2024年04月02日 08:05  点击:


长期从事电子显微学方法、深度学习、铝合金结构性能关系等研究。Ultramicroscopy(电子显微学领域Top期刊)、IEEE Transactions on Image ProcessingActa Materialia(金属材料顶刊)、Journal of Material Science and TechnologyScripta MaterialiaPhysical Review Letters(物理领域顶刊)、Materials CharacterizationJournal of Alloy and Compounds等期刊上发表研究论文30余篇,其中第一作者和通讯作者论文十余篇。获国家发明专利授权3项,主持国家自然科学基金联合基金重点支持项目课题国家自然科学基金青年项目,参与国家自然科学基金重大科研仪器研制项目、重点项目等项目。2023年获中国材料学会科学技术一等奖(排名第二)。与浙江大学、牛津大学、中南大学、湖南大学、北京工业大学等学校的老师有长期的合作。指导的博士和硕士毕业生去往高校2,博士)、华为(1,博士)、中芯国际(1)、迈瑞医疗(1)、比亚迪(2)、阿迪达斯(1)等单位工作。




2012.09 - 2017. 12:湖南大学,材料科学与工程学院,博士研究生

2014. 10 - 2015. 10:牛津大学,材料系,联合培养博士研究生

2008.09 - 2012.06:湖南大学,材料科学与工程学院,学士


2023. 09-至今:海南大学,精密仪器高等研究中心(分析测试中心),副教授

2022. 11-2023.08:海南大学,材料科学与工程学院,副教授


2018.02 - 2020.04:湖南大学,物理学院,博士后
















1.H.H. Xi, J.J. Xu, X. Yuan,W.Q. Ming*, Z. Zhang, J.H. Chen*, The ill-defined π(AlFeMgSi) phase intermetallics formed in an automotive Al-Si-Mg alloy,Materials Characterization,2023,199, 112839.SCI1区)

2.S.Y. Li#, S.Y. Duan#,W.Q. Ming*, C.L. Wu*, J.H. Chen*, Genetic structural phase evolution from Li-containing S-like phase precipitates towards S-phase in AlCuLiMg alloys,Acta Materialia, 2022, 233, 117997.SCI1区)

3.Z.K. Chen,W.Q. Ming*, Y.T. He, R.H. Shen, G.S. Chen, M.J. Yin, J.H. Chen*, Direct estimation and correction of residual aberrations in the reconstructed exit-wavefunction of a crystalline specimen,Micron, 2022, 157, 103247.SCI4区,电子显微学领域专业期刊

4.Y.T. He,W.Q. Ming*,R.H. Shen,J.H. Chen*,IDART: An improved discrete tomography algorithm for reconstructing images with multiple gray levels,IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,2022,31,2608-2619.SCI1区)

5.H.H. Xi,W.Q. Ming*,Y. He, P. Xie,X.D. Xu,Z. Zhang,J.H. Chen*,Unveiling the fine microstructure of nanoscale composite particles embedded in brittle Si phase in an Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloy,Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2022,906,164238.SCI2区)

6.R.H. Shen, Y.T. He,W.Q. Ming*,Y. Zhang, X.D. Xu, J.H. Chen*,Electron tomography for sintered ceramic materials by a neural network algebraic reconstruction technique,Journal of Materials Science and Technology,2022, 100, 75-81.SCI1区)

7.C.M. Zhang, P. Xie, Y. Jiang*, S. Zhan,W.Q. Ming*, J.H. Chen, Double-shelled L12 nano-structures in quaternary Al-Er-Sc-Zr alloys: the origin and critical significance,Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 2021,34,1277-1284.SCI2区)

8.Y. He, H.H. Xi,W.Q. Ming*, et al., Thermal stability and precipitate microstructures of AlSiMgEr alloy,Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China,2021,31(1), 1-10.SCI1区)

9.X.W. Yu, J.H. Chen,W.Q. Ming*, et al, Revisiting the hierarchical microstructures of an Al-Zn-Mg alloy fabricated by pre-deformation and aging,Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 2020,33 (11), 1518-1526.SCI2区)

10.明文全,陈江华*,沈若涵, et al.,成像参数对ADF STEM三维重构成像精确性的影响,电子显微学报, 2019,38,502-511.

11.明文全,陈江华*,牛凤姣, et al.,一种基于改进的多层法和GPU加速的透射电镜图像模拟算法和程序,电子显微学报, 2018,37,450-458.

12.W.Q. Ming, J.H. Chen, Y.T. He, et al., An improved iterative wave function reconstruction algorithm in high-resolution transmission electron microscopy,Ultramicroscopy, 2018,195,111-120.(电子显微学领域Top期刊)

13.W.Q. Ming, J.H. Chen, C.S. Allen, et al., A quantitative method for measuring small residual beam tilts in high-resolution transmission electron microscopy,Ultramicroscopy, 2018,184,18-28.(电子显微学领域Top期刊)

14.W.Q. Ming, J.H. Chen, Validities of three multislice algorithms for quantitative low-energy transmission electron microscopy,Ultramicroscopy, 2013,134,135-143.(电子显微学领域Top期刊)


1.Y. Zhang, P.F.Wu,W.Q. Ming, X. Cao, Y.Z. Huang, Z.M. Li, On the structure of rare-earth sesquioxide Sm2O3 in Sm2Co17-type magnets,Scripta Materialia,2023,222, 115018.

2.S.D. Sun, D.W. Li, ...,W.Q. Ming, ..., L.H. Wang*, X.D. Han*. Direct Atomic-Scale Observation of Ultrasmall Ag Nanowires that Exhibit fcc, bcc, and hcp Structures under Bending,Physical Review Letters,2022,128(1),015701.

3.L. Zhou, C.L. Wu, P. Xie, F.J. Niu,W.Q. Ming, K. Du, J.H. Chen, A hidden precipitation scenario of theθ′-phase in Al-Cu alloys, Journal ofMaterialsScience andTechnology, 2021,75,126-138.

4.R.H. Shen,W.Q. Ming,J.H. Chen,et al.,Feasible atomic-resolution electron tomography for general crystal surfaces by quantitative reconstruction from a high-resolution image,Ultramicroscopy,2019,205,27-38.

5.Y. ZhangJ.M. Guo,W.Q. Ming,et al., Atomic-scale study on incoherent twin boundary evolution in nanograined Cu,Scripta Materialia, 2020, 186, 278-281.

6.F.J. Niu, J.H. Chen, S.Y. Duan,W.Q. Ming, et al., The effect of pre-deformation on the precipitation behavior of AlCuMg(Si) alloys with low Cu/Mg ratios,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 823,153831.

7.Y. Zhang, Z. Xu,W. Ming, et al., Atomic resolution analyses on defects in nanocrystalline Cu-based alloys generated by severe plastic deformation,Materials Characterization, 2019,157,109886.

8.H. Zhang, Z. Zhang, C. Ma, ...,W. Ming, et al., Low-temperature synthesis of all-inorganic perovskite nanocrystals for UV-photodetectors,Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2019,7(18), 5488-5496.

9.S.Y. Duan, Z. Le, Z.K. Chen, ...,W.Q. Ming, et al., Li-atoms-induced structure changes of GuinierPrestonBagaryatsky zones in AlCuLiMg alloys,Materials Characterization, 2016,121,207-212.

10.Z. Gao, J.Z. Liu, J.H. Chen, ...,W.Q. Ming, et al., Formation mechanism of precipitate T1 in AlCuLi alloys,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015,624,22-26.





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