姓 名:李汉增
职 称:教 授
2010年-2016年:University of Colorado at Boulder,博士导师:Dr. Ding Xue
2017年-2020年:University of Iowa, Carver College of Medicine,博士后,合作导师:Dr. Gail A. Bishop
2021年-2022年:University of Iowa, Department of Internal Medicine,博士后,合作导师:Dr. Shun-Guang Wei
2011年开始从事线虫遗传领域的研究,主要方向是细胞凋亡速度的调控机制,以及精子线粒体清除自噬相关调控;2017年,转向用T细胞conditional knockout研究多功能配体蛋白TRAF3对T细胞免疫受体TCR共激活受体GITR信号通路的抑制机理;以及大鼠心衰模型中去甲肾上腺素对免疫细胞转移的调控机制。以上所述研究成果以第一作者(含并列第一作者)发表在《science》《Nature》以及《Journal of Biological Chemistry》等期刊上。
本人将会使用合成生物学手段开发state of art正向遗传学筛选工具。所用模式生物包括,但不局限于秀丽线虫、小鼠及体外细胞培养。回答的生物学问题包括:
1.Zhou, Q.H.*, Li, H.M.*, Li, H.Z.*, Nakagawa, A., Harry, B., Lee, E.S., Lin, J., William, D., Mitani, S., Yuan, H., Kang, B.H., and Xue, D. (2016). Mitochondrial endonuclease G mediates breakdown of paternal mitochondria following fertilization. Science 353, 394-399. *co-first author. (featured in the“Perspectives”section by a dedicated article in Science,“Research highlights”in Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 17, no. 8(2016)
2.Peng, Y.*, Zhang, M.*, Zheng, L.J.*, Liang, Q.*, Li, H.Z.*, Chen, J.T., Guo, H.Y., Yoshina, S., Chen, Y.Z., Zhao, X., Wu, X.Q., Liu, B., Mitani, S., Yu, J.S., and Xue, D. (2017). Cysteine protease cathepsin B mediates radiation-induced bystander effects. Nature doi:10.1038/nature23284, *co-first author.
3.Li, H.Z, Arkee, T., Hostager, B., Bishop, G. Multiple mechanisms for TRAF3-mediated regulation of the T cell costimulatory receptor GITR. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2021, 101097.
4.Li, H.Z, Yu, Y., Weiss, R., Wei, S. Global analysis of transcription remodeling in heart and brain in a rat model of heart failure-induced by myocardial infarction. The FASEB Journal 2021, 35.
5.Liu, L., Yan, Z., Osia, B.A., Twarowski, J., Sun, L., Kramara, J., Lee, R.S., Kumar, S., Elango, R., Li, H.Z., Dang, W., Ira, G., Makova, A. Nature 590 (7847), 655-659.
6.Yu, Y., Xue B., Li, H.Z, Chen, Q., Li, M., Beltz, T., Weiss, R.M., Johnson, A., Wei, S. Central blockade of Tumor Necrosis Factor-A-Converting enzyme (TACE) ameliorates neuroinflammation, sympathetic excitation and cardiac dysfunction in heart. Hypertension, 2021 78 (suppl_1), AP210-AP210.
7.Li, H.Z, Yu, Y., Sun L., Chen, Q., Li, M., Md Irfan N., Xue B., Weiss R., Dang W., Wei, S.G. Transcriptomic analysis of splenic leukocytes reveals a norepinephrine-mediated dynamic immune cell deployment mechanism in heart failure rat. FASEB J. 2022 May; 36 Suppl 1. Doi: 10.1096/fasebj.2022.36.S1.R2592.