1. 三价砷与六价铬在矿物-水界面的耦合氧化还原反应过程与微观吸附机制研究(22066008),国家自然科学基金地区项目,2020年1月-2024年12月。
2. 地下水中共存离子与砷在矿物-水界面作用机理研究(41603107),国家自然科学基金青年项目,2017年1月-2019年12月。
3. 金属负载型硅藻土水泥基除磷材料在海南富营养化水体中应用研究(41867047),国家自然科学基金地区项目,2019年1月-2022年12月。
4. 表面络合/沉淀对吸附态重金属迁移转化的影响(422QN270),海南省自然科学基金,2022年4月-2025年3月。
1. Shan Hu*, Jingyi Fu, Shenmin Zhou, Exploring the interference mechanisms of surface and aqueous complexes with groundwater arsenate and arsenite adsorption, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2024, 31(6): 8499-8509.
2. Shan Hu*, Huanhuan Fu, Jingyi Fu, Distinct effects of Fe3+on the adsorption of chromate and arsenate: A comparison of iron-bearing ferrihydrite and nano-TiO2absorbents, Environmental Technology Innovation, 2023, 32: 103418.
3. Faqin Lian, Shuai Gao, Qionglin Fu, Yuejun Wu, Junfeng Wang, Qing Huang, Shan Hu*,A comprehensive study of phosphorus removal and recovery with a Fe-loaded sulfoaluminate cement (FSC) adsorbent, Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2020, 39.
4. Shan Hu*, Faqin Lian, Junfeng Wang, Effect of pH to the surface precipitation mechanisms of arsenate and cadmium on TiO2, Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 666: 956-963.
5. Shan Hu, Li Yan, Tingshan Chan, Chuanyong Jing*, Molecular Insights into Ternary Surface Complexation of Arsenite and Cadmium on TiO2, Environmental Science & Technology, 2015, 49(10):5973-5979.
6. Shan Hu, Qiantao Shi, Chuanyong Jing*,Groundwater Arsenic Adsorption on Granular TiO2: Integrating Atomic Structure, Filtration, and Health Impact, Environmental Science & Technology, 2015, 49(16): 9707-9713.
1. 通信地址:海南省海口市人民大道58号海南大学环境科学与工程学院103,570228
2. 电子邮箱:hushan2000@126.com