周智 院长
周智,男,1973年生,湖南永州人。博士、博士后、二级教授,海南大学博士生导师,分别于1996年、1999年和2003年获得学士、硕士和博士学位,并于2003、2008至2010年及2013年在美国斯坦福大学、密苏里科技大学学习工作及科技LJ人才培训。2010年入选“教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划”、2011年入选“辽宁省人才工程(百人层次)”、2015年入选“江苏省双创人才”、2017年入选“江苏省六大人才高峰”(B类)、2020年入选“国家级人才工程”,2023年获得“国务院政府特殊津贴”等。兼任国际结构健康监测协会(ISHMII)理事、中国结构抗振控制与健康监测专业委员会常务委员、中国仪器仪表学会设备结构健康监测与预警分会理事、《Pacific Science Review》、《中国测试》、《油气储运》等期刊编委。负责完成“863”项目、国家科技支撑项目、“973”项目(子项)、国家自然科学基金(重点)、重大工程应用及产业化项目60余项(含国家基金项目8项)。发表期刊学术论文200余篇(其中SCI期刊收录70余篇),学术专著4部(章节),授权国家发明专利20余项,完成标准6部、软件著作5项,国内外特邀报告30余次。获得国家科技进步二等奖1项、省部级奖励7项。培养博士后4人、毕业博士15人、硕士70余人。
针对重大工程安全监测与灾害防治关键科学问题,在“高性能传感器网络与结构健康监测”和“纤维增强树脂材料(FRP)及其海岛工程应用”两个方向上做了系统研究。主要成果包括:国内较早推动结构安全监测用工程化光纤传感技术,实现了产业化;提出和发展了结构损伤行为的系列监测方法与技术,包括针对大变形、裂纹监测要求的同轴电缆传感器(大于15%量程)、结构疲劳特征刻画的数字式无线疲劳传感器、探测冲刷深度和范围的远程非接触式监测技术;从桥隧、道路、建筑、边坡等工程特征出发,建立了结构健康监测系统与工程示范,并扩展到物联网以及大数据分析和评价。此外,针对海岛(含岛礁)工程建设发展需要,发展了系列纤维增强树脂复合材料(FRP)制品(筋、板、管、拉索)以及内嵌钢材/钢丝的高模量、抗剪切的 FRP 制品;提出与发展了内嵌智能敏感元件的 FRP 智能部品;从智能建造出发,考虑建筑工业化需求,研发了系列装配式智能部品及其智能结构;发展了长寿命 FRP-海水海砂混凝土结构,实现了海南海洋牧场、抗震加固等工程示范。
[2] 纤维增强树脂材料制品与海洋土木工程结构
[3] 土木工程高性能传感器及其物联网系统
[1] 防灾减灾工程与防护工程
[2] 结构工程
[3] 土木工程材料
[4] 物理、电子、计算机等相关专业
[1] 土木工程概论
[2] 工程腐蚀与防护
[3] 结构健康监测
[4] FRP材料与结构
[5] 科学研究方法论
[3] 1999/09-2003/02,哈尔滨工业大学,工程力学专业,研究生/博士,导师:欧进萍院士;
[2] 1996/09-1999/03,中南工业大学(现中南大学),固体力学专业,研究生/硕士;
[1] 1992/09-1996/07,中南工业大学(现中南大学),金属材料专业,大学本科/学士。
[9] 2019/04-至今,海南大学,土木建筑工程学院,教授/博导;
[8] 2009/12-2019/03,大连理工大学,土木工程学院,教授/博导;
[7] 2013/01-2013/03,Missouri University of Science & Technology,科技领军人才培训;
[6] 2009/06-2010/05,Missouri University of Science & Technology,研究员;
[5] 2008/06-2010/06,Missouri University of Science & Technology,访问学者;
[4] 2005/03-2009/12,哈尔滨工业大学,土木工程学院,副教授;
[3] 2004/03-2004/06,Stanford University,访问学者;
[2] 2003/03-2005/02,哈尔滨工业大学,土木工程学院,讲师;
[1] 2003/04-2006/12,哈尔滨工业大学,防灾减灾工程与防护工程专业,博士后。
[15] 2022-至今,海南省高等学校教学指导委员会委员;
[14] 2019-至今,科技部项目、奖励评审专家;
[13] 2020-至今,中国施工企业管理协会科技评审专家;
[12] 2017-至今,cjxz函评专家;
[11] 2016-至今,中国仪器仪表协会设备结构健康监测与预警分会理事;
[10] 2015-至今,期刊《油气储运》编委;
[09] 2014-至今,第四届结构抗振控制与健康监测专业委员会常务委员;
[08] 2013-至今,期刊《中国测试》编委;
[07] 2008-至今,国际智能基础设施结构健康监测学会(ISHMII)理事;
[06] 2008-至今,美国光学学会会员;
[05] 2006-至今,中国力学学会会员;
[04] 2006-至今,国家自然科学基金通讯评审专家;
[03] 2005-至今,美国SPIE程序委员、会员;
[02] 2004-至今,亚太光电基础会议(APCOM)程序委员;
[01] 2003-至今,国际杂志Pacific Science Review编委。
[21] 中国施工企业管理协会工程建设科学技术奖一等奖(排名第二),2022年;
[20] 入选“国家级百千万人才工程”,2020年;
[19] 大连市技术发明一等奖(排名第10),2020年;
[18] 湖南省科技进步二等奖(排名第2),2019年;
[17] 教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果二等奖(排名第7), 2019年;
[16] 中国公路学会科学技术二等奖(排名第4),2017年;
[15] 广西壮族自治区科学技术二等奖(排名第2),2017年;
[14] 辽宁省科技进步二等奖(排名第7),2017年;
[13] 入选江苏省“六大人才高峰”人才计划(B类),2017年;
[12] 大连理工大学第十二届“攀登杯”科技竞赛优秀指导教师,2016年;
[11] 入选江苏省双创人才计划,2015年;
[10] 获得大连理工大学优秀教师,2013年、2014年;
[09] 入选辽宁省百千万人才工程百人层次计划,2011年;
[08] 获黑龙江省优秀硕士指导教师,2010年;
[07] 入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,2010年;
[06] 获国家科技进步二等奖(排名第4),2007年;
[05] 获教育部高等学校科技发明一等奖(排名第4),2006年;
[04] 获哈尔滨工业大学校优秀博士论文奖,2005年;
[03] SPIE会议最优Poster论文奖,2005年;
[02] 指导哈尔滨工业大学生本科创新国家一等奖,2006年;
[01] 指导哈尔滨工业大学本科生创新,校二等奖(2项),2005年。
[31] 2022.01-2025.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目(52178282),结构预应力损失全尺度全历程监测的光电复合电缆系统,58万元,在研,主持;
[30] 2021.12-2024.12,陈飞勇院士创新平台科研专项(YSPTZX202149),基于智能机器人的热带海洋岛屿生态环境监测与保护修复,51万元,在研,主持;
[29] 2021.12-2025.12,xxx检测技术与预警方法,xxxxx腐蚀劣化机理与新型无损检测技术,200万元,在研,主持;
[28] 2020.01-2022.12,海南省自然科学基金高层次人才项目(2019RC097),热带海洋工程高耐久性BFRP制品与结构,10万元,在研,主持;
[27] 2020.8-2022.07,候保荣院士创新平台科研专项,热带海洋环境工程设施腐蚀监测、评价与防护,60万元,在研,参加;
[25] 2020.09-2021.09,中国工程院咨询重点项目(20-HN-XZ-03),热带海岛工程多灾害与智能防护发展战略,100万元,在研,专项负责;
[24] 2019.04-2022.04,海南大学科研启动基金项目(KYQD(2R)1977),纤维增强树脂材料制品与海洋土木工程结构,300万元,在研,主持;
[23] 2018.07-2021.06,十三五国家重点研发计划“绿色建筑及建筑工业化”专项(2018YFC0705606),物理和信息融合的智能防灾减灾结构系统,63万元,在研,研究骨干;
[22] 2017.01-2020.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目(61675038),同轴电缆分布式F-P大应变传感器研制与应用研究,67万元,在研,主持;
[21] 2018.01-2019.12,中央高校基本科研业务费(DUT18LAB24),强震下结构大变形破损监测仪研制与开发,20万元,结题,主持;
[20] 2015.06-2018.12,河南科技厅项目,交通基础设施安全监测感知技术与物联网系统构建研究,142万元,结题,主持;
[19] 2014.01-2015.12,国家自然科学基金海外及港澳学者合作研究基金(61328501),结构健康监测同轴电缆布拉格传感器,20万元,结题,中方主持;
[18] 2014.01-2015.12,中央高校基本科研业务费(DUT14LAB03),油罐雷击诱发多灾害光纤监测,10万元,结题,主持;
[17] 2012.01-2013.12,国家自然科学基金国际合作与交流项目,基于光谱和相位调制的高精度波导光纤测试系统及其在结构健康监测中的应用,9万元,结题,中方负责;
[16] 2011.09-2016.12,国家973计划项目(2011CB013700),深海工程结构的极端环境作用与全寿命服役安全/深海工程结构的极端环境作用与全寿命服役安全,100/3150万元,结题,研究骨干;
[15] 2010.01-2014.12,国家“十二五”科技支撑计划项目(2011BAK02B02),城市基础设施安全监测控制物联网技术研究及应用示范,120/795万元,结题,副组长;
[14] 2010.01-2013.12,教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,结构行为监测的高性能传感技术,30万元,结题,主持;
[13] 2010.01-2012.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目(50978079),光纤布里渊与光栅共线技术及其在预应力损失监测中的应用,36万元,结题,主持;
[12]2011.01-2012.12,国家自然科学基金外国青年学者研究基金(51150110159),Development of novel FBG-based and interferometric sensing systems for structural health monitoring,20万元,结题,中方主持;
[11] 2010.01-2011.12,863子项,基于光纤传感的重载铁路桥梁疲劳试验,38万元,结题,主持;
[10] 2009.01-2011.12,大连理工大学人才引进专项基金,结构长期行为监测高性能传感器研究, 15万元,结题,主持;
[09] 2009.01-2010.12,国家自然科学基金(中俄国际合作项目),基于光纤传感的人工和自然结构远程监测研究,9万元,副组长、研究骨干;
[08] 2007.01-2009.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目(10672048),光纤光栅传感元件、封装界面与基体损伤的长期耦合效应,32万元,结题,主持;
[07] 2006.01-2010.12,国家科技支撑计划,FRP高耐久性基础设施制品、构件与结构体系,380万元,结题,研究骨干;
[06] 2006.01-2009.12,国家自然科学基金重点项目(50538020),重大工程结构健康监测及其集成系统,200万元,结题,研究骨干;
[05] 2004.01-2006.12,国家自然科学基金青年基金(50308008),钢筋混凝土结构局部性态的光纤光栅智能监测,24万元,结题,主持;
[04] 2005.01-2006.12,国家自然科学基金中俄协议项目(50511120461),基于光纤传感器的智能健康监测系统,5.5万元,结题,中方主持;
[03] 2003.01-2005.12,国家自然科学基金(重大国际合作项目),中-美-日重大工程结构的智能健康监测研究,98万元,结题,研究骨干;
[02] 2006.01-2008.12,哈尔滨工业大学优秀青年教师培养计划资助项目,3万元,结题,主持;
[01] 2003.01-2005.12,国家自然科学基金(50208007),FRP加筋混凝土构件的力学性能与智能特性,25万元,结题,(R2)。
[07] 玄武岩纤维复合材料、制品及其在海洋工程中的应用(HX20190615),四川谦宜复合材料有限公司,2019.06-2023.06,270万元,负责;
[06] 大连湾海交通工程桥隧岛结构安全监测与养护管理关键技术研究,中交公路规划设计院有限公司,108万元,负责;
[05] 湖北香溪长江公路大桥工程沿线重点基础设施集群全寿命监测与管养系统项目,湖北秭兴长江大桥建设开发有限公司,2015-2020,980万元,负责;
[04] 湖北香溪长江公路大桥工程沿线重点基础设施集群全寿命监测与管养系统研究,武汉市市政建设集团有限公司,2015-2016,120万元,负责;
[03] 湖南省大岳高速公路洞庭湖大桥A2合同段大体积混凝土温控咨询,中交路桥建设有限公司大岳高速公路洞庭湖大桥A2合同段项目经理部,2014-2015,98万元,负责;
[02] 湖南省大岳高速公路洞庭湖大桥A1合同段大体积混凝土温控项目,湖南路桥建设集团公司大岳高速公路洞庭湖大桥A1合同段项目部,2014-2015,98万元,负责;
[01] 矮寨大桥结构健康监测系统研究及开发,矮寨大桥建设指挥部,2011-2014,200/800万元,副组长。
[1] 李忠富,周智主编. 土木工程施工[M]. 中国建筑工业出版社,2018年6月.
[4]Zhi ZHOU, Yung William SASY CHAN, Jinping OU. Advances in FRP-based smart components and structures, Chapter 11 in Structural Health Monitoring of Composite Structures Using Fiber Optic Methods (ISBN: 978-1-4987-3317-5), edited by Dr. Ginu Rajan and Gangadhara Prusty, CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group Publisher, (2016). PP: 372-413
[3] Jinping OU, Mingshan ZHAO,Zhi ZHOU. Proceeding of the APCOM2012 (Asia-Pacific Conference on Fundamental Problems of Opto- and Micro-electronics), August 21-24, 2012, Dalian, China
[2]Zhi Zhou, Jianping He, Jinping Ou. Life-Cycle Monitoring and Safety Evaluation of Critical Energy Infrastructure Using Full-Scale Distributed Optical Fiber Sensors, Fiber Optic Sensors (ISBN: 978-953-307-922-6), edited by: Moh. Yasin, Sulaiman W. Harun and Hamzah Arof, Publisher: InTech, February 2012(Chapter 4), PP: 77-114
[1] Jingping Ou,Zhi Zhou, Genda Chen. Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors in Civil Engineering Applications, Chapter 8 in Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors: Recent Advancements, Industrial Applications and Market Exploitation, edited by Dr. Andrea Cusano, Antonello Cutolo, and Jacques Albert, Bentham Science Publishers, ISBN No. e-978-1-60805-084-0, (2011)
[1]热带岛屿复合材料海水海砂混凝土结构应用技术规程(T/CECS 089-2022);
[2] 混凝土剪力墙结构装配式组合壳体系技术规程(T/CCIAT 0046-2022);
[3] 公路桥梁结构监测技术规范(JT/T 1037-2022);
[4] 吉林省工程建设地方标准-市政桥梁结构监测技术标准(DB22/T 5035-2020);
[5]光纤光栅结构振动检测与监测标准(T/CECS 505-2018)。
[31] 周 智. 结构损伤行为监测行为感知技术. 第七届全国工程安全与防护学术. 苏州,2022.07.22-24. (特邀报告)
[30] Zhi Zhou. Smart Structure for Civil Engineering. The 5th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring and Integrity Management (ICSHMIM 2020). Online(Zoom), Nov. 28-29, 2020. (特邀报告)
[29] 周 智. 装配式结构部品智能化及其工程应用. 第三届中国建筑工业化融合发展产业峰会. 海口, 2020.10.16-17. (特邀报告)
[28] 周 智. 土木工程光纤智能结构及其应用. 海南土木建筑工程校企合作论坛(2019),海口,(特邀报告)
[27] Zhi Zhou. Smart Structure with Built-in OFS for Civil Infrastructures. 19th Asia-Pacific Conference on Fundamental Problems of Opto and Microelectronics (APCOM2019), Nov.23-24, 2019, Haikou, China (特邀报告)
[26] 周 智. 土木工程光纤智能结构新进展. 第八届中国(北京)国际光纤传感技术及应用大会北京-国家会议中心,08.04-24,2019 (特邀报告)
[25] Zhi Zhou. Optical fiber sensor-based smart structures. Institute of Measurement and Control, Sep 3-6, 2018, Belfast, United Kingdom. (特邀报告)
[24] 周 智. 土木工程光纤智能结构. 第七届中国(北京)国际光纤传感技术及应用大会. 北京,2018.5.22-24 (特邀报告)
[23] Zhi Zhou. Structural Intelligentization using Optical Fiber sensors for Civil Infrastructures, 8th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure, Dec 5-8, 2017, Brisbane, Australia. (特邀报告)
[22] 周 智.基于光纤传感的土木工程结构智能化.第十届中国光纤传感学术会议暨产业化论坛.北京,2017.10.14-16 (特邀报告)
[21] Zhi Zhou. Structural intelligentization using OF sensors for Civil Infrastructures, The 2nd International Conference on Fibre-optic and Photonic Sensors for Industrial and Safety Applications, Jan 8-10, 2017, Brisbane, Australia. (特邀报告)
[20] 周 智. 光纤智能结构及其工程应用.第八届国际信息光学与光子学学术会议.上海,2016.07.17-20 (特邀报告)
[19] 周 智. 光纤智能结构.第五届中国(北京)国际光纤传感技术及应用大会. 北京,2016.05.9-11(特邀报告)
[18] 周 智. SHM在基础设施上的应用-几点进展与问题. 2015全国结构健康监测技术研讨会暨首届“lasd”结构健康监测发展论坛,厦门,2015.12.10-12(特邀报告)
[17] Zhi Zhou. Advances of Novel Optical Fiber Sensor Technology for Structural Health Monitoring. International Conference on Photonics and Information Optics, Jan 27-30, 2015, Moscow, Russia. (特邀报告)
[16] Zhi Zhou. Challenges of Large-scale Structural Damage Monitoring Methodologies and System Using Optical Fiber Sensors, International Conference on Fiber-optic and Photonic Sensors for Industrial and Safety Applications. Jan.20-23, 2015, Jinan, Shandong, China. (特邀报告)
[15] 周 智. 用于土木工程检测的光纤应变传感器. 2014年中国光纤传感学术会议暨产业化论坛. 大连,2014.9.22-25(特邀报告)
[14] Zhi ZHOU. Large Scale Damage Monitoring Methodologies and System, The first conference of international structural health monitoring and integrity management. Nov.26-27, 2012,Beijing,China.(邀请报告)
[13] Zhi Zhou, Jianping He, A.V.Dyshlyuk and Jinping Ou. Novel Graph-based Self-healing Optical Fiber Sensor Network, Proceeding of the APCOM2012(Asia-Pacific Conference on Fundamental Problems of Opto- and Micro-electronics, 2012), August 21-24, 2012, Dalian, China.(邀请报告)
[12] Y.N. Kulchin, O.B.Vitrik, A.V.Dyshlyuk, Zhi Zhou. Conditions for Excitation of Surface Plasmon Resonance by Whispering Gallery Modes in a Bent Single-Mode Optical Fiber. APCOM2012. August 21-24, 2012, Dalian, China.(主题报告)
[11] 周 智,欧进萍. 基于全尺度分布式光纤传感器的能源基础设施全寿命监测与安全评价.2011年中国光纤传感学术会议暨产业化论坛特邀报告. 哈尔滨,2011.12.26-28(邀请报告)
[10] Zhi Zhou, Jinping Ou. Some Advances of Structural Behavior Monitoring Sensors for Civil Infrastructures. ANCRiSST- 2011, 2011, Dalian, China.(邀请报告)
[09] Zhi Zhou, Jinping Ou. Some Advances of Damage Monitoring Sensors for SHM at DUT. APCOM2011, Moscow-Samara. 2011, July 4-8 (特邀报告)
[08] Zhi Zhou,Jinping Ou. Research and development of serial optical fiber sensors and applications in civil infrastructures.第五届中国光纤传感器发展与产业化论坛. 广州,2016.07.17-20 (特邀报告)
[07] Zhi Zhou, Jinping Ou. Advances of Optical Fiber Sensors Applied in Structural Health Monitoring System. APCOM2010,July 12-15. 2010, Giheung Yongjin, Korea (特邀报告)
[06] Zhi Zhou and Jinping Ou. R&D of Optical Fiber Based Sensors and Their Applications. SEM 2009 Annual Conference, June 1–4. 2009, New Mexico,USA. (特邀报告).
[05] Jinping Ou and Zhi Zhou. Applications of optical fiber sensors of SHM in infrastructures . Proceedings of SPIE. 2008, vol6933, no.693311:pp1-10 (特邀报告)
[04] Zhi Zhou and Jinping Ou. Study on FBG Coupling Effects and Absolute Temperature Compensation Technique Based on Long-term Monitoring Data. ASCE-Earth and Space. 2008, pp:1-11.(特邀报告)
[03] Jinping Ou and Zhi Zhou. FO Bridge Monitoring Activities in China. OFS 18. 2006, Cancún, México.(特邀报告)
[02] Jinping Ou and Zhi Zhou. Optic fiber Bragg-grating-based sensing technologies and their applications in structural health monitoring. Proceedings of SPIE. 2007, vol6595, no.659503, pp:1-8.(主题报告)
[01] 周 智,欧进萍. 光纤光栅传感器及其在大型结构工程健康监测领域的应用. 第一届光纤传感器的发展与产业化论坛,浙江嘉兴. 2005, (特邀报告)
[190]Zhenzhen Wang, Wanqiu Liu, Yung William Sasy Chan,Zhi Zhou, Jinping Ou. Nonlinear semi-analytical prediction of debonding at FRP-to-generic material interface with mechanical end-anchorage. Journal of Composites for Construction.2023. Doi:10.1061/JCCOF2/CCENG-3968;
[189] 熊雯磊,王珍珍,周智,陈云,王志佳,段晓农. 海南火山石砌体结构的FRP抗震加固试验研究[J].自然灾害学报,2023,32(1):161-170;
[188] 谭 彬,刘丽文,阳环宇,兰春光,周智. 琼海市体育场钢结构屋盖健康监测方案[J].海南大学学报(自然科学版),:1-10;
[187] Yufei Chang, Yanlei Wang, Bingnan Li, Mifeng Wang,Zhi Zhou, Jinping Ou. GFRP bar-reinforced seawater sea-sand concrete beam under the combined influence of seawater exposure and sustained load: Durability and degradation mechanism[J]. Structures 2022, 43: 1503-1515;
[186] Sasy Chan Yung William,Zhou Zhi, Xiang Ping. Experimental analysis of BFRP strengthened short steel tube with built-in FBG sensors under axial compression[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2022, 173: 109047;
[185] Huanyu Yang, Ying Huang,Zhi Zhou,Jinping Ou. Long-term Performance of Packaged Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors for Strain Monitoring Inside Creep Medium. International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials,2022, AHEAD-OF-PRINT, 1-22;
[184] Lian Shao,Jinping Ou,Zhi Zhou. Development of a new anchorage system for carbon fiber–reinforced polymer rods using extrusion process:[J]. Advances in Structural Engineering, 2022, 25(5):1002-1014.
[183] 常宇飞,王言磊,王密锋,周智. 海水浸泡与持续荷载耦合作用下GFRP筋的长期锚固长度[J].复合材料学.2022,39(11): 5122-5134;
[182]赵丽芝,唐福建,周智. 分布式光纤裂缝监测实验与数值分析[J].中国测试,2022,48(12):7-14;
[181]刘涛,王珍珍,周智,欧进萍. 热带海洋中GFRP-SWSSC柱的轴压性能[J].海南大学学报(自然科学版),2022,40(04):407-414;
[180] 修林鹏,常宇飞,周智,欧进萍. 真实海水环境下海水海砂混凝土内FRP筋性能退化研究[J].海南大学学报(自然科学版),2022,40(03):300-308;
[179]于志力,常宇飞,王珍珍,周智,欧进萍. 真实海水浸泡下FRP筋与海水海砂混凝土的粘结耐久性[J].海南大学学报(自然科学版),2022,40(04):382-392;
[178]Yufei Chang, Yanlei Wang, Mifeng Wang,Zhi Zhou, Jinping Ou. Bond Durability and Degradation Mechanism of GFRP Bars in Seawater Sea-sand Concrete under the Coupling Effect of Seawater Immersion and Sustained Load[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2021(307: 124878);
[177] Tong Jiao,Zhi Zhou,An optical-electrical co-sensing tape for cross-sectional deformation monitoring of shield tunnels[J]. Tunnelling and underground space technology, 2021(Nov.):117;
[176] 孙梦,焦彤,修林鹏,周智. 基于同轴电缆法布里-珀罗传感器的跨断层管道应变监测[J].油气储运,2021,40(10):1145-1154;
[175] Shen Juan,Zhou Zhi. Light transmitting performance and energy-saving of plastic optical fibre transparent concrete products. Indoor and Built Environment, 2021, 30(5): 635-649;
[174] 时国明,周智,苏晔华,沈鑫,肖恒. 天然气站场扫描式激光气体监测系统的研制. 油气储运,2021, 40(5);
[173] Sasy Chan, Y. W.,Zhou Zhi,Wang, Z.Z.; Ou, J.P. Prior and post peaks compressive behavior of concrete-filled double-skin tubular columns with BFRP-punched-in outer steel and BFRP-circular inner steel. Advanced in Structural Engineering, 2020, 23(13): 2911-2927;
[172] Shen Juan,Zhou Zhi. Performances and Energy Savings of Resin Translucent Concrete Products. ASCE Journal of energy engineering.2020, 146(3);
[171] Yaoye Zhang, Dongsheng Li,Zhi Zhou. Bayesian dynamic modification of corrosion in a cylindrical rod quantified by guided waves technique, Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, 2020:1764554.
[170] 王珍珍,周智,白石,欧进萍. 端部锚固CFRP板加固RC梁IC剥离过程非线性分析.土木工程学报,2020:1-11;
[169] 廖文生,陈滨,周智.透光混凝土建筑室内环境光热效应实验研究, 制冷与空调, 2020(2): 139-145;
[168] Tong Jiao,Zhi Zhou, Jia Liu, Hai Xiao and Jinping Ou. Large Strain-Tolerated Smart Steel Strand with Built in Coaxial Cable Fabry-Perot Interferometer. Measurement, 2020: 151: 107019;
[167] Sasy Chan, Y. W.,Zhou Zhi, Liu, W., and Ou, J. OFBG-Based Smart Double-Skin Tubular Confined-Concrete Column with Basalt FRP-Steel Composite, Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), 2019, 19(16), 3572;
[166] Tong Jiao,Zhi Zhou, Hai Xiao. Investigation into coaxial cable Fabry-Perot interferometers for strain measurement and crack detection in RC structures. Measurement, 2019, 147: 106873;
[165] Juan Shen,Zhi Zhou. Preparation and study of resin translucent concrete products. Advances in Civil Engineering, 2019: 8196967;
[164] Ying Huang, Yi Bao, Genda Chen,Zhi Zhou. A Constrained Cylinder Model of Strain Transfer for Packaged Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors Embedded in Inelastic Medium. Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 2019, 26: e2335;
[163] Peng Ren,Zhi Zhou, Jinping Ou. Non-baseline method for damage detection in truss structures using displacement and strain measurements. Advances in Structural Engineering, 2019, 22(3): 818-830;
[162] 王珍珍,周智,王佳钰. 预应力CFRP板加固桥梁短期预应力损失监测. 工业建筑. 49(4) :180-186;
[161] 王珍珍,周智,白石,欧进萍. 端部锚固无粘结预应力碳纤维板-钢板复合加固钢筋混凝土梁静载力学行为. 工业建筑,2019;
[160] 吴禹希,周智,马文龙,肖开乾,梁冠亭,白石. GFRP封装光纤光栅应变传感器疲劳性能研究[J]. 中国测试, 2019, 45(1): 94-98.
[159] 张耀烨,李冬生,周智. 超声导波针对均匀腐蚀的无基准评定方法[J]. 振动与冲击,2019,38(2): 110-115;
[158]Zhi Zhou, Zhenzhen Wang. An experimental investigation on flexural behavior of reinforced concrete beams strengthened by an intelligent CFRP plate with built-in Optical Fiber Bragg Grating sensors. Journal of Sensors, 2018(4271751): 1-16;
[157] 任鹏,周智,白石,欧进萍. 桁架结构疲劳监测的应变响应估计方法研究[J]. 工程力学,2018(09): 114-125;
[156] 焦彤,周智,肖海. 同轴电缆F-P干涉传感器分布式应变测量[J]. 仪表技术与传感器,2018 (12): 30-37;
[155] 邱德金,周智,白石, 席晓卿, 邓新茂. 新型组装式GFRP止水螺栓抗渗性能试验研究[J]. 中国建筑防水, 2018 (01): 8-11;
[154] 邱德金,周智,白石, 席晓卿,, 黄 金, 邓新茂. 新型对拉GFRP螺栓工程应用研究[J]. 中国建筑防水, 2018 (10): 39-41;
[153] 邱德金,周智,白石, 席晓卿,邓新茂. 新型对拉GFRP螺栓止水性能试验分析[J]. 新型建筑材料, 2018 (01): 67-71;
[152] Peng Ren,Zhi Zhou. Strain estimation of truss structures based on augmented Kalman filtering and modal expansion. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2017, 11(9): 1-10;
[151] Yaoye Zhang, Dongsheng Li andZhi Zhou.Time Reversal Method for Guided Waves with Multimode and Multipath on Corrosion Defect Detection in Wire, Applied Sciences, 2017, 7(4), 424;
[150] 覃荷瑛,朱万旭,张贺丽,周智,欧进萍.内嵌预压式大量程光纤光栅传感器的智能钢绞线的研制与性能分析[J]. 中国激光, 2017, 44(4): 0410001(1-8);
[149] 申娟,李忠华,焦思雨,周智. 透明混凝土性能研究[J]. 建筑技术, 2017, 48(10): 6-9;
[148] 程鸿伟,王珍珍,郝孝伟,周智,欧进萍. 预应力碳板加固用锚具设计与试验研究[J].工业建筑,2017, 47(增刊): 312-316;
[147] 刘 嘉,焦彤,周智等. 钳压法制作的同轴电缆法布里-珀罗传感器[J].中国测试,2017,43(9): 88-93;
[146]周智,焦彤,刘嘉. 同轴电缆法布里-珀罗传感器的性能测试与分析[J]. 仪表技术与传感器, 2017,6: 1-6;
[145] 任鹏,周智,武文华,欧进萍. 基于应变响应统计特征的海洋立管损伤诊断方法[J]. 振动与冲击,2017,36(1): 23-30;
[144] 白石,任鹏,周智,武文华,欧进萍. 基于Kalman滤波的有限测点桁架结构疲劳损伤监测[J]. 振动、诊断与测试,2017,37(5):941-947;
[143]周智,高锡鹏,申娟等. 树脂透光混凝土制品的热工性能及其保温隔热效果评估[J].混凝土,2017,2:105-109;
[142]任鹏,周智,欧进萍. 基于一阶应变模态灵敏度的结构损伤定量研究[J]. 振动工程学报,2016,29(6):976-984;
[141] 江胜华,周智,欧进萍. 基于磁场梯度张量缩并的岩石断层剪切滑移监测方法[J]. 地下空间与工程学报, 2016, 12(4): 1014-1020;
[140]周智,王珍珍,任鹏,欧进萍. 预应力OFBG-CFRP智能板加固RC梁试验研究及荷载效应分析[J]. 建筑结构学报,2016, 37(S1): 268-276;
[139]Zhi Zhou, Tong Jiao, Hai Xiao. Development of a distributed crack sensor using coaxial cable. Sensors, 2016, 16(8): 1198;
[138]周智,郝孝伟,范广文,刘新宇,杨炳雄. LPG储配库气体微泄漏超前预报系统[J]. 中国测试,2016, 42(7): 59-63;
[137]周智,王倩,郝孝伟,欧进萍. 考虑混凝土基体蠕变的FBG传感器应变传递研究[J]. 中国测试,2016, 42(5): 1-5;
[136] 王珍珍,任鹏,程鸿伟,周智,欧进萍. 新型加固用智能碳纤维板及感知性能试验[J].中国测试2016, 42(3): 113-117;
[135] 王花平,周智,王俊,高锡鹏. 结构损伤全历程监测的多标距测试方法[J].公路工程,2016,41(1):51-54;
[134] Huaping Wang,Zhi Zhou, Ying Huang, et al. Strain transfer mechanism of quadrate-packaged FBG sensors embedded in rectangular structures[J]. Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, 2015, 5(4): 469-480;
[133] Guangwen Fan, Yu Shen, Xiaowei Hao, Yuan Zongming andZhi Zhou. Large-Scale Wireless Temperature Monitoring System for Liquefied Petroleum Gas Storage Tanks. Sensors 2015, 15(9), 23745-23762;
[132] 程鸿伟, 王珍珍,周智, 欧进萍.碳板性能测试张拉装置研发与试验研究[J].中国测试, 2015,41(10):63-67;
[131] 申 宇,王滋元,谢朝晖,周智.大体积混凝土无线温度监测系统开发及应用[J].工业建筑,2015,10:132-137;
[130] 王花平,周智,刘婉秋,曹丹丹.柔性基体材料封装FBG传感器的应变传递误差分析[J].传感技术学报, 2015, 04: 492-497;
[129] 高锡鹏,周智,李渊.大体积混凝土桥梁承台温度及应力场模拟[J].辽宁工程技术大学学报(自然科学版),2015,11:1258-1263;
[128] 王花平,周智,王倩, 刘婉秋, 贾及汉. 光纤传感器埋入沥青路面基体的应变传递误差[J].光学精密工程,2015,06:1499-1507;
[127] 王俊,周智. 预应力CFRP加固裂缝梁数值模拟[J].低温建筑技术, 2015,05:61-63;
[126]王滋元,阳超成,申宇,周智. 大体积混凝土结构水泥品种选择研究[A]. 工业建筑2015年增刊Ⅱ[C],2015:6;
[125]王俊,王珍珍,欧进萍,周智. 预应力碳板加固大尺度裂缝RC梁试验研究[A].工业建筑2015年增刊Ⅱ[C]:,2015:5;
[124]Wanqiu Liu, Huaping Wang,Zhi Zhou, Xiaoying Xing, Dandan Cao and Zhen Jiang. Optical fiber-based sensors with flexible encapsulation for pavement behavior monitoring. Structural Control and Health Monitoring. 2015, 22(2): 301-313;
[123] Shi Bai, Xuan Li, Zhaohui Xie,Zhi Zhouand Jinping Ou. A Wireless Fatigue Monitoring System Utilizing a Bio-Inspired Tree Ring Data Tracking Technique, Sensors, 2014(3): 4364-4383;
[122]Chunguang Lan,Zhi Zhouand Jinping Ou. Monitoring of structural prestress loss in RC beams by inner distributed Brillouin and fiber Bragg grating sensors on a single optical fiber, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 2014 (21): 317-330;
[121]Huaping Wang, Wanqiu Liu, Jianping He,Zhi Zhouet al. Functionality Enhancement of Industrialized Optical Fiber Sensors and System Developed for Full-scale Pavement Monitoring, Sensors, 2014 (14): 8829-8850;
[120] Peng Ren andZhi Zhou. Low modulus polymer packaged optical fiber sensor for macrocrack monitoring in ice structures of cold regions, Optical Engineering, 2014, 53(9): 097102;
[119] Jianping He,Zhi Zhouand Jinping Ou. Simultaneous measurement of strain and temperature using a hybrid local and distributed optical fiber sensing system, Measurement, 2014 (47): 698-706;
[118] Yung William Sasy Chan andZhi Zhou. Advances of FRP-based smart components and structures. Pacific Science Review. 2014, 16(1): 1-8;
[117] Peng Ren andZhi Zhou. Strain response estimation for the fatigue monitoring of an offshore truss structure. Pacific Science Review. 2014, 16(1): 30-36;
[116] Huaping Wang andZhi Zhou. Advances of Strain Transfer Analysis of Optical Fiber Sensor. Pacific Science Review. 2014, 16(1): 9-19;
[115] 黄明华,周智, 欧进萍. 拉力型锚杆锚固段拉拔受力的非线性全历程分析. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2014, 33(11): 2190-2199;
[114] 任鹏,李轩,周智. 基于SMCS模型预测高强度管线钢的韧性失效. 油气储运,2013, 33(9): 956-962;
[113] 江胜华,周智,欧进萍. 基于赫兹接触理论的桥墩局部冲刷防护石块起动简化公式. 中国公路学报,2014, 27(5): 118-124;
[112] 王花平,刘婉秋,周智等. 沥青混凝土路面监测用柔性原材料封装光纤传感器设计. 公路,2014(1): 205-209;
[111] 王花平,刘婉秋,周智等. 模拟层状路面结构体系的全尺度光纤传感监测分析. 公路工程, 2014, 39(3): 90-93;
[110] 白石,周智,欧进萍. 基于无线疲劳监测系统的铝合金材料疲劳损伤研究. 传感器与微系统, 2014, 33(8): 8-14;
[109] 黄明华,周智,欧进萍. 全长黏结式锚杆锚固段荷载传递机制非线性分析. 岩石力学与工程学报,2014, 33(S2): 3992-3997;
[108] 任鹏,申宇,李轩,周智. 深海立管姿态监测的分布式光纤传感技术. 中国海洋平台, 2014, 29(2): 26-32;
[107] 白石,周智,申宇, 欧进萍. 基于PVDF的无线智能疲劳监测系统. 航空学报, 2014, 35(8): 2190-2198;
[106] Peng Ren andZhi Zhou. A Review on Strain Based Damage Detection Strategies for Structural Health Monitoring. Pacific Science Review. 2013, 15(3): 1-7;
[105] Guangwen Fan, Yu Shen andZhi Zhou. Advances of Long-term Monitoring Based on Optic Fiber Sensors for Oil Storage Tank. Pacific Science Review. 2013, 15(3): 8-14;
[104] Shi Bai,Zhi Zhouand Jinping Ou. Advances of Vehicle Detection Techniques for Traffic Monitoring. Pacific Science Review. 2013, 15(3): 15-21;
[103] SASY CHAN Yung William andZhi Zhou. Recent Advances of Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors and Applications. Pacific Science Review. 2013, 15(3): 26-32;
[102] Huaping Wang,Zhi Zhouand Wanqiu Liu. Research Advances of Optical Fiber Sensing Technology Applied to Asphalt Pavement Monitoring. Pacific Science Review. 2013, 15(3): 33-39;
[101] Yu N Kulchin, O B Vitrik , A V Dyshlyuk andZhi Zhou. Conditions for surface plasmon resonance excitation by whispering gallery modes in a bent single mode optical fiber for the development of novel refractometric sensors.Laser Physics, 2013, 23(8);
[100] Jianping He,Zhi Zhouand Jinping Ou. Optic fiber sensor-based smart bridge cable with functionality of self-sensing. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2013, 35(12):84-94;
[099]Zhi Zhou,Jianping He Jinping Ou. A novel self-healing optical fiber network. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2013, 330:553-560;
[098] Huang Minghua,Zhou Zhi, Huang Ying and Ou Jinping. A distributed self-sensing FRP anchor rod with built-in optical fiber sensor. Measurement, 2013, 46(4):1363-1370;
[097] Ying Huang, Xia Fang, Bevans W.J.,Zhi Zhou, Hai Xiao and Genda Chen. Large-strain Optical Fiber Sensing and Real-time FEM Updating of Steel Structures Under the high Temperature Effect. Smart Materials and Structures. 2013, 22(1):1-13;
[096] Peng Li andZhi Zhou. Advances of Coaxial Cable Sensing Technology. Pacific Science Review. 2013, 15(1):10-19;
[095] Zhen-Zhen Wang andZhi Zhou. Advances of Prestressing Loss Monitoring. Pacific Science Review. 2013, 15(1):20-29;
[094] Xuan Li andZhi Zhou, Jinping Ou. Experimental Review on VIV Fatigue of Risers. Pacific Science Review. 2013, 15(1):37-50;
[093] Juan Shen andZhi Zhou. Some Progress on Smart Transparent Concrete. Pacific Science Review. 2013, 15(1):51-55;
[092] Tong Jiao andZhi Zhou. Summary of GPS Technology in Structural Health Monitoring. Pacific Science Review. 2013, 15(1):56-65;
[091] Yu Shen andZhi Zhou. Advances of Optic Fiber Fabry-Perot Interferometry Sensors. Pacific Science Review. 2013, 15(1):108-116;
[090] 江胜华,周智,欧进萍. 基于磁测的边坡深部大变形监测方法. 岩土力学,2013,34(10): 3033-3038;
[089] 兰春光,刘航,周智. 基于BOTDA-FBG智能钢绞线的预应力损失监测. 土木工程学报. 2013, 46(9):55-61;
[088] 董海,兰春光,吴源华,周智. 缓粘结智能钢绞线及其在预应力损失监测的应用. 结构工程师. 2013, 29(4):159-165;
[087] 江胜华,周智,欧进萍. 桥墩局部冲刷防护的石块起动. 泥沙研究. 2013, 4:63-67;
[086] 李冬生,周智,欧进萍. FRP-FBG桥梁智能拉索开发和传感特性研究应用. 预应力技术. 2013, 2:3-13;
[085]Dongsheng Li,Zhi Zhouand Jinping Ou. Dynamic behavior monitoring and damage evaluation for arch bridge suspender using GFRP optical fiber Bragg grating sensors. Optics and Laser Technology. 2012, 44(4):1031-8;
[084]Zhi Zhou, Jianping He and Jinping Ou. Integrated Optical Fiber Sensing System by Combing Large-Scale Distributed BOTDA/R and Localized FBGs. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. 2012, 8043:1-18;
[083] Minghua Huang,Zhi Zhouand Jinping Ou. A novel durable intelligent fiber reinforced polymer anchor with embedded optical fiber Bragg grating sensors. SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences. 2012, 55(5):1455-1462;
[082] Jie Huang, Xinwei Lan, Tao Wei, Qun Han, Zhan Gao,Zhi Zhouand Hai Xiao. Radio frequency interrogated actively mode-locked fiber ring laser for sensing application. Optics Letters. 2012, 37(4):494-496;
[081] Yuri N. Kulchin, OlegB.Vitrik, AntonV.Dyshlyuk andZhi Zhou. Novel Fiber Optic Refractometric Method for Liquid and Gaseous Media. Pacific Science Review. 2012, 14(1):23-27;
[080] Jianping He,Zhi Zhouand Jinping Ou. A Novel Self-healing Optical Fiber Network. Pacific Science Review. 2012, 14(1):35-41;
[079] Shi Bai,Zhi Zhouand Jinping Ou. A PVDF Wireless Interlligent Fatigue Monitoring System. Pacific Science Review. 2012, 14(1):42-47;
[078] Huaping Wang andZhiZhou. A Review on Strain Transfer Mechanism of Optical Fiber Sensors. Pacific Science Review. 2012, 14(3):248-252;
[077] Peng Ren andZhiZhou. A State-of-the art Review on Structural Health Monitoring of Deepwater Floating Platform. Pacific Science Review. 2012, 14(3):253-263;
[076] Shi Bai,ZhiZhouand Jinping Ou. Advances of Fatigue Monitoring Techniques for Deepwater Risers. Pacific Science Review. 2012, 14(3):264-268;
[075] Xiaofeng Wei andZhiZhou. Risk-based Assessment Method for Deepwater Riser Using Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process. Pacific Science Review. 2012, 14(3):299-304;
[074] Sheng-hua Jiang,ZhiZhouand Jin-ping Ou. Smart Rock Technique for Massive Structural Catastrophe Monitoring. Pacific Science Review. 2012, 14(3):305-307;
[073] Minghua Huang,Zhi Zhouand Jinping Ou. A novel durable intelligent fiber reinforced polymer anchor with embedded optical fiber Bragg grating sensors. SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences. 2012, Vol. 05;
[072]Jie Huang, Xinwei Lan, Tao Wei, Qun Han, Zhan Gao,Zhi Zhouand Hai Xiao. Radio frequency interrogated actively mode-locked fiber ring laser for sensing application. OPT Lett. 2012, 37:494-496;
[071]Zhi Zhou, Wanqiu Liu, Jinping Ou et al. Optical fiber Bragg grating sensor assembly for 3D strain monitoring and its case study in highway pavement. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2012, 18:36-49;
[070] Lan Chunguan,Zhou Zhiand Ou Jinping. A Novel GFRP-FBG Smart Steel Strand and its Properties Research. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2012, 105-107:1087-1091;
[069] 江胜华,周智,欧进萍. 基于磁场梯度定位的边坡变形监测原理. 岩土工程学报. 2012, 34(10):1944-1949;
[068] 王花平,王赫,兰春光,周智. 适合于土压力测试的新型光纤光栅传感器性能研究. 仪表技术与传感器. 2012, 4: 4-6;
[067] 兰春光,周智,欧进萍. 内嵌钢丝 GFRP- FBG 智能复合筋的研制及其性能分析. 沈阳建筑大学学报. 2012, 28(1): 72-77;
[066]Zhi Zhou, Minghua Huang, Liqing Huang, Jinping Ou and Genda Chen. An Optical Fiber Bragg Grating Sensing System for Scour Monitoring. Advances in Structural Engineering. 2011, 14(1): 67-78;
[065] Dongsheng Li,Zhi Zhouand Jinping Ou. Development and sensing properties study of FRP–FBG smart stay cable for bridge health monitoring applications. Measurement. 2011, 44: 722-729;
[064] Shi Bai,Zhi Zhouand Jinping Ou. Design and Testing of A Novel Wireless Intelligent Fatigue Monitoring System. Pacific Science Review. 2011, 13(3):186-189;
[063] Chunguang Lan,Zhi Zhou, Dyshlyuk Anto and Jinping Ou. Full-scale Structural Prestress Loss Monitoring with Distributed Brillouin Sensing Technique. Pacific Science Review. 2011, 13(3):190-195;
[062]Zhi Zhou, Yuan Li, Peng Zhao and Dyshlyuk Anto. Novel Coaxial Cabel Bragg Grating. Pacific Science Review. 2011, 13(3):196-199;
[061]Shenghua Jiang,ZhiZhouand Jinping Ou. Structural Deformation Monitoring Based on Magnetic Gradient Tensor. Pacific Science Review. 2011, 13(3):207-211;
[060]Shenghua Jiang,Zhi Zhou, Minghua Huang, Jianping He and Jinping Ou. Smart-label-based behavior monitoring IOT system for the infrastructures under harsh environments. Pacific Science Review. 2011, 13(1):54-59;
[059] Shihai Zhang, Jianping He andZhi Zhou. Temperature Sensing Characteristics of FBG under Different Level Stress and Boundary Conditions. Pacific Science Review. 2011, 13(3):222-226;
[058] 贺淑龙,胡柏学,曾威,周智,欧进萍. 矮寨特大桥结构健康监测系统. 中外公路. 2011, 31(6):10-13;5;
[057] 白石,王旭,廖科源,喻言,周智,欧进萍. 无线智能疲劳监测系统的研制与实验验证. 物联网技术. 2011, 9: 69-72;
[056] 王花平,郭志伟,周智,李之达. 公路隧道新型衬砌结构双孔开挖与支护方案的研究. 固体力学学报. 2011, 32: 306-309;
[055] Ying Huang,Zhi Zhou, Yinan Zhang, Genda Chen and Hai Xiao. A Temperature Self-Compensated LPFG Sensor for Large Strain Measurements at High Temperature. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 2010, 59(11): 2997-3004;
[054] Minghua Huang,Zhi Zhou, Jianping He and Jinping Ou. A Novel Fiber-reinforced Polymer Anchor with Optical Fiber Collinear Sensing System. Pacific Science Review. 2010, 12(1):125-126;
[053] Minghua Huang,Zhi Zhou, Jianping He and Jinping Ou. R&D of the Smart Fiber-reinforced Polymer Anchor with Self-sensitive Functionality. Pacific Science Review. 2010, 12(2):249-253 ;
[052] Chunguang Lan,Zhi Zhou, Minghua Huang, Jianping He and Jinping Ou. Monitoring Prestressing Loss Based on Brillouin and FBG Smart Steel Strands. Pacific Science Review. 2010, 12(2):236-242;
[051]Zhi Zhou, Jianping He, Minghua Huang, Jun He and Genda Chen. Casing Pipe Damage Detection with Optical Fiber Sensors: a Case Study in Oil Well Constructions. Advances in Civil Engineering. 2010, 638967:1-9;
[050]Zhi Zhou,Minghua Huang, Jianping He, Genda Chen and Jinping Ou. Ice structure monitoring with an optical fiber sensing system. Cold Regions Science and Technology. 2010, 61 (1):24-28;
[049]周智, 何建平, 欧进萍. 输油管道冻胀融沉监测的光纤布里渊传感技术. 压电与声光. 2010, 4(32):543-546;
[048]周智, 何建平, 吴源华, 欧进萍. 土木结构的光纤光栅与布里渊共线测试技术. 土木工程学报. 2010, 3(43):111-118;
[047] 何俊,周智,董惠娟,张广玉,欧进萍. 灵敏度系数可调布拉格光栅应变传感器的设计. 光学精密工程. 2010, 18(11): 2339-2345;
[046]Zhi Zhou, Jianping He, Genda Chen and Jinping Ou. A Smart Steel Strand for the Evaluation of Prestress Loss Distribution in Posttensioned Concrete Structures. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 2009, 20(16):1901-1912;
[045]Zhi Zhou, Minghua Huang, Jianping He and Jinping Ou. Advances of Monitoring Techniques for Bridge Scour. Pacific Science Review. 2009, 11(2):127-134;
[044] Hui Li, Jinping Ou andZhi Zhou. Applications of optical fibre Bragg gratings sensing technology-based smart stay cables. Optics and Lasers in Engineering. 2009, 47(10): 2077-1084;
[043] Yan Liu,Zhi Zhou, Jianping He and Jinping Ou. A Novel FBG-based Displacement Sensor with Temperature Self-compensation. Pacific Science Review. 2009, 11(2):135-138;
[042]周智,何建平,吴源华,欧进萍. 基于光纤布里渊传感的钢绞线全尺度应力监测. 压电与声光. 2009, 5:646-648;
[041] 孙守旺,周智,欧进萍. 高耐久性光纤光栅压力环的研究与开发. 光电子.激光. 2009, 07(20):854-858;
[040]周智, 何建平, 贾宏伟, 欧进萍. 平行钢丝束拉索的布里渊全尺度测试技术研究. . 2009, 6:766-770;
[039] 何建平,周智,王永政,欧进萍. 基于光纤光栅绝对测量技术的高耐久智能钢拉杆. 应用光学. 2009, 1(30): 119-123;
[038] 何建平,周智,吴源华,欧进萍. 小波滤噪在布里渊光纤传感技术中的应用. 光电工程. 2009, 4(36): 76-80;
[037] 李冬生,周智,欧进萍. 光纤光栅智能复合筋传感特性及其工程应用. 光电子.激光. 2009, 20(1): 1294-1297;
[036]Zhi Zhou, Jianping He, Kai Yan and Jinping Ou. Fiber-reinforced Polymer Packaged Optical Fiber Sensors Based on Brillouin Optical Time Domain Analysis. Optical Engineering. 2008, 47(1):41284;
[035]Ying Huang,Zhi Zhou, Genda Chen and Jinping Ou. Strain Transfer Analysis for Embedded Optical Fiber Sensor under Plastic Damage of Host Matrix. Pacific Science Review. 2008, 10(3):341-345;
[034] Chunguang Lan,Zhi Zhou, Jun He and Jinping Ou. Experimental Investigation and Analysis of a High Reliable Liquid Pressure Sensor Based on Dual FBGs. Pacific Science Review. 2008, 10(3):329-334;
[033] Chunguang Lan,Zhi Zhou, Jun He and Jinping Ou. A High Reliable Liquid Pressure Sensor Based on Dual FBGs. Pacific Science Review. 2007, 9(1):92-96;
[032] Jianping He, Honglin Wu andZhi Zhou. Long-term Monitoring of a Civil Defensive Structure based on Distributed Brillouin Optical Fiber Sensor. Pacific Science Review. 2007, 9(1):97-102;
[031] Liqing Huang, Dejun Wang andZhi Zhou. A New Type of Optical FBG-based Scour Monitoring sensor. Pacific Science Review. 2007, 9(1):103-109;
[030]王言磊,周智,郝庆多,欧进萍. FRP-FBG智能复合板的制作及其传感器特性研究. 光电子激光. 2007, 8(18): 900-902;
[029]周智,张学义,刘炎,欧进萍. 非增强式原型封装光纤Bragg光栅钢筋应变计. 传感器与微系统. 2007, 5(26): 54-56;
[028] 邓年春,周智,龙跃,李惠,欧进萍. 光纤光栅冷铸镦头锚拉索及其在桥梁中应用. 预应力技术. 2007, 3:3-6;
[027] 李冬生,周智,邓年春,欧进萍. 纤维智能复合筋及其智能吊杆传感器特性研究. 光电子激光. 2007, 18(6): 653-655;
[026] 李冬生,邓年春,周智,欧进萍. 拱桥吊杆的光纤光栅监测与健康诊断. 光电子.激光. 2007, 18(1):81-84;
[025] Li Hui, Ou Jinping, Xuefeng Zhao, Wensong Zhou andZhi Zhou. Structural health monitoring system for the Shandong Binzhou Yellow River highway bridge. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering. 2006;
[024]Zhi Zhou, Jun He, Jianping He and Jinping Ou. Design Method for Coefficient-Adjustable FBG Strain Sensors. Pacific Science Review. 2006, 8:41-48;
[023]周智,兰春光,欧进萍. 基于双光纤光栅的冰压力传感器研究. 试验力学. 2006, 5(21):655-660;
[022]周智,王赫喆,欧进萍. 无外力影响光纤Bragg光栅封装温度传感器. 传感器与微系统. 2006, 3(25):57-59;
[021]周智,李冀龙,欧进萍. 埋入式光纤光栅界面应变传递机理与误差修正. 哈尔滨工业大学学报. 2006, 1(38):49-55;
[020]Zhi Zhouand Jinping Ou. Research and Development of FBG-based Sensors in HIT. Pacific Science Review. 2005, 7:157-163;
[019]Zhi Zhou, Jin Liu, Hui Li and Jinping Ou. Study on FBG-based Weight-in-motion. Pacific Science Review. 2004, 6:223-226;
[018]Zhi Zhou, Chunguang Lan, Taiming Lin and Jinping Ou. Study on Ice-pressure Sensor Using Dual FBGs. Pacific Science Review. 2004, 6:227-232;
[017]Zhichun Zhang,Zhi Zhou, Chuan Wang and Jinping Ou. Key Problems of FRP Rebars Applications in Civil Engineering. Pacific Science Review. 2004, 6:233-236;
[016]周智,欧进萍. FBG智能传感器及其在土木工程中的应用研究. 功能材料(增刊). 2004, (35):152-157;
[015] 欧进萍,周智. 黑龙江呼兰河大桥的光纤光栅智能监测技术. 土木工程学报. 2004, 37(1):45-49;
[014] 具典淑,周智,欧进萍. PVDF压电薄膜的应变传感特性研究. 功能材料. 2004, 4(35):450-456;
[013] 具典淑,周智,欧进萍. 基于PVDF的金属构件裂纹监测研究. 压电与声光. 2004, 3(26):245-248;
[012]Zhi Zhou, Thmoas W. Graver, Luke Hsu and Jinping Ou. Techniques of Advanced FBG Sensors: Fabrication, Demodulation, Encapsulation and Their Application in the Structural Health monitoring of Bridges. Pacific Science Review. 2003, 5:116-121;
[011] Chuan Wang,Zhi Zhou, Jiahe Li, Hengjing Ba and Jinping Ou. Technique of Early Curing Monitoring of Concrete Structures Based on Fiber Bragg Gratings. Pacific Science Review. 2003, 5:128-132.
[010]周智, 武湛君, 赵雪峰, 欧进萍. 混凝土结构的光纤光栅智能监测技术. 功能材料. 2003, 3(34):344-348;
[009]周智,欧进萍. 光纤布拉格光栅应变与温度传感特性及其试验分析. 功能材料. 2002, 33(5):551-554;
[008]周智,武湛君,欧进萍. 光纤布拉格光栅的温度传感特性研究. 压电与声光. 2002, 24(6):430-434;
[007]周智,欧进萍. 土木工程健康监测用智能传感材料比较研究. 建筑技术. 2002, 33(2):270-272;
[006]周智,赵雪峰,武湛军,万里冰,欧进萍. 光纤光栅毛细钢管封装工艺及其传感特性研究,中国激光,2002,29: 1089-1092;
[005]周智,田石柱,欧进萍. 光纤布拉格光栅传感机理研究. 功能材料. 2001, 增刊(10):311-315;
[004]周智,边玉明,田石柱. 土木工程健康监测用光纤F-P应变测量技术. 传感器技术. 2001, 20(4):9-14;
[003]周智,欧进萍. 土木工程智能健康监测与诊断系统. 传感器技术. 2001, 20(11): 1-5;
[002] 田石柱,周智,赵雪峰,欧进萍. 土木工程监测用光纤F-P位移测量技术. 传感器技术. 2001, 20(6):24- 26;
[001]周智,林立川. 结构损伤的神经网络定位研究. 中南工业大学学报. 1999, 30(2): 126-128.
[1]基于 YOLOX 的混凝土表面裂缝检测系统 V1.0(2022SR1544771);
[2]基于机器学习的裂缝检测系统 V1.0(2022SR1627167);
[3]结构健康监测数据管理系统 V1.0(2022SR1544990);
[4]面向大数据的结构健康监测可视化系统 V1.0(2022SR1627168);
[5]基于深度神经网络的图像处理软件 V1.0(2023SR0095525)。
[24] 欧进萍、刘亚琼、任年鑫、周 智. 模块化超大型浮式平台:CN202110 415126.5,中国;
[23]周 智、邵 炼、唐 双、欧进萍. 一种FRP筋的挤压式锚具及锚固方法,201710577565.X,中国;
[22]周智、邵炼、彭康林、阳环宇、欧进萍. 一种梁式结构的可更换式加固方法,201710130121.1,中国;
[21]周智、任鹏. 混凝土裂纹标距自适应监测方法,2016101131131,中国;
[20]周智、任鹏. 一种监测结构局部大变形的智能光电复合缆及监测方法,2016101131201,中国;
[19]周智、高锡鹏、申娟等. 一种树脂透明混凝土砌块的制作装置及方法,201510206465.7,中国;
[18]周智、申娟、何建平、王俊. 透明混凝土工程化施工方法及施工设备,201310567561.5,中国;
[17]周智、江胜华、王花平、欧进萍. 工程结构损伤表征的变标距测试方法,201310428200.2,中国;
[16]周智、刘婉秋等. 基于道路结构形态监测的全尺度光纤传感方法,201110056824.7,中国;
[15]周智、黄明华、欧进萍. 可拆卸式刚性转柔性光纤传感器及其布设方法,20101061038.6,中国;
[13]周智、何建平、欧进萍. 全尺度分布式与局部高精度共线的光纤传感监测系统,200820211736.3,中国;
[12]周智、何建平、欧进萍. 基于光纤布里渊全尺度传感的预应力损失监测方法,200819964166.4,中国;
[11]周智、欧进萍. 基于光纤布里渊传感的智能钢绞线及其制备与全尺度监测方法,200810209688.9,中国;
[10] 张磊、周智、何建平、任鹏等. 冰结构的光纤智能监测方法,200810209686.X,中国;
[09]周智、何建平、欧进萍. 全尺度分布式与局部高精度共线的光纤传感方法,200810064168.3,中国;
[08] 刘鲲、周智、何俊、何建平、欧进萍. 一种高耐久性光纤光栅冲刷传感器,200710144305,中国;
[07] 黄理卿、周智、何建平、欧进萍. 光纤光栅冲刷监测传感器及其制作方法,200710144304.5,中国;
[06]周智、闫凯、何建平、欧进萍. 光纤光栅FRP智能锚头及其制作工艺,200710072450.1,中国;
[05] 欧进萍、张志春、周智. 纤维增强塑料-钢绞线复合筋,200620020620.2,中国;
[04] 欧进萍、周智、李惠.光纤光栅纤维增强树脂筋智能拉索,200410044057.8,中国;
[03] 欧进萍、周智、张志春. 光纤光栅毛细管式封装工艺及专用装置,03132410.X,中国;
[02] 欧进萍、周智. 纤维增强塑料-光纤光栅复合智能筋,03213143.7,中国;
[01] 欧进萍、周 智、李 惠. 光纤光栅智能拉索,03232592.0,中国。