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    Justice Norvienyeku(中文名:卫青)
    2022年07月20日 17:14








1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,外国青年学者项目,31950410552Dissecting the Role of Pyricularia oryzae Cytoplasmic Dynein Intermediate Light-chain1 as a Non-classically Secreted Effector that Target Host Nuclear during Host-Pathogen Infection2020.012020.1217万元,结题,主持

2. 福建省自然科学基金委员会,自然科学基金项目,2019J01384,稻瘟病菌侵染过程中宿主细胞器靶定的非典型性分泌效应子的功能研究,2019.07-2022.0610万,在研,主持


1.NorvienyekuJ†, Lili Lin†,……,Zonghua Wang*, Bayogenin 3-O-cellobioside confers non cultivar-specific defense against the rice blast fungus Pyricularia oryzae,Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2020.10接收(SCI, IF=8.15,一区,Citation=0

2. AliyuSR†,LinL†,ChenX†,……,NorvienyekuJ*,Disruptionofputativeshort-chainacyl-CoAdehydrogenasescompromisedfreeradicalscavenging,conidiogenesis,andpathogenesisofMagnaporthe oryzae,FungalGenetics andBiology,2019.06(SCI, IF=3.07,二区, Citation=3)

3.Abdul W†, Aliyu SR†, Lin L†,……,Norvienyeku J*, Wang Z*. Family-Four Aldehyde Dehydrogenases Play an Indispensable Role in the Pathogenesis ofMagnaporthe oryzae,Front Plant Sci,2018.08(SCI, IF=4.40,二区, citation=8)

4.Zhong Z†, Chen M,……,Norvienyeku J*, Ebbole DJ*, Wang Z*. Population genomic analysis of the rice blast fungus reveals specific events associated with expansion of three main clades,ISME J.2018.03(SCI, IF=9.8,一区, Citation=18)

5.Bao J†, Chen M†, Zhong Z†,……,Norvienyeku J*, Wang B*, Wang Z*,PacBio Sequencing Reveals Transposable Elements as a Key Contributor to Genomic Plasticity and Virulence Variation inMagnaporthe oryzae.Mol Plant.2017.11(SCI, IF=12,一区, Citation=30)

6.Norvienyeku J†, Zhong Z†, Lin L†,……, Zonghua Wang*,Methylmalonate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase mediated metabolite homeostasis essentially regulate conidiation, polarized germination and pathogenesis inMagnaporthe oryzae.Environ Microbiol.2017.10(SCI, IF=4.93, 二区, Citation=7)

7.Zhang X†, Wang G†,……,Norvienyeku J*, Wang Z*. A HOPS Protein, MoVps41, Is Crucially Important for Vacuolar Morphogenesis, Vegetative Growth, Reproduction and Virulence inMagnaporthe oryzae.Front Plant Sci.2017.06(SCI, IF=3.6,二区, Citation=6)

8.Zhong Z†,Norvienyeku J†,……, Zonghua Wang*,Directional Selection from Host Plants Is a Major Force Driving Host Specificity in Magnaporthe Species.Sci Rep.2016.05(SCI, IF=3.99,三区, Citation=21)

9.Zhong Z†,Norvienyeku J†,……, Zonghua Wang*,Two different subcellular-localized Acetoacetyl-CoA acetyltransferases differentiate diverse functions inMagnaporthe oryzae.Fungal Genet Biol.2015.10(SCI, IF=3.07,二区, Citation=10)

10.Zhong Z†, Lin L†,……,Norvienyeku J*,Zheng H*. Expression Divergence as an Evolutionary Alternative Mechanism Adopted by Two Rice Subspecies Against Rice Blast Infection.Rice, 2019.03(SCI, IF=3.91,一区, Citation=3)

11. Jin W†, ……,Norvienyeku J, Hu K, Sun S*, Wang Z*.Importance of a Laccase Gene (Lcc1) in the Development of Ganoderma tsugae.Int J Mol Sci. 2018.02(SCI, IF = 4.55, 二区,Citation=4)

12. Zhang C†,……,Norvienyeku J, Li G, Yu W*, Wang Z*. FgNoxR, a regulatory subunit of NADPH oxidases, is required for female fertility and pathogenicity inFusarium graminearum.FEMS Microbiol Lett.2016.01(SCI, IF=1.99,三区, Citation=10)

13.Zhong Z†,……,Norvienyeku J, Zheng H*, Wang Z*. Genetic Variation Bias toward Noncoding Regions and Secreted Proteins in the Rice Blast Fungus Magnaporthe oryzae.mSystems.2020.06(SCI, IF=6.6,一区, Citation=0)

14.Zheng H†,……,Norvienyeku J, Li G, Zhou J*, Wang Z*, Zheng W*.Small GTPase Rab7-mediated FgAtg9 trafficking is essential for autophagy-dependent development and pathogenicity inFusarium graminearum.PLoS Genet.2018.07(SCI, IF=5.17, 二区, Citation=13)

15.Zheng H†,……,Norvienyeku J, Li G, Zheng W*, Wang Z*, Zhou J*. FgSec2A, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor of FgRab8, is important for polarized growth, pathogenicity and deoxynivalenol production inFusarium graminearum.Environ Microbiol.2018.08(SCI, IF=4.93,二区, Citation=6)

16.Tang W†, Jiang H†,……,Norvienyeku J, Wang Z*. Isopropylmalate isomerase MoLeu1 orchestrates leucine biosynthesis, fungal development, and pathogenicity in Magnaporthe oryzae.Appl Microbiol Biotechnol.2019.01(SCI, IF=3.53,二区, Citation=5)


1.王宗华,Norvienyeku Justice,林莉莉,……,谢薇;一种水稻叶片提取物在防治稻瘟病中的应用,2020.12.29,中国,ZL 2018 1 1180275.2



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