2002.09-2006.06 西北农林科技大学 生命学院生物科学专业 本科学士
2006.09-2009.06 西北农林科技大学 生命学院 植物学专业 硕士研究生
2009.07-至今 中国热带农业科学院环境与植物保护研究所工作(其间于2013.01认定为助理研究员;2011.12-2013.12 在海南省昌江县七叉镇挂职科技 副镇长;2018.01 晋升为副研究员;2023.01 晋升为研究员;2022年04月,任循环农业研究室主任/食用菌循环农业研究组组长)。
1.橡胶林下益智对降雨格局变化的响应机制研究(批准号:31800535),国家自然科学基金,2019年 1月-2021年 12月,20万,主持。
2.南药益智光保护途径对旱季降雨变化的响应策略研究(2019RC281),2019年海南省基础与应用基础研究计划高层次人才项目”主持人,2020年01月-2022年12月 ,10万元,主持。
1. Cheng, H., Zhou, X., Dong, R., Wang, X., Liu, G., Li, Q., 2022. Priming of soil organic carbon mineralization and its temperature sensitivity in response to vegetation restoration in a karst area of Southwest China[J]. Science of the Total Environment. 158400.
2. Cheng, H., Hu, W., Zhou, X., Dong, R., Liu, G., Li, Q., Zhang, X., 2022. Fruit Tree Legume Herb Intercropping Orchard System Is an Effective Method to Promote the Sustainability of Systems in a Karst Rocky Desertification Control Area[J]. Forests 13(10). 1536.
3.Cheng, H., Zhou, X., Dong, R., Wang, X., Liu, G., Li, Q., 2023. Natural vegetation regeneration facilitated soil organic carbon sequestration and microbial community stability in the degraded karst ecosystem. Catena 222, 106856.
4.Peng, S., Kuang, X., Cheng, H.*, Wei, K., Cai, K., Tian, J.*, 2023. Post-agricultural succession affects the accumulation and enzymatic transformation of organic phosphorus in a karst area, southwest China. Plant and Soil.
5.Cheng, H., Zhou, X., Yang, Y., Xu, L., Ding, Y., Yan, T., Li, Q., 2024. Environmental damages, cumulative exergy demand, and economic assessment of Panus giganteus farming with the application of solar technology. Science of the Total Environment. 907.168020
6.Dong, R., Hu, W., Bu, L., Cheng, H.*, Liu, G., 2024. Legume cover crops alter soil phosphorus availability and microbial community composition in mango orchards in karst areas. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 364.108906