[1] 2016年至今,世界交通运输大会(WTC)道路检测与养护学科主席;
[2] 2017年至今,中国公路学会交通院校工作委员会委员;
[3] 2010年至2014年,美国交通运输学会桥梁管理委员会青年委员
[4] 2009至今国际光学工程学会、国际实验力学学会会员。
[1] 2019年,海南省拔尖人才;
[2] 2019年,海南大学D类人才;
[3] 2016年,大连理工大学星海优青;
[4] 2014年,大连理工大学星海骨干。
[3] 信息工程。
[1] Zhenzhen Wang, Wanqiu Liu, Yung William Sasy Chan,Zhi Zhou, Jinping Ou. Nonlinear semi-analytical prediction of debonding at FRP-to-generic material interface with mechanical end-anchorage. Journal of Composites for Construction.2023. Doi:10.1061/JCCOF2/CCENG-3968;
[2]Liu, X,Zhang, M,Liu, WQ.“The relationship between poisson's ratio index and deformation behavior of asphalt mixtures tested through anoptical fiberbragg grating strain sensor.”Materials 2022, 15(5),1882.
[3] Wanqiu Liu, Xu Liu,Zheren Wang, Zhi Zhou,“New Asphalt Concrete Rutting Resistance EvaluationMethod Based on Repeated-Load Test.” J. Mater. Civ. Eng.2020, 32(2): 04019351.
[4]Yung William Sasy Chan, Zhi Zhou,Wanqiu Liu, and Jinping Ou. “OFBG-Based Smart Double-Skin Tubular Confined-Concrete Column with Basalt FRP-Steel Composite.”Sensors. 2019, 19, 3572.
[5]Guozhi Fu, Yanqing Zhao, Changjun Zhou,WanqiuLiu. “Determination of effective frequency range excited by falling weight deflectometer loading history for asphalt pavement,”Construction and Building Materials, 235(28):117792.
[6]Wanqiu Liu, Xu Liu, Zheren Wang, Zhi Zhou.“High temperature deformation investigation of asphalt mixturewith nanosized volcanic ash fillers using optical fiber sensor,” Measurement, 2019,140:171-181.
[7]Wanqiu Liu, Hongmei Zhou, Boshi Wang, Xijie Chen, Linhua Li, Shujuan Wang and Zhiguo Chen. “A subgrade cracking monitoring sensor based on optical fiber sensing technique,” Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 2018,25(9):1-12.
[8] XuLiu,Wanqiu Liu, Shuyin Wang, Zheren Wang, Longtan Shao. “Performance Evaluation of Asphalt Mixture with Nano-Volcanic Ash Filler,” ASCE-Journal of Transportation Engineering, PartB:Pavements.144(3): 04018028-1-7.
[9] Dandan Cao, Yanqing Zhao,WanqiuLiu, Yuhua Li, Jian Ouyang. “Comparisons of asphalt pavement responses computed using layer properties backcalculated from dynamic and static approaches,” Road Materials and Pavement Design,2018(4):1-17.
[10]Wanqiu Liu, BoshiWang,ZhiZhou.“Design and Testing of a Large-scaleShape Monitoring Sensor based on Fiber BraggGrating Sensing Technique for Pavement Structure.”ASCE-Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Syst. 2017, 143(5): 04017009-1-8.
[11]Wanqiu Liu,Huaping Wang,Zhi Zhou,Xiaoying Xing,Dandan Cao,Zhen Jiang.“Optical fiber-based sensors with flexible encapsulation for pavement behavior monitoring,”Structural Control and Health Monitoring,2015,22(2): 301-313.
[12]KaoshanDai,David Boyajian,WanqiuLiu,Shen-EnChen,JeremyScott,MarcusSchmieder.“Laser-Based Field Measurement for a Bridge Finite-Element Model Validation,”ASCE-Journal ofPerformance of Constructed Facilities,2014,28(5).
[13]Huaping Wang,Wanqiu Liu,Jianping He,Xiaoying Xing,Dandan Cao, Xipeng Gao, Xiaowei Hao,Hongwei Cheng,Zhi Zhou. “Functionality Enhancement of Industrialized Optical Fiber Sensors and SystemDeveloped for Full-Scale Pavement Monitoring,”Sensors,2014,14(5): 8829-8850.
[14]Wanqiu Liu, Shen-en Chen. “Reliability analysis of bridgeevaluations based on 3D Light Detectionand Ranging data,” Structural Control and Health Monitoring,2013,20(12): 1397-1409.
[15]Yanqing Zhao, Hui Liu,Wanqiu Liu. “Characterization of linear viscoelastic properties of asphaltconcrete subjected to confining pressure,” Mechanics of Time-DependentMaterials,2013, 17(3): 449-463.
[16]Zhi Zhou,Wanqiu Liu,Ying Huang ,Huaping Wang, Jianping He, Minghua Huang, andJinping Ou. “Optical fiber Bragg grating sensor assembly for 3D strain monitoring and its case study in highway pavement,” Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2012,28: 36-49.
[17]Yanqing Zhao,Wanqiu Liu,Yiqiu Tan.“Analysis of Critical Structure Responses for FlexiblePavements in NCHRP 1-37A Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide,” ASCE-Journal of TransportationEngineering, 2012,138(8): 983-990.
[18]Wanqiu Liu, Shen-en Chen, Edd Hauser. “Bridge Clearance Evaluation Based on Terrestrial LiDAR Scan,” ASCE-Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities,2012, 26(26): 469-477.
[19]Wanqiu Liu, Shen-en Chen, Edd Hauser. “Lidar-based bridge structure defect detection,” Experimental Techniques,2011, 35 (6).
[20]Haitao Bian, Libin Bai, Xiaoyu Wang,Wanqiu Liu, Shen-en Chen, Shengguo Wang. “Effective LiDAR Damage Detection: Comparing Two Detection Algorithms,” Structural Engineers, 2011,27(137), Supplement, 327-333.
[21]Wanqiu Liu, Shen-en Chen, David Boyajian, Edd Hauer. “Application of 3D LiDAR scanof abridgeunderstatic load testing,” Materials Evaluation,2010,68(12): 1359-1367.