Konstantin Dorfman 研究员、博士生导师
-研究方向 多维精密光谱理论研究
-招生专业 电子信息、计算信息学
-联系方式 dorfmank@hainanu.edu.cn

1、Konstantin Dorfman*; Mukamel Shaul*,Multidimensional photon correlation spectroscopy of cavity polaritons,Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (7), 1451-1456;

2、Konstantin Dorfman; Shengshuai Liua; Yanbo Loua; Tianxiang Weia; Jietai Jinga; Frank Schlawine; Shaul Mukamelg, Multidimensional four-wave mixing signals detected by quantum squeezed light,Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(33), e2105601118;

3、Shicheng Jiang; Konstantin Dorfman,Detecting electronic coherences by time-domain high-harmonic spectroscopy,Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117 (18), 9776-9781;

4、M Qutubuddin; Konstantin Dorfman, Incoherent control of optical signals: Quantum-heat-engine approach, Physical Review Research 3 (2), 023029;

5、Zhanjie Gao; Zengping Su; Qinghua Song; Patrice Genevet; Konstantin Dorfman, Metasurface for complete measurement of polarization Bell state, Nanophotonics 12 (3), 569-577
