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发布日期:2024-05-06 点击:


截止2024年4月,累积发表学术论文20余篇,含SCI论文18篇,Google Scholar引用500余次。其中,以第一作者(含共同第一作者)在Environmental Science & Technology、mSystems等期刊发表SCI论文8篇,授权专利2项。参加国际学术会议并作口头报告2次,受邀担任“环境污染控制前沿论坛暨第四届固体废物污染控制化学研讨会”分会场召集人。












1.Chao Li, Fan Lü, Wei Peng, Pin-Jing He, and Hua Zhang*. 2024. Functional redundant microbiome enhanced anaerobic digestion efficiency under ammonium inhibition conditions.Environmental Science & Technology58 (15): 6659-6669.

2.Chao Li, Fan Lü, Wei Peng, Pinjing He, and Hua Zhang*. 2024. Efficacy of bioaugmentation with nondomesticated mixed microbial consortia under ammonia inhibition in anaerobic digestion.Bioresource Technology391: 129954.

3.Chao Li, Liping Hao*, Fan Lü, Haowen Duan, Hua Zhang, and Pinjing He*. 2022. Syntrophic acetate-oxidizing microbial consortia enriched from full-scale mesophilic food waste anaerobic digesters showing high biodiversity and functional redundancy.mSystems7 (5): e00339-22.

4.Chao Li, Pinjing He, Liping Hao*, Fan Lü, Liming Shao, and Hua Zhang*. 2022. Diverse acetate-oxidizing syntrophs contributing to biogas production from food waste in full-scale anaerobic digesters in China.Renewable Energy193: 240-250.

5.Chao Li, Pinjing He, Wei Peng, Fan Lü, Rui Du, and Hua Zhang*. 2022. Exploring available input variables for machine learning models to predict biogas production in industrial-scale biogas plants treating food waste.Journal of Cleaner Production380: 135074.

6. Li Lin#*,Chao Li#, Wenjun Yang, Liangyuan Zhao, Min Liu, Qingyun Li, and John C. Crittenden. 2020. Spatial variations and periodic changes in heavy metals in surface water and sediments of the Three Gorges Reservoir, China. Chemosphere 240: 124837.(共同第一作者)

7.Chao Li, Huijie Hou, Jiakuan Yang*, Sha Liang, Yafei Shi, Ruonan Guan, Yong Hu, Xu Wu, Jingping Hu, and Linling Wang. 2019. Comparison of electrokinetic remediation on lead-contaminated kaolinite and natural soils. Clean-Soil Air Water 47 (4).


1. Jing Guo, Pinjing He, Hao Wu, Yonglan Xi,Chao Li, Hua Zhang, Jun Zhou, Jingwen Liao, and Fan Lü*. 2024. Novel material-oriented valorization of biogas can achieve more carbon reduction than traditional utilization by bioelectricity or biomethane. Bioresource Technology 395: 130333.

2. Dinova, Nora#, Wei Peng#, Mihaela Kirilova-Belouhova,Chao Li, Irina Schneider, Erqi Nie, Ivaylo Yotinov, Haowen Duan, Yovana Todorova, Fan Lü, Hua Zhang, Yana Topalova*, and Pinjing He*. 2023. Functional and molecular approaches for studying and controlling microbial communities in anaerobic digestion of organic waste: a review. Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology 22 (3): 563-590.

3. Wenbo Yu, Jiakuan Yang*, Yafei Shi, Jian Song, Yao Shi, Jun Xiao,Chao Li, Xinyu Xu, Shu He, Sha Liang, Xu Wu, and Jingping Hu. 2016. Roles of iron species and pH optimization on sewage sludge conditioning with Fenton's reagent and lime. Water Research 95: 124-133.









受邀担任Bioresource Technology、Journal of Environmental Management等学术期刊的审稿人。





