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发布日期:2024-05-06 点击:

杨兴,男,博士,副教授,博士生导师,海南省D类人才,新型污染物环境归趋与健康风险评估团队。担任Journal of Hazardous Materials期刊编委和Biochar、Carbon Research、Sustainable Environment等国际期刊青年编委。担任Biochar、Frontiers in Environmental Science等SCI期刊客座主编。2021年加入德国土壤学会成为终身会员。受邀担任Global Change Biology、Chemical Engineering Journal、Journal of Hazardous Materials、Journal of Cleaner Production、Geoderma、Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment、GCB-Bioenergy、Biochar、Science of the Total Environment、Environmental Pollution、Environmental Technology & Innovation、Chemosphere、Environmental Research、Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety、CLEAN - Soil, Air, Water、Environmental Geochemistry and Health、Journal of Soils and Sediments、生态环境学报等环境科学、生态学和土壤科学等领域国内外际期刊审稿人。


2022/06-2022/08 韩国高丽大学 环境科学 访问学习 合作导师:Yong Sik Ok教授

2018/11-2022/06 德国伍珀塔尔大学 土壤与地下水管理 工学博士 导师:Jörg Rinklebe教授

2012/09-2015/06 浙江农林大学 土壤学 农学硕士 导师:王海龙教授


2024/04–至今 海南大学环境科学与工程学院,副教授

2022/09–2024/04 海南大学生态与环境学院,副教授















1. Gu, S.,Yang, X.*,Chen, H., Jeyakumar, P., Chen, J., Wang H.*, 2023. Crawfish shell- and Chinese banyan branch-derived biochars reduced phytoavailability of As and Pb and altered community composition of bacteria in a contaminated arable soil. Science of the Total Environment 865, 161284. (中科院一区TOP, IF=10.754)

2.Yang,X.,Dai, Z.,Ge, C.,Yu, H.,Bolan, N,Tsang, D.C.W.,Song, H.,Hou, D.,Shaheen, S.M.,Wang, H.,Rinklebe, J., 2023. Multiple-functionalized biochar affects rice yield and quality via regulating arsenic and lead redistribution and bacterial community structure in soils under different hydrological conditions. Journal of Hazardous Materials 444, 130308. (中科院一区TOP, IF=14.224)

3.Yang, X.,Wen, E., Ge, C., El-Naggar, A., Yu, H., Wang, S., Kwon, E.E., Song, H., Shaheen, S.M., Wang, H., Rinklebe, J., 2023. Iron-modified phosphorus- and silicon-based biochars exhibited various influences on arsenic, cadmium and lead accumulation in rice and enzyme activities in a paddy soil. Journal of Hazardous Materials 443, 130203. (中科院一区TOP, IF=14.224)

4.Yang, X.,Shaheen, S.M., Wang, J., Hou, D., Ok, Y.S., Wang, S.L., Wang, H., Rinklebe, J., 2022. Elucidating the redox-driven dynamic interactions between arsenic and iron-impregnated biochar in a paddy soil using geochemical and spectroscopic techniques. Journal of Hazardous Materials 422, 126808. (中科院一区TOP, IF=14.224)

5.Yang, X.,Hinzmann, M., Pan, H., Wang, J., Bolan, N., Tsang, D.C.W., Ok, Y.S., Wang, S.-L., Shaheen, S.M., Wang, H., Rinklebe, J., 2022. Pig carcass-derived biochar caused contradictory effects on arsenic mobilization in a contaminated paddy soil under fluctuating controlled redox conditions. Journal of Hazardous Materials 421, 126647.(中科院一区TOP, IF=14.224)

6.Yang, X.,Pan, H., Shaheen, S.M., Wang, H., Rinklebe, J., 2021. Immobilization of cadmium and lead using phosphorus-rich animal-derived and iron-modified plant-derived biochars under dynamic redox conditions in a paddy soil. Environment International 156, 106628.(中科院一区TOP, IF=13.352)

7. Nie, T#.,Yang, X.# (共同一作),Chen, H., Müller, K., Shaheen, S.M., Rinklebe, J., Song, H., Xu, S., Wu, F., Wang, H., 2021. Effect of biochar aging and co-existence of diethyl phthalate on the mono-sorption of cadmium and zinc to biochar-treated soils. Journal of Hazardous Materials 408, 124850.(中科院一区TOP, IF=14.224)

8. Wen, E#.,Yang, X.# (共同一作),Chen, H., Shaheen, S.M., Sarkar, B., Xu, S., Song, H., Liang, Y., Rinklebe, J., Hou, D., Li, Y., Wu, F., Pohorely, M., Wong, J.W.C., Wang, H., 2021. Iron-modified biochar and water management regime-induced changes in plant growth, enzyme activities, and phytoavailability of arsenic, cadmium and lead in a paddy soil. Journal of Hazardous Materials 407, 124344. (中科院一区TOP, IF=14.224, ESI高被引论文)

9. Pan, H.#,Yang, X.# (共同一作),Chen, H., Sarkar, B., Bolan, N., Shaheen, S.M., Wu, F., Che, L., Ma, Y., Rinklebe, J., Wang, H., 2021. Pristine and iron-engineered animal- and plant-derived biochars enhanced bacterial abundance and immobilized arsenic and lead in a contaminated soil. Science of the Total Environment 763, 144218. (中科院二区TOP, IF=10.754, ESI高被引论文)

10. Nie, C.#,Yang, X.# (共同一作),Niazi, N.K., Xu, X., Wen, Y., Rinklebe, J., Ok, Y.S., Xu, S., Wang, H., 2018. Impact of sugarcane bagasse-derived biochar on heavy metal availability and microbial activity: A field study.Chemosphere 200, 274-282. (中科院二区TOP, IF=8.943, ESI高被引论文)

11.Yang, X.,Lu, K., Mcgrouther, K., Lei, C., Hu, G., Wang, Q., Liu, X., Shen, L., Huang, H., Ye, Z., 2017. Bioavailability of Cd and Zn in soils treated with biochars derived from tobacco stalk and dead pigs. Journal of Soils and Sediments 17, 751-762. (中科院二区, IF=3.536, ESI高被引论文)

12.Yang, X.,Wang, H., Strong, P., Xu, S., Liu, S., Lu, K., Sheng, K., Guo, J., Che, L., He, L., 2017. Thermal properties of biochars derived from waste biomass generated by agricultural and forestry sectors. Energies 10(4), 469. (中科院三区, IF=3.252)

13.Yang, X.,Liu, J., McGrouther, K., Huang, H., Lu, K., Guo, X., He, L., Lin, X., Che, L., Ye, Z., Wang, H., 2016. Effect of biochar on the extractability of heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn) and enzyme activity in soil. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23, 974-984. (中科院三区, IF=5.190, ESI高被引论文)



15. Xing, Y., Wang, J., Kinder, C.E.S.,Yang, X.,Slaný, M., Wang, B., Song, H., Shaheen, S.M., Leinweber, P., Rinklebe, J., 2022. Rice hull biochar enhances the mobilization and methylation of mercury in a soil under changing redox conditions: Implication for Hg risks management in paddy fields. Environment International 168, 107484.

16.Al-Solaimani, S.G.,Abohassan, R.A.,Alamri, D.A.,Yang, X.,Rinklebe, J.,Shaheen, S.M., 2022. Assessing the risk of toxic metals contamination and phytoremediation potential of mangrove in three coastal sites along the Red Sea.Marine Pollution Bulletin176, 113412.

17.Lashen, Z.,M.,Shams, M.S.,El-Sheshtawy, H.S.,Slaný, M.,Antoniadis, V.,Yang, X.,Rinklebe, J.,Shaheen, S.M.,Elmahdy, S.M., 2022. Remediation of Cd and Cu contaminated water and soil using novel nanomaterials derived from sugar beet processing- and clay brick factory-solid wastes. Journal of Hazardous Materials 428, 128205.

18. Chen, H., Feng, Y.,Yang, X.,Yang, Sarkar, B., Bolan, Meng, J., Wu, F., Wong, J.W.C., Chen, W., Wang, H., 2022. Assessing simultaneous immobilization of lead and improvement of phosphorus availability through application of phosphorus-rich biochar in a contaminated soil: A pot experiment. Chemosphere 296, 133891.

19. Zhang, S.,Yang, X.,Hsu, L.C., Liu, Y.T., Wang, S.L., White, J.R., Shaheen, S.M., Chen, Q., Rinklebe, J., 2021. Soil acidification enhances the mobilization of phosphorus under anoxic conditions in an agricultural soil: Investigating the potential for loss of phosphorus to water and the associated environmental risk. Science of the Total Environment 793, 148531.

20. Chen, H., Qin, P.,Yang, X.,Bhatnagar, A., Shaheen, S.M., Rinklebe, J., Wu, F., Xu, S., Che, L., Wang, H., 2021. Sorption of diethyl phthalate and cadmium by pig carcass and green waste-derived biochars under single and binary systems. Environmental Research 193, 110594.

21. Chen, H.,Yang, X.,Wang, H., Sarkar, B., Shaheen, S.M, Gielen, G., Bolan, N., Guo, J., Che, L., Sun, H., Rinklebe, J. Animal carcass- and wood-derived biochars improved nutrient bioavailability, enzyme activity, and plant growth in metal-phthalic acid ester co-contaminated soils: A trial for reclamation and improvement of degraded soils.Journal of Environmental Management261, 110246. (ESI高被引论文)

22. Feng, Y.,Yang, X.,Singh, B.P., Mandal, S., Guo, J., Che, L., Wang, H., 2020. Effects of contrasting biochars on the leaching of inorganic nitrogen from soil. Journal of Soil and Sediments 20, 3017-3026.

23. Chen H.,Yang, X.,Gielen, G., Mandal, S., Xu, S., Guo, J., Shaheen, S.M., Rinklebe, J., Che, L., Wang H., 2019.Effect of biochars on the bioavailability of cadmium and di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate to Brassica chinensis L. in contaminated soils. Science of the Total Environment, 678: 43-52.

24. Qin, P., Wang, H.,Yang, X.,He, L., Müller, K., Shaheen, S.M., Xu, S., Rinklebe, J., Tsang, D.C.W., Ok, Y.S., Bolan, N., Song, Z., Che, L., Xu, X., 2018. Bamboo- and pig-derived biochars reduce leaching losses of dibutyl phthalate, cadmium, and lead from co-contaminated soils. Chemosphere 198: 450-459.

25. Lu, K.,Yang, X.,Gielen, G., Bolan, N., Ok, Y.S., Niazi, N.K., Xu, S., Yuan, G., Chen, X., Zhang, X., Liu, D., Song, Z., Liu, X., Wang, H., 2017. Effect of bamboo and rice straw biochars on the mobility and redistribution of heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn) in contaminated soil. Journal of Environmental Management 186, 285-292.(ESI高被引论文)

26. Lu, K.,Yang, X.,Shen, J., Robinson, B., Huang, H., Liu, D., Bolan, N., Pei, J., Wang, H., 2014. Effect of bamboo and rice straw biochars on the bioavailability of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn to Sedum plumbizincicola. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 191, 124-132. (ESI高被引论文)














1.Yang, X.,Shaheen, S.M., Wang, H., Rinklebe, J., 2022. Functionalized biochars for the (im)mobilization of potentially toxic elements in paddy soils under dynamic redox conditions: a case study, 2022. In: Tsang, D.C.W., Ok, Y.S. (eds.), Biochar in Agriculture for Achieving Sustainable Development Goals. Elsevier Publishers.

2. Wang, H.,Yang, X. (导师一作),He, L., Lu, K., Müller, K., McGrouther, K., Xu, S., Zhang, X., Li, J., Huang, H., Yuan, G., Hu, G., Liu, X., 2018. Using Biochar for Remediation of Contaminated Soils. pp: 763-783. In: Y. Luo, C. Tu (eds.), Twenty Years Research and Development on Soil Pollution and Remediation in China. Science Press & Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.







1. 2023年获得CULSC第八届全国大学生生命科学竞赛(创新创业类)指导教师二等奖(创业组)



