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    1. 2021.01–2024.12,刺激响应型三苯三戊并烯荧光超分子囊泡的构筑与药物控释研究,22061015,国家自然科学基金地区基金项目,40万,主持,在研。

    2. 2020.11–2022.11,环糊精/纳米粒子改性壳聚糖可降解包装膜的研发,ZDYF2020184,海南省重点研发计划项目,20万,主持,已结题。

    3. 2020.01–2022.12pH响应型三苯三戊并烯超分子囊泡的构筑与药物控释研究,2019RC156,海南省基础与应用基础研究计划高层次人才项目,10万,主持,已结题。

    4. 2017.01–2018.12,糖基修饰的水溶性三苯三戊并烯衍生物的合成与C60的主客体化学研究,217008,海南省自然科学基金项目,8万,主持,已结题。

    5. 2017.01–2019.12,新型甲壳质酶的生化表征及其在甲壳质衍生物制备中的应用研究,Hnky2017-13,海南省教育厅高等学校科学研究项目,1.5万元,主持,已结题。

    6. 2023.05–2025.08,基于甲壳素纳米纤维的刺激响应性药物载体,XTCX2022STC09,海南大学协同创新中心科研项目,30万,主持,在研。

    7. 2016.06–2021.02,三苯三戊并烯多杯状物的手性辅助合成及主客体化学研究,kyqd1635,海南大学科研启动基金项目,15万,主持,已结题。



    1.Jin-Chao Yuan, Rui Huang, Ling-Yan Jiang, Guo-Dao Liu, Pan-Dao Liu*,Wen-Rong Xu*, Facile production of cellulose nanofibers from raw elephant grass by an aluminum chloride-enhanced acidic deep eutectic solvent, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules2023, 246, 125687.

    2.Nan Yang, Yi-Yan Zhu, Wei-Xiu Lin, Yi-Long Lu andWen-Rong Xu*, pH-Responsive fluorescent supramolecular nanoparticles based on tetraphenylethylene-labelled chitosan and a six-fold carboxylated tribenzotriquinacene, Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2023, 19, 635–645.

    3.Zheng-Jie Qian, Jie Zhang,Wen-Rong Xu*, Yu-Cang Zhang*Development of active packaging films based on liquefied shrimp shell chitin and polyvinyl alcohol containing β-cyclodextrin/cinnamaldehyde inclusionInternational Journal of Biological Macromolecules2022, 214, 67–76.

    4.Mei-Yan Bai, Qi Zhou, Jie Zhang, Ting Li, Jun Cheng, Qun Liu,Wen-Rong Xu*, Yu-Cang Zhang*Antioxidant and antibacterial properties of essential oils-loaded β-cyclodextrin-epichlorohydrin oligomer and chitosan composite films, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2022, 215, 112504.

    5.Man-Ping Li, Nan Yang,Wen-Rong Xu*, Synthesis of a new water-soluble hexacarboxylated tribenzotriquinacene derivative and its competitive host–guest interaction for drug delivery, Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2022, 18, 539–548.

    6.Jie Zhang,Wen-Rong Xu*, Yu-Cang Zhang*, Facile production of chitin from shrimp shells using a deep eutectic solvent and acetic acid, RSC Advances, 2022, 12, 22631–22638.

    7.Xi-Que Wu, Pan-Dao Liu, Qun Liu, Shu-Ying Xu, Yu-Cang Zhang,Wen-Rong Xu*, Guo-Dao Liu*. Production of cellulose nanofibrils and films from elephant grass using deep eutectic solvents and a solid acid catalyst. RSC Advances, 2021, 11, 14071–14078.

    8.Xin-Rui Wang, Man-Ping Li,Wen-Rong Xu*, Dietmar Kuck*. Photo and pH dual-responsive supramolecular vesicles based on a water-soluble tribenzotriquinacene and an azobenzene-containing amphiphile in water. Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2021, 10, 567–570.

    9.Si-Yuan Liu, Xin-Rui Wang, Man-Ping Li,Wen-Rong Xu*, Dietmar Kuck*. Water-soluble host–guest complexes between fullerenes and a sugar-functionalized tribenzotriquinacene assembling to microspheres. Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2020, 16, 2551–2561.

    10.Jie Zhang,Wen-Rong Xu*, Yu-Cang Zhang*, Xu-Dong Han, Chen Chen, Ao Chen. In situ generated silica reinforced polyvinyl alcohol/liquefied chitin biodegradable films for food packaging. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2020, 238, 116182.

    11.Wen-Rong Xu*, Xin-Rui Wang, Hak-Fun Chow, Dietmar Kuck. Synthesis and characterization of enantiopure tribenzotriquinacene dimers bearing a platinum-diacetylene unit. Synthesis, 2019, 51, 2116–2121.

    12.Feng-Yi Zheng, Rui-Song Li, Jia-Dan Hu, Jie Zhang, Xu-Dong Han, Xin-Rui Wang,Wen-Rong Xu*, Yu-Cang Zhang*. Chitin and waste shrimp shells liquefaction and liquefied products/polyvinyl alcohol blend membranes. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2019, 205, 550–558.

    13.Jie Zhang,Wen-Rong Xu*, Yu-Cang Zhang*, Wei Li, Jia-Dan Hu, Feng-Yi Zheng, Yang-Tian Wu. Liquefied chitin/polyvinyl alcohol based blend membranes: Preparation and characterization and antibacterial activity. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2018, 180, 175–181.

    14.Wen-Rong Xu, Guang-Jie Xia, Hak-Fun Chow*, Xiao-Ping Cao*, Ditmar Kuck*. Facile assembly of chiral metallosquares by using enantiopure tribenzotriquinacene corner motifs. Chemistry - A European Journal, 2015, 21(34): 12011–12017.

    15.Wen-Rong Xu, Hak-Fun Chow*, Xiao-Ping Cao*, Dietmar Kuck*. Regiocontrolled synthesis and optical resolution of mono-, di-, and trisubstituted tribenzotriquinacene derivatives: Key building blocks for further assembly into molecular squares and cubes, The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2014, 79(19): 9335–9346.


    1.陈祎平,许文茸,贾春满等,有机化学学习与考研指南,化学工业出版社,2020ISBN: 978-7-122-36692-4

    2.朱文,肖开恩,陈红军,贾春满,许文茸,黎吉辉等,有机化学实验,化学工业出版社,2021ISBN: 978-7-122-38117-0

    3.许文茸,余凤,现代有机合成反应路线设计策略及应用研究,中国原子能出版社,2016ISBN: 978-7-5022-7561-7, 22万字。


    1.许文茸、王新睿、张玉苍。一种pH响应性超分子囊泡载药体系及其制备方法,专利号:ZL 2019 1 0760063. X,授权日期:20229月,中国。




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