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发布日期:2024-05-06 点击:



电话Tel:+86-137 0045 4577

邮箱Email:fei.yang@hainanu.edu.cn ;laochy@foxmail.com


Mail Address: Renmin Avenue 58, Haikou 570228, Hainan Prov., P. R. China

【研究方向Research Interests】:


Wastewater Treatment and Reuse,includingMembranebioreactor (MBR), Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS), Industrial wastewater treatment,Rural decentralized wastewater treatment; and Water Resources Management forSustainableDevelopment

【研究生招生PostDoc, Ph.D and Master students Needed

博士生Ph.D Candidates:生态学Ecology (水环境和水生态方向Water Ecological Environment)

硕士生M.Sc Students:环境科学与工程Environmental Science and Engineering

专业硕士生M.E Students:资源与环境Resources and Environment

同时招收博士后合作研究人员 PostDoc position

(对学生背景要求Background Requirements:1.给排水/市政工程/环境工程Waterscience and engineering / Environmental engineering (优先Pref.);2.环境科学Environmental science;3. (微)生物工程/环境生态工程/化学工程等Microbial/Biological engineering / Ecological engineering of environment /Chemical engineering)

【学习经历Education Background】:

200411--200902 以色列本古里安大学,污水处理与水资源管理专业,获博士学位。Ph.Dof Wastewater Treatment and Water Resources Management, Sde Boker campus, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. 荣获 2005年本古里安大学Dr. Meyer L. Rosoff and Rev. Benzion Bauer杰出水研究奖;2006年度中国政府优秀自费留学生奖学金。

200210--200410 以色列本古里安大学,水资源和管理专业,硕士学位。M.Scof Water Resources and Management, Albert Katz International School for Desert Studies, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel.

198509 --198906 中国地质大学(武汉),应用化学系工业分析专业,工学学士。B.Sc.of Analytical Chemistry, Department of Applied Chemistry, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, Hubei, China.

学历:博士研究生 学位:博士


201306--至今Present 海南大学生态与环境学院,研究员/教授。Professor in Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Hainan University,China.

200903--201304 德国达姆斯塔特工业大学,IWAR 研究所,博士后研究员。Institute IWAR,Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany, as aPostDoc Research Fellow.

198907--200209 浙江有色地质勘查局,浙江绍兴,化学分析、工程勘察工程师。Zhejiang Nonferrous Metals Geology Survey Bureau, Shaoxing, Zhejiang, China. Engineer of Chemistry .

【主讲课程Courses Given】:

本科生课程 For bachelor students:水污染控制工程原理与技术 Water Pollution Control Engineering;环境工程学Introduction to Environmental Engineering;水资源管理Water resources management;物理性污染控制原理与技术 Principles of PhysicalPollutionControl

研究生课程 For master/Ph.D students:生物地球化学Bio-Giochemistry;环境科学与技术研究方法Research methodology for Environmental Science and Engineering;数据分析、表达与SCI论文写作 Summarizing, writing and presenting scientific data

【学术兼职Professional Affiliations】:






1.膜生物反应器和活性碳吸附联用去除城市污水中的微污染物质过程研究。法兰克福市Faudi基金会项目。编号:Faudi 74,时间:200901-201112,经费:10万欧元。项目主持人。



4.微孔曝气系统在不同气候和温度条件下性能的验证和优化。德国教研部(BMBF)中-德国际合作项目。(Validation and Optimization of Fine Bubble Aeration Systems Depending on the Water Temperature)。编号:EXPOVAL,经费:70万欧元。201201-201512。参与海口站工作。

5.海南大学科研启动基金项目,编号:kyqd1422:岛屿型水污染控制和水资源管理及可持续发展技术研究(前期),201406-201701, 10万元。主持。












发表的论文、专著、专利等PublicationsandPatents (部分Selected)】:

1. Biao Zhang, Yixuan Bian, Junsheng Chen, Ziyang Zhang, Shengrui Sun,Fei Yang, Zhongfang Lei, Weiwei Huang* (2023). Nitrogen reclamation from aquaculture wastewater as potential fish feed additives via bacterial and algal-bacterial granular sludge systems.Bioresource Technology Reports,20230827: 101609.

2. Zhou, TingXi, Hanqing Gao, Yuling Hu, Weiwei Huang,Fei Yang, Wei Sun*, Xuesong Yi (2023). Activation stainless steel with electrochemical etching-hydrothermal as an efficient and stable alkaline water oxidation electrode. Journal of Power Sources, 577: 233241.

3. Huang, Yilun, Tingxi Zhou, Yuling Hu, Yifei Yang, Fei Yang, Weiwei Huang, Leilei He, Wei Sun*(2023). Ordered derivatives on Ti surface enhance the OER activity and stability of Ru-based film electrode. International journal of hydrogen energy,2023,(86): 48.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2023.05.108

4. Hou, Yaoqi, Qing Xia,Fei Yang, Biao Zhang, Yixuan Bian, Zhongfang Lei, Weiwei Huang* (2023). Biogas circulation for improving the promotive effect of zero-valent iron on anaerobic digestion of swine manure. Bioresource Technology Reports, 21: 101319.

5. Hou, Yaoqi, Mengqi He, Yongjie Liu, Qian Wang, Aopan Yang,Fei Yang, Zhongfang Lei, Xuesong Yi, Weiwei Huang*(2023). Biological nitrogen removal mechanisms during anaerobic digestion of swine manure: Effects of biogas circulation and activated carbon addition. Bioresource Technology, 374: 128766.

6. 潘国英,文畅,黄薇薇,姚雪梅,董丽丽,周梅阳,杨飞*(2023).一种三回路式淡水循环养殖系统的构建及应用.热带生物学报, 14(3): 1-11.(中文科技核心)

7. Xia, Qing, Ziyin Ai, Wenli Huang,Fei Yang, Fei Liu, Zhongfang Lei, Weiwei Huang* (2022).Recent progress in applications of Feammox technology for nitrogen removal from wastewaters: A review.Bioresource Technology, 2022, 362, 127868.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2022.127868(SCI论文,IF:11.889;工程技术TOP1)

8. Liu, Ya-Ting, Qing Xia, Wei-Wei Huang, Xue-Song Yi, Li-Li Dong andFei Yang*(2022), Comparison of pharmaceutical removal in two membrane bioreactors with/without powdered activated carbon addition. RSC Advances, 2022, 12, 20958.(SCI论文, IF:4.036;化学类TOP3)

9. Zhu, Ze, Uri Yogev, Simon Goddek,Fei Yang, Karel J. Keesman*, Amit Gross** (2022). Carbon dynamics and energy recovery in a novel near-zero waste aquaponics system with onsite anaerobic treatment. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 833, 155245.(SCI论文, IF:10.753;环境科学与生态学TOP2)

10. Bakr, A., B.-W. Wang, H.-P. Liu, X.-S. Yi,F. Yang*(2020). Simulation and optimization of hydraulic conditions via separation mesh modification in a pilot hybrid growth membrane bioreactor using computational fluid dynamics. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2020, 202: 133-149.(SCI论文, IF: 1.38;工程技术类TOP4, JCR分区Q3)

11. Fu, Q.-L., Y.-J. Wu, N.-N. Zhang, Sh. Hu;F. Yang,L.-L. Lu*, J.-F. Wang* (2020). Durability and mechanism of high-salt resistance concrete exposed to sewage-contaminated seawater. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 257: 119534.(SCI论文, IF: 5.08;工程技术类TOP1)

12. Yang*, Y., T.-L. Tang, Y.-W. Chen, W.-H. Tang,F. Yang(2020). The role of chorion around embryos in toxic effects of bisphenol AF exposure on embryonic zebrafish (Danio rerio) development. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 2020, 233: 106540.(SCI论文, IF: 2.98;地球科学TOP3)

13. Huang, Y.-H., L. Dsikowitzky,F. Yang,J. Schwarzbauer* (2020). Emerging contaminants in municipal wastewaters and their relevance for the surface water contamination in the tropical coastal city Haikou, China. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 2020, 235: 106611. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2020.106611(SCI论文, IF: 2.98;地球科学TOP3)

14. Dsikowitzky, L.*, T. Nguyen, L. Konzer, H.-W. Zhao, D.-R. Wang,F. Yang, J. Schwarzbauer (2020). Occurrence and origin of triazine herbicides in a tropical coastal area in China: A potential ecosystem threat.Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 5-Apr-2020, 235: 106612.(SCI论文, IF: 2.98;地球科学TOP3)

15. Li, P., L. Dsikowitzky, X.-P. Diao,F. Yang, Q.-X. Li, J. Schwarzbauer (2020). Unusual tin organics, DDX and PAHs as specific pollutants from dockyard work in an industrialized port area in China. Chemosphere 2019, 243: 125284.(SCI论文, IF: 5.34;环境科学与生态学TOP2)

16. Wang, D.-X.*, Y.-Y. Li, H.-F. Zhuang, X.-S. Yi**,F. Yang, H.-J. Han (2019). Direct current triggering enhanced anaerobic treatment of acetyl pyrimidine-containing wastewater in up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket coupled with bioelectrocatalytic system. Chemosphere 2019, 231: 457-467.(SCI论文, IF: 5.34;环境科学与生态学TOP2)

17.Huang, W.-W.,F. Yang, W.-L. Huang⁎, Zh.-F. Lei, Zh.-Y. Zhang (2019). Enhancing hydrogenotrophic activities by zero-valent iron addition as an T effective method to improve sulfadiazine removal during anaerobic digestion of swine manure. Bioresource Technology 2019, 294: 122178. (SCI论文, IF: 11.889; 工程技术TOP1)

18. Huang W.-W.,F. Yang*, W.-L. Huang, D.-X. Wang, Z.-F. Lei, Z.-Y. Zhang (2019). Weak magnetic field significantly enhances methane production from a digester supplemented with zero valent iron. Bioresource Technology 2019, 282: 202-210.(SCI论文, IF: 11.889;工程技术TOP1)

19. 阴文敏,关卓,刘琛,何杨,杨飞*,唐翔宇(2019).生物炭施用及老化对紫色土中抗生素吸附特征的影响.环境科学, 2019-06, 40(6): 2920-2929.(EI,CSCD,北大核心,综合IF 2.276,被引用次数:0)

20. 黄月华,张铭阑,章志云,王怡,杨飞*,刁晓平(2019).蚯蚓粪对扑热息痛的吸附特性.江苏农业科学, 2019-01-05, 47(1): 268-273.(北大核心,综合IF 0.435)

21. Yang, Y.,F. Yang, W.-W. Huang*, W.-L. Huang, F. Li, Z.-F. Lei, Z.-Y. Zhang(2018). Enhanced anaerobic digestion of ammonia-rich swine manure by zero-valent iron: With special focus on the enhancement effect on hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis activity. Bioresource Technology 2018, 270: 172-179.(SCI论文, IF: 11.889;工程技术TOP1)

22. 王博文,孙安宁,张国闽,薛鑫, Ahmed Bakr,杨飞*(2018).混合生长式膜生物反应器中导流板的流体力学影响.中国给水排水, 2018-11, 34(21): 80-85.(CSCD,北大核心,CSSCI,综合IF 0.529)

23. 轩盼盼,唐翔宇,鲜青松*,刘琛,杨飞,黄月华(2017).生物炭对紫色土中氟喹诺酮吸附-解吸的影响.中国环境科学, 2017-06, 37(6): 2222-31.(EI, CSCD,北大核心,综合IF 2.066)

24.Yang, F., Y. Wang, L. Gillerman, J. Gilron, A. Brenner, M. Herzberg, G. Oron and A. Bick (2017). Analysis of membrane bio-reactor performance for wastewater treatment using ranking methods. Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, 2017, 99(7-8), 1152-69.(SCI论文, IF: 1.07;环境科学与生态学TOP4)

25. 黄月华,彭越,杨飞*(2016).蚯蚓粪吸附水中Cu2+的动力学和热力学分析.华南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 48(6): 111-117.(北大核心,综合IF 0.490)

26. Knopp, G.,F. Yangand P. Cornel (2016). Elimination von Mikroverunreinigungen aus biologisch gereinigtem Kommunalabwasser mittels kombinierter Membran- und Aktivkohleadsorptionsverfahren (Elimination of micropollutants from biologically treated municipal wastewater using combined membrane and activated carbon-based adsorption processes). gwf-Wasse/Abwasser (Water Solutions - Water and Wastewater Technologies), 2106, 157(1), 46-59. (in German)

27. Li, P., X.-P. Diao*, Y. Zhang, Y.-L. Xie,F. Yang, H.-L. Zhou*, Q. Han, F.-Q. Wang, H.-H. Wang (2015). Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface sediment from Yangpu Bay, China: Distribution, sources and risk assessment. Marine pollution bulletin 2015, 99(1-2), 312-219.(SCI论文, IF 3.40;环境科学与生态学TOP3)

28. 杨飞,黄春慧,文畅,宋青青,潘国英,黄薇薇,姚雪梅,周梅阳。一种纳氏试剂分光光度法测定海水中氨氮含量的方法,发明专利号:ZL202111190348.8。

29. 杨飞,文畅,潘国英,黄薇薇,姚雪梅,周梅阳。一种适用于水产养殖的微滤机,发明专利号:CN202210329806.x。一种微滤机,实用新型专利号:ZL202220738658.2

30. 杨飞,郭小夏,潘国英,文畅,黄薇薇,周梅阳。一种海水中硝酸盐含量的直接测定方法及应用,发明专利号:ZL202111043920.8。

31. 《海南省城乡水务技术适用指南》。执笔:杨飞,衣雪松,周梅阳,唐诗雨(学)。编制完成时间:2017.12.31。

32. 《环境工程理论与应用》。秦建桥,杨飞,周安文著。吉林大学出版社,2018.8。ISBN 978-7-5692-2933-2。

33. 《水处理工程》。主编衣雪松;副主编王勇王德欣杨飞;评审侯立安金儒霖。中国环境出版集团,2020.11。ISBN 978-7-5111-4499-7。
