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发布日期:2024-05-06 点击:


















1. 海南大学科研启动基金,热区沼液还田下可降解微塑料对有机磷农药环境行为的影响,202102-202602,10万元,在研;

2. 海南省自然科学基金青年基金,沼液DOM介导下热区土壤中微塑料与草甘膦的界面作用机制研究,202204-202503,6万元,立项,主持;

3. 广东省流域水环境治理与水生态修复重点实验室开放基金:主持,养殖水体中微塑料分布、老化机制及环境效应研究,20210601-20230531,5万元,结题;


(1)Guoliang Ren, Like Chen, Jinluo Fan, Shuailing Hou, Junnan Chen, Hui Deng, Jiwei Luo, Peng Huang, Yuanyuan Zhao, Jiatong Li, Dan Feng*, Chengjun Ge **, Huamei Yu. Distribution, sources and ecological risks of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in overlying water and sediment from the mangrove ecosystem in Hainan Island, China[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 908, 168417.

(2)Jinluo Fan, Chengjun Ge, Ailing Li, Guoliang Ren, Hui Deng, Dongming Wu, Jiwei Luo, Yanhu He, Yuanyuan Zhao, Jiatong Lia, Dan Feng*, Huamei Yu. The Structural Transformation Reversibility of Biogas Slurry Derived Dissolved Organic Matter and Its Binding Properties with Norfloxacin under Temperature Fluctuation[J]. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2024, 271, 11593.

(3)Dan Feng, Audrey Soric, Olivier Boutin. Treatment technologies and degradation pathways of glyphosate: A critical review[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 742:140559.

(4)Dan Feng, Laure Malleret, Guillaume Chiavassa, Olivier Boutin, Audrey Soric. Biodegradation capabilities of acclimated activated sludge towards glyphosate: experimental study and kinetic modeling[J]. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 161:107643.

(5)Dan Feng, Laure Malleret, Audrey Soric, Olivier Boutin*. Kinetic study of glyphosate degradation in wet air oxidation conditions[J]. Chemosphere, 2020,


(6)Dan Feng, Jean-Henry Ferrasse, Audrey Soric, Olivier Boutin*. Bubble characterization and gas-liquid interfacial area in two phase gas-liquid system in bubble column at low Reynolds number and high temperature and pressure[J]. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2019, 144, 95-106.

(7)Dan Feng, Huamei Yu, Hui Deng, Fangze Li, and Chengjun Ge*. Adsorption Characteristics of Norfloxacin by Biochar Prepared by Cassava Dreg: Kinetics, Isotherms, and Thermodynamic Analysis[J]. Bioresources, 2015, 10(4), 6751- 6768.

(8)Dan Feng, Hui Deng, Huamei Yu, Fangze Li, Xitong Li, and Chengjun Ge*. Preparation, Characterization of Bagasse-based Biochar and Its Adsorption Performance in Tropical Soils[C]. Advanced Materials Research, 2014, 878, 443- 449.


(10) Hui Deng; Jianxiong He; Dan Feng; Yuanyuan Zhao; Wei Sun; Huamei Yu; Chengjun Ge*; Microplastics pollution in mangrove ecosystems: A critical review of current knowledge and future directions[J], Science of the Total Environment, 2021. 753: 142041.

(11)Deng, Hui, Dan Feng, Jian-xiong He, Fang-ze Li, Hua-mei Yu, and Cheng-jun Ge. Influence of biochar amendments to soil on the mobility of atrazine using sorption-desorption and soil thin-layer chromatography[J]. Ecological engineering, 2017, 99, 381-390.

(12)Li, Fangze, Dan Feng, Hui Deng, Huamei Yu, and Chengjun Ge. Effects of biochars prepared from cassava dregs on sorption behavior of ciprofloxacin[C]. Procedia Environmental Sciences 31 (2016): 795-803.

(13)Peng Huang, Chengjun Ge, Dan FENG, Huamei Yu, Jiwei Luo, Jiatong Li, P.J. Strong, Ajitk. Sarmah, Nanthi S. Bolan and Hailong Wang. Effects of metal ions and pH on ofloxacin sorption to cassava residue-derived biochar[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 616, 1384-1391.



