中国科学院海洋研究所博士毕业,2015年海南大学C类人才引进。入选“海南省领军人才”,获海南省“南海名家”青年项目、2019年度海南省科学技术二等奖、2019年度国家海洋科学技术二等奖、2016年度国家海洋科学技术二等奖、中国科学院优秀博士论文及中国科学院“院长特别奖”等多项奖项。主持国家自然科学基金、国家博士后科学基金、海南省重大项目、海南省自然基金及海南大学C类人才启动基金等10余项课题。以第一/通讯作者在Frontiers in Immunology、Fish & Shellfish Immunology、Aquaculture、Infection and Immunity、Vaccine等国际权威SCI刊物上发表论文30余篇,总影响因子达到80。
1. 基于创新型人才培养的水产微生物学实验课程改革与实践,海南省开云app下载苹果 改革项目,2020.1-2022.12,项目主持。
2. 卵形鲳TLR3和TLR7亚家族鉴定及其信号通路在抗细菌感染中的作用机制,国家自然科学基金,2017.1-2020.12,项目主持。
3. 卵形鲳B淋巴细胞刺激因子的表达调控及其介导的免疫应答,国家自然科学基金,2018.1-2020.12,项目主持。
4. 海南海洋离岸大型网箱养殖产业园区关键技术集成示范应用,海南省重大项目,2016.1-2018.12,项目主持。
5. 美国红鱼酸性磷酸酶基因的表达调控及功能研究,海南省自然科学基金,2016.1-2017.12,项目主持。
1. Chen, X.J.1, Cao, Z.J.1, Zhang, Z.S., Wu, Y., Du, H.H.,Sun, Y.*, Zhou, Y.C.*. B lymphocyte stimulating factor ofTrachinotus ovatus(TroBLyS) promotes antibacterial immune defense.Aquaculture,536, 2021, 736437. (通讯)
2. Zhou, Y.C.1, Chen, X.J.1, Cao, Z.J., Li, J.L., Long, H., Wu, Y., Zhang, Z.S.,Sun, Y.*R848 is involved in the antibacterial immune response of golden pompano (Trachinotus ovatus) through TLR7/8-MyD88-NF-κB-signaling pathway.Frontiers in immunology, 11, 2020, 617522. (通讯)
3. Wu, Y.1, Zhou, Y.C.1, Cao, Z.J., Chen, X.J., Du, H.H.,Sun, Y.*Interferon regulatory factor 7 contributes to the host response duringVibrio harveyiinfection in the golden pompanoTrachinotus ovatus.Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 117, 2021, 103959. (通讯)
4. Wang, L.1, Cao, Z.J.1, Liu, Y.X., Xiang, Y.J.,Sun, Y.*, Zhou, Y.C. *, Wang, S.F., Guo, W.L. Establishment and characterization of a new cell line from the muscle of humpback grouper (Cromileptes altivelis).Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 46, 2020, 1897-1907. (通讯)
5. Lei, Y., Qiu, R., Shen, Y., Zhou, Y.C., Cao, Z.J.,Sun, Y.*Molecular characterization and antibacterial immunity functional analysis of liver-expressed antimicrobial peptide 2 (LEAP-2) gene in golden pompano (Trachinotus ovatus).Fish&Shellfish Immunology,106, 2020, 833-843. (通讯)
6. Chen, Y.1, Zhou, Y.C.1, Yang, X.Y., Cao, Z.J., Chen, X.J., Qin, Q.W., Liu, C.S.,Sun, Y.*Insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 gene of golden pompano (TroIGFBP3) promotes antimicrobial immune defense.Fish&Shellfish Immunology,103, 2020, 47-57. (通讯)
7.Sun, Y., Liu, H., Shen, Y., Huang, X., Song, F.G., Ge, X.L., Wang, A., Zhang, K.Z., Li, Y., Li C.Y., Wan, Y., * Li, J.L. Cas12a-Activated Universal Field-Deployable Detectors for Bacterial Diagnostics. ACS Omega, 5,2020, 14814-14821. (第一作者)
8.Wu, Y.1, Zhou, Y.1,Cao, Z.J.,Sun, Y.*,Chen, Y.,Xiang, Y.J,Wang, L.,Zhang, S.N.,Guo, W.L. Comparative analysis of the expression patterns of IL-1β, IL-11, and IL-34 in golden pompano (Trachinotus ovatus) following different pathogens challenge.Fish&Shellfish Immunology,93, 2019, 863-870. (通讯)
9. Sun, B.M., Lei, Y., Cao, Z.J., Zhou, Y.C.,Sun, Y.*, Wu, Y., Wang, S.F., Guo, W.L., Liu, C.S. TroCCL4, a CC chemokine ofTrachinotus ovatus, is involved in the antimicrobial immune response.Fish&Shellfish Immunology,86, 2019, 525-535. (通讯)
10. Cao, Z.J., Liu, X.C., Xiang, Y.J., Wang, L.,Sun, Y.*, Zhou, Y.C.* Genetic polymorphism of MHC class IIα alleles and its association with resistance/susceptibility to viral nervous necrosis virus (VNNV) in golden pompano (Trachinotus ovatus).Aquaculture,501, 2019, 144-152. (通讯)