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发布日期:2024-05-06 点击:




2011/06 -2012/05美国Smithsonian环境研究所,交流学者



2021/07 至今海南大学,生态与环境学院,教授

2017/07 - 2021/06南京大学,环境学院,副研究员

2016/02 - 2016/05瑞士西北应用科学大学,交流学者







1) 微纳塑料及其他颗粒物的环境过程及其与有机污染物相互作用;





2019/12至今中国土壤学会环境微塑料工作组 工作委员会委员

2019/10 Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology






1) 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,42277377,热区陆海界面聚乳酸微塑料环境降解和添加剂释放过程及机制研究。2023-01至2026-12,53万元,主持

2) 海南省自然科学基金,面上项目,422MS035,农田土壤系统中微塑料与多环芳烃复合污染及其生态效应,8万,2022-04至2024-03,主持

3) 天津大学-海南大学自主创新基金项目,海洋牧场微塑料及有机污染物复合污染生态风险评估,2022.1-2022.12,5万,主持

4) 海南大学科研启动项目,KYQD(ZR)21107,海洋微塑料污染及生态效应,2021-07至2026-06,80万,主持

5) 国家自然科学基金委中欧合作项目,31861133003,植物-微生物耦合作用下人工湿地中新兴有机污染物的消除原理与技术。2019-01至2022-12,500万,参加。

6) 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,21876079,微米和纳米塑料对农田土壤中典型有机污染物迁移转化的影响及蚯蚓效应。2019-01至2022-12,66万元,主持

7) 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,41673075,秸秆还田稻田中汞活化的机理与影响因素研究,2017/01至2020/12,66万元,参加。

8) 国家重点研发计划课题,2016YFC1402203、微塑料自身及吸附的化学污染物在海洋食物链中的传递与转化过程,2016-07至2020-12,184万元,课题骨干

9) 国家自然科学基金委中瑞合作项目,21661132004,土壤中磺胺抗生素归趋及其与磺胺降解基因和抗性基因共存特征的相关性研究。2016-01至2020-12,300万元,参加。

10) 国家自然科学基金中英重大合作项目,41571130061,基于关键带科学的城郊土壤-水系统中物质传输机制与归趋,2016-01至2019-12,310万元,参加。

11) 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,21477052,苯酚类新型污染物在土壤和生物体内结合残留的形成机制、生物可利用性和稳定性研究。2015-01至2018-12,80万元,参加。

12) 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年基金,21407075、微塑料对有机污染物环境过程和效应的影响及机制、2015-01至2017-12,28万元,主持

13) 中国博士后科学基金,2014M561624、微塑料对有机污染物环境过程和效应的影响及机制、2014-09至2017-6,5万元,主持


1) Jiang, X.,Ma, Y.*, Wang, L., Chen Q., and Ji, R.*, (2022). "Effects of nano- and microplastics on the bioaccumulation and distribution of phenanthrene in the soil feeding earthworm Metaphire guillelmi."Science of The Total Environment834: 155125.

2) Tian, L.; Jinjin, C.; Ji, R.;Ma, Y.*; Yu, X. *, (2022) Microplastics in agricultural soils: sources, effects, and their fate.Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health,25, 100311.

3) Tian, L;Ma, Y.*; Ji, R (2021) Quantification of polystyrene plastics degradation using C-14 isotope tracer technique. Meth. Enzymol. 648, 121-136.

4) 田莉莉,文少白,马旖旎*,季荣(2021)海水青鳉摄食微塑料的荧光和C-14同位素法示踪定量研究,环境科学研究,34(11): 2571-2578

5) Wang, T., Wang, L., Chen, Q., Kalogerakis, N., Ji, R.and Ma, Y.*, (2020) Interactions between microplastics and organic pollutants: Effects on toxicity, bioaccumulation, degradation, and transport.Science of The Total Environment.748:142427.

6) Wang T.,Ma Y.*, and Ji R., (2020)Agingprocesses of polyethylene mulch films and preparation of microplastics with environmental characteristics.Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology.107,736–740

7) 王琳,马旖旎*,季荣,PS和PVC微塑料对小球藻的生长抑制效应及其影响途径,环境科学学报,41(4): 1538-1544

8) Gu, J., Chen, X., Wang, Y., Szlavecz, K., Ma, Y.*, and Ji, R.(2020). Bioaccumulation, physiological distribution, and biotransformation of tetrabromobisphenol a (TBBPA) in the geophagous earthwormMetaphire guillelmi– hint for detoxification strategy.Journal of Hazardous Materials388:122027

9) Tian, L., Chen Q., Jiang W., Wang L., Xie H., Kalogerakis N.,Ma Y.*, and Ji R. *,(2019). A carbon-14 radiotracer-based study on the phototransformation of polystyrene nanoplastics in water versus in air.Environmental Science: Nano6 (9):2907-2917.

10) Liu, J., T. Zhang, L. Tian, X. Liu, Z. Qi,Y. Ma, R. Ji, and W. Chen*.(2019). Aging Significantly Affects Mobility and Contaminant-Mobilizing Ability of Nanoplastics in Saturated Loamy Sand.Environmental Science & Technology53 (10): 5805-5815

11) Ma, Y.*, McCormick M. K., Szlavecz K., and Filley T. R., (2019) Controls on soil organic carbon stability and temperature sensitivity with increased aboveground litter input in deciduous forests of different forest ages.Soil Biology and Biochemistry134:90-99.

12) Jiang, X., Tian, L.,Ma, Y.*, Ji, R., (2019) Quantifying the bioaccumulation of nanoplastics and PAHs in the clamwormPerinereis aibuhitensis.Science of the Total Environment655: 591-597.

13) Liu, J.,Ma, Y., Zhu, D., Xia, T., Qi, Y., & Yao, Y., Guo, X., Ji, R.,* Chen, W.,* (2018). Polystyrene nanoplastics-enhanced contaminant transport: role of irreversible adsorption in glassy polymeric domain.Environmental Science & Technology, 52(5).

14) Ma Y.,Zhao Y., Wang, Y., Li, X., Sun, F., Corvini, P., Ji, R.* (2017) Effects of Cu2+ and humic acids on degradation and fate of TBBPA in pure culture ofPseudomonassp. strain CDT,Journal of Environmental Sciences, 62 (12) :60-67

15) Wang, Y., Xu,J., Shan, J.,Ma, Y*, Ji, R., (2017) Fate of Phenanthrene and Mineralization of its Non-extractable Residues in an Oxic Soil.Environmental Pollution, 224, 377-383

16) Ma, Y., Huang, A., Cao, S., Sun, F., Wang, L., Guo, H., Ji, R*., (2016) Effects of nanoplastics and microplastics on toxicity, bioaccumulation, and environmental fate of phenanthrene in fresh water.Environmental Pollution219, 166-173.(2020年ESI高被引论文)

17) Li, F.J., Wang, J.J., Jiang, B.Q., Yang, X., Nastold, P., Kolvenbach, B., Wang, L.H.,Ma, Y., Corvini, P.F.X., Ji, R*. (2015). Fate of tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) and formation of ester- and ether-linked bound residues in an oxic sandy soil.Environmental Science & Technology49, 12758-12765.

18) Ma, Y.*, Filley, T.R., Szlavecz, K., McCormick, M.K., (2014). Controls on wood and leaf litter incorporation into soil fractions in forests at different successional stages.Soil Biology and Biochemistry69, 212-222.

19) Ma, Y.*, Filley, T.R., Johnston, C.T., Crow, S.E., Szlavecz, K., McCormick, M.K., (2013).The combined controls of land use legacy and earthworm activity on soil organic matter chemistry and particle association during afforestation,Organic Geochemistry, 58, 56-68.


1) 季荣,田莉莉,王联红,蓝贤瑾,王永峰,马旖旎,江伟;一种合成14C标记的聚苯乙烯(PS)的方法;ZL 2015 1 0260827.0(已授权)

2) 季荣,曹思琪,王联红,马旖旎;碳同位素标记双酚S和双酚AF的制备方法;ZL 2019 1 0598303.0 (已授权)

3) 王联红,蓝贤瑾,季荣,王婷,马旖旎;一种[3-14C]标记的17a-雌二醇的制备方法;ZL 2019 1 0204194.X (已授权)

4) 季荣,陈倩倩,马旖旎,田莉莉,王婷,王联红;一种将环境聚苯乙烯(PS)塑料制品制备成纳米级别材料的方法;ZL 2020 1 0295171.7(已授权)

5) 季荣,蔡蕊,马旖旎,王联红;一种同位素14C标记聚苯乙烯微塑料的制备方法;ZL 2021 1 0729319.8(已授权)



