in a driven cavity,Phys. Rev. Research4, 013100 (2022).

[9]Bo Liu, Chong Ye, C. P. Sun, andYong Li,Enantiospecific state transfer for gaseous symmetric-top chiral molecules,Phys. Rev. A105, 043110 (2022).

[10]Lei Du, Yao-Tong Chen, andYong Li,Nonreciprocal frequency conversion with chiral Lambda-type atoms,Phys. Rev. Research3, 043226 (2021).

[11]Sankar Davuluri andYong Li,Overcoming standard quantum limit using a momentum measuring interferometer,Optics Letters45, 1256 (2020).

[12]Lei Du, Yao-Tong Chen, Jin-Hui Wu, andYong Li,Nonreciprocal interference and coherent photon routing in a three-port optomechanical system,Optics Express28, 3647 (2020).

[13]Yu-Yuan Chen, Chong Ye, Quansheng Zhang,Yong Li,Enantio-discrimination via light deflection effect,J. Chem. Phys.152, 204305 (2020).

[14]Chong Ye, Quansheng Zhang, Yu-Yuan Chen, andYong Li,Fast enantioconversion of chiral mixtures based on a four-level double-Δmodel,Phys. Rev. Research2, 033064 (2020).

[15]Cheng Jiang, L. N. Song, andYong Li,Directionalphase-sensitive amplifier between microwave and opticalphotons,Phys. Rev. A99, 023823 (2019).

[16]Hao Fu, Z.-C. Gong, T.-H. Mao, C.-Y. Shen, C.-P. Sun, S. Yi,Yong Li, and G.-Y. Cao,Geometric Energy Transfer in a Stueckelberg Interference of two Parametrically Coupled Mechanical Modes,Phys. Rev. Applied11, 034010 (2019).

[17]Chong Ye, Quansheng Zhang, Yu-Yuan Chen, andYong Li,Determination of enantiomeric excess with chirality-dependent ac Stark effects in cyclic three-level models,Phys. Rev. A100, 033411 (2019).

[18]K. Li, S. Davuluri, andYong Li,Improving optomechanical gyroscopes by coherent quantum noise cancellation processing,Science China - Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy61, 090311 (2018).

[19]Hao Fu, Zhi-cheng Gong, Li-ping Yang, Tian-hua Mao, Chang-pu Sun, Su Yi,Yong Li, and Geng-yu Cao,Coherent Optomechanical Switch for Motion Transduction Based on Dynamically Localized Mechanical Modes,Phys. Rev. Applied9, 054024 (2018).

[20]X. Z. Zhang, L. Tian, andYong Li,Optomechanical transistor with mechanical gain,Phys. Rev. A97, 043818 (2018).

[21]C. Jiang, L. N. Song, andYong Li,Directional amplifier in an optomechanical system with optical gain,Phys. Rev. A97, 053812 (2018).

[22]K. Li, H. Fu, andYong Li,Coriolis-force-induced coupling between two modes of a mechanical resonator for detection of angular velocity,Phys. Rev. A98, 023862 (2018).

[23]Chong Ye, Quansheng Zhang, andYong Li,Real single-loop cyclic three-level configuration of chiral molecules,Phys. Rev. A98, 063401 (2018).

[24]Z. H. Wang, Xun-Wei Xu, andYong Li,Partially dark optical molecule via phase control,Phys. Rev. A95, 013815 (2017).

[25]Yong Li, Y. Y. Huang, X. Z. Zhang, and Lin Tian,Optical directional amplification in a three-mode optomechanical system,Opt. Express25(16), 18907 (2017).

[26]Sankar Davuluri, Kai Li, andYong Li,Gyroscope with two-dimensional optomechanical mirror,New J. Phys.19, 113004 (2017).

[27]S. Davuluri andYongLi,Absolute rotation detection by Coriolis force measurement using optomechanics,New J.Phys.18, 103047 (2016).

[28]Xun-Wei Xu,Yong Li,Ai-Xi Chen,and Yu-xi Liu,Nonreciprocal conversion between microwave and optical photons in electro-optomechanical systems,Phys. Rev. A93, 023827 (2016).

[29]Hao Fu, Zhi-cheng Gong, Tian-hua Mao, Chang-pu Sun, Su Yi,Yong Li, and Geng-yu Cao,Classical analog of Stückelberg interferometry in a two-coupled-cantilever–based optomechanical system,Phys. Rev. A94, 043855 (2016).

[30]Z. H. Wang, C. P. Sun, andYong Li,Microwave degenerate parametric down-conversion with a single cyclic three-level system in a circuit-QED setup,Phys. Rev. A91, 043801 (2015).

[31]Xun-Wei Xu andYong Li,Optical nonreciprocity and optomechanical circulator in three-mode optomechanical systems,Phys. Rev. A91, 053854 (2015).

[32]Xun-Wei Xu, Yu-xi Liu, Chang-Pu Sun, andYong Li,Mechanical PT symmetry in coupled optomechanical systems,Phys. Rev. A92, 013852 (2015).

[33]Yujie Guo, Kai Li, Wenjie Nie, andYong Li,Electromagnetically-induced-transparency-like ground-state cooling in a double-cavity optomechanical system,Phys. Rev. A90, 053841 (2014).

[34]Xun-Wei Xu andYong Li,Tunable photon statistics in weakly nonlinear photonic molecules,Phys. Rev. A90, 043822 (2014).

[35]Lan Zhou, Li-Ping Yang,Yong Li, and C. P. Sun,Quantum Routing of Single Photons with a Cyclic Three-Level System,Phys. Rev. Lett.111, 103604 (2013).

[36]Jian-Qi Zhang,Yong Li, and Mang Feng,Cooling a charged mechanical resonator with time-dependent bias gate voltages,J. Phys.: Condens. Matter25, 142201 (Fast Track Communication) (2013).

[37]Yong Li, Joerg Evers, Hang Zheng, and Shi-Yao Zhu,Collective spontaneous emission beyond the rotating-wave approximation,Phys. Rev. A85, 053830 (2012).

[38]Yong Li,Lian-Ao Wu, and Z. D. Wang,Fast cooling of mechanical resonator with time-controllable optical cavities,Phys. Rev. A83, 043804 (2011).

[39]Yong Li, Y. D. Wang, Fei Xue, and C. Bruder,Quantum theory of transmission line resonator-assisted cooling of micromechanical resonator,Phys. Rev. B78, 134301 (2008).

[40]Yong Liand C. Bruder,Dynamic method to distinguish between left- and right-handed chiral molecules,Phys. Rev. A77, 015403 (2008).

[41]Yong Li, C. Bruder, and C. P. Sun,Generalized Stern-Gerlach effect for chiral molecules,Phys. Rev. Lett.99, 130403 (2007).

[42]Yong Li, Z. D. Wang, and C. P. Sun,Quantum criticality in a generalized Dicke model,Phys. Rev. A74, 023815 (2006).

[43]Y. Li, P. Zhang, P. Zanardi, and C. P. Sun,Non-Abelian geometric quantum memory with atomic ensemble,Phys. Rev. A70, 032330 (2004).

[44]Y. Li, C. P. Sun,The group velocity of a probe light in an ensemble of \Lambda-atoms under two-photon resonance,Phys. Rev. A69, 051802(R) (2004).

[45]C. P. Sun,Y. Li, and X. F. Liu,Quasi-spin wave quantum memories with dynamic symmetry,Phys. Rev. Lett.91, 147903 (2003).
