2013年7月~2014年8月,加拿大蒙特利尔Concordia University,高级访问学者。合作导师为Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics主编TedStathopoulos教授;
1.Wang, Z., Zhu, J., Lu, Z.,Zhang, Z., 2024. Comparison of artificial intelligence models reconstructing missing wind signals in deep-cutting gorges. Wind and Structures 38(1): 75-91. https://doi.org/10.12989/was.2024.38.1.75
2.Zeng, J.,Zhang, Z., Li, M., Li, S. Across-wind fluctuating aerodynamic force acting on large aspect-ratio rectangular prisms. Journal of Fluids and Structures (in Press).
3.Zhang, Z., 2023. Motion-amplitude-dependent nonlinear VIV model and maximum response over a full bridge span. Nonlinear Dynamics. https: //doi.org/10.1007/s11071-023-08565-w
4.Wang, Z.,Zhang, Z., 2023. Machine learning-based deep data mining and prediction of vortex-induced vibration of circular cylinders. Ocean Engineering 285, part 1://doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2023.115313
5.Zeng, J.,Li, M.,Li, Z.,Zhang, Z., 2022. Spatial correlation of along-wind fluctuating aerodynamic force acting on large aspect-ratio rectangular prisms. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 224: 104951
6.Zhang, Z., Wang, Z. X., Zeng, J. D., Zhu, L. D., Ge, Y. J., 2022. Experimental investigation of post-flutter properties of a suspension bridge with a π-shaped deck section. Journal of Fluids and Structures 112: 103592,
7.Wang, Z. X.,Zhang, Z., Wu, C. Q., 2022. Numerical investigation on the nonlinear flutter behaviors of a pi-shaped sectional bridge deck. Advances in Structural Engineering 25, 2157-2174. (Grant Number 51578233 and 51938012)
8.Wang, Z., Zhu, J., Zeng, J.,Zhang, Z., 2023. Wind-induced asymmetry torsional divergence of long-span bridges: Mechanism, three-dimensional and turbulence effects. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 23(4): 2350042.
9.Zeng,J.,Zhang,Z., Li,M., Li,Z., 2021.The Spatial Structure of Passively Simulated Atmospheric Boundary Layer Turbulence. Applied Sciences, 2021, 11(24), 11934.
10.Zhang, Z., Zhang, X.X., Ge, Y. J., 2020. Motion-induced vortex shedding and lock-in phenomena of a rectangular section. Nonlinear Dynamics 102(4):2267-2280. doi.org/10.1007/s11071-020-06080-w.
11.Zhang, Z., Zhu, L. D., 2021. Wind-induced symmetric and asymmetric static torsional divergence of flexible suspension bridges. Journal of Fluids and Structures 103 (2021) 103263
12.Wang, Z. X.,Zhang, Z., 2021. VIV properties of π–shaped bridge sectional model: dependence on torsional-bending frequency ratio. ASCE Journal of bridge engineering 26(6): 06021003.
13.Wang, Z. X.,Zhang, Z., 2022. Experimental investigation of effects of wind yaw angles and turbulence on post-flutter behaviors of a suspension bridge model. ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering,DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0001832
14.Zhang, Z., Zeng, J., Zhu, L., Ge, Y., 2021. Buffeting-induced resonances of hangers at a long-span suspension bridge and mitigation countermeasure. ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering 26(9): 04021064
15.Zhang, Z.,2019. Mean wind load induced incompatibility in nonlinear aeroelastic simulations of bridge spans. Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, Vol. 13(3): 605-617, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/s11709-018-0499-x
16.Zhang, Z., 2018. Multi-stage indicial functions and post-flutter simulation of long-span bridges. ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering 23(4).
17.Zhang, Z., Zhang, W. F., 2017. Sensitivity and vibration reduction of buffeting induced resonance of hangers. Wind and Structures 25 (1): 39-61.
18.Zhang, Z.,Zhang, X. X., Yang, Y. X., Ge, Y.J, 2017. Nonlinear aerodynamic and energy input properties of a twin-box girder bridge deck section. Journal of Fluids and Structures 74 (10): 413-426.
19.Zhang, Z., Zhang, W. F., 2017. Experimental investigation on relations between flutter derivatives and aerodynamic admittances. ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, Vol. 22 (10).
20.Zhang, Z., Zhang, W., Ge, Y., 2017. Aerodynamic admittances of bridge deck sections: Issues and wind field dependence. Wind and Structures 25 (3): 283-299
21.Zhang,Z.,Xiaobo Wu,X.,Chen,Z.,Ge, Y., 2016.Mechanism of a kind of hanger oscillation at suspensionbridges: Buffeting induced resonance, ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering 21(3), 2016.
22.Zhang,Z.,Ge,Y.,Chen, Z., 2015.On the aerostatic divergence of suspension bridges: A cable-length-basedcriterion for the stiffness degradation,Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2015, Vol. 52, 118-129.
23.Zhang,Z.,Ge,Y.,Chen, Z., 2014. Vortex-induced oscillations of bridges: linkages between sectional model tests and full bridge responses.Wind and Structures, 2014, Vol. 19(3): 233-247.
24.Zhang,Z.,Ge, Y., andYang, Y., 2013.Torsional stiffness degradation and aerostatic divergence of suspension bridge decks, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2013, Vol.40, 269-283.
项目名称 |
经费 |
起止年月 |
主持或参加 |
项目来源 |
桥梁气动力数值模拟中湍流理论、湍流模型的应用基础研究(51578233) |
75.2万元 |
2016.1~2019.12 |
主持 |
国家自然科学基金面上项目 |
考虑规则涡脱或特征紊流影响的桥梁随机风振评估方法(52268073) |
33万元 |
2023.1~2025.12 |
主持 |
国家自然科学基金地区科学基金项目 |
超大跨度高性能材料缆索承重桥梁结构设计及风致灾变理论与方法(51938012) |
82万元 |
2020.1~2024.12 |
主持(分项) |
国家自然科学基金重点项目 |
桥梁断面非定常气动力的可叠加性研究(51178182) |
60万元 |
2012.1~2015.12 |
主持 |
国家自然科学基金面上项目 |
紊流中大跨桥梁风致动力稳定性研究(50708036) |
20万元 |
2007.1~2009.12 |
主持 |
国家自然科学基金青年基金 |
复杂地形下台风近地风场特性及其对大型柔性结构风振的影响(90915002) |
50万元 |
2010.1~2012.12 |
主持(分项) |
国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目 |
全桥气弹模型风洞试验相似理论与方法(SLDRCE10-MB-03) |
30万元 |
2011.1~2013.12 |
主持 |
土木工程防灾国家重点实验室开放课题重点基金项目 |
热带海岛大跨径桥梁抗风性能的风洞试验、数值模拟及现场实测研究 |
300万元 |
2019.2~2024.2 |
主持 |
高层次人才启动项目 |
风敏感工程结构抗风性能的现场实测、数值模拟及风洞试验研究 |
30万元 |
2021.1~2023.12 |
主持 |
海南省自然科学基金创新团队项目 |
勐醒至江城至绿春高速公路李仙江特大桥抗风性能研究 |
98万元 |
2018.5~2021.5 |
主持 |
云南省交通规划设计研究院 |
鲁甸至巧家高速公路牛栏江特大桥抗风性能研究 |
86万元 |
2021.7~2023.7 |
主持 |
云南省交通规划设计研究院 |
稻城至丽江高速公路金沙江大桥抗风性能研究 |
238万元 |
2021.8~2025.7 |
主持 |
云南省交通规划设计研究院 |
玉龙(雄古)至维西高速公路石鼓大桥抗风性能专题研究 |
120万元 |
2021.7~2025.6 |
主持 |
云南省交通规划设计研究院 |
湖南矮寨大桥大跨悬索桥抗风研究 |
108万元 |
2005.7~2010.10 |
技术负责 |
湖南省交通规划勘察设计院 |
永仁至金水河高速公路江底河大桥抗风研究 |
220万元 |
2017.1~2020.12 |
主持 |
云南省交通规划设计研究院 |
保山至泸水高速公路怒江大桥抗风性能研究 |
54万元 |
2017. 11~2019.11 |
主持 |
云南省交通规划设计研究院 |
[1] 土木工程学会.《桥梁结构风洞试验标准》(T/CCES 25-2021), 中国建筑工业出版社.
[2] 张志田,葛耀君,《大跨度桥梁非线性抖振及其对抗风稳定性影响的研究》,同济大学出版社,2018年.
[3] 陈政清主编,《桥梁风工程》,人民交通出版社,北京2005(编写第五、第七章).
[4] 李跃,主编,《广州新光大桥-珠江上的彩虹》,人民交通出版社,北京2009年(编写第八章).
[5] 陈政清主编,工程结构的风致振动、稳定与控制,科学出版社,北京,2013年(编写第四、第九章).