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      2020年12月09日 11:30




    Yijun Shen

    Title/position: Professor (Tier-2), Doctoral Supervisor, Expert in marine energy development and deep-sea engineering, Deputy Director of the State Key Laboratory of Marine Resources Utilization in South China Sea


    2011年被选为英国海洋工程科学技术院院士,2013年被选为国际海洋与极地工程学会技术委员会委员,并担任水下系统、立管、脐带电缆、海底管线(SURF)专题主席。主要从事深海油气工程、海洋可再生能源技术、深海能源与资源开发技术与装备的研究。多次应邀在ISOPE,OTC, OMAE等国际海洋能源与资源开发、深海工程学术会议上作特邀学术报告和主持专家论坛。现为中国“科学探索奖”评审专家、全国学科评议专家、霍英东教育基金会高等院校科学奖及开云app下载苹果 奖评审专家、教育部科技项目及人才与奖励评审专家、科技部科技项目及人才与奖励评审专家。

    博士毕业于英国南安普顿大学,随后在英国克兰菲尔德大学从事博士后研究。具有近20年在国外著名大学以及世界名列前茅的跨国集团担任高级技术职务的经历。曾任英国南安普顿大学助理研究员,克兰菲尔德大学副研究员,布鲁耐尔大学研究员,丹麦科技大学研究教授,世界著名深海能源设计咨询公司 Wood 跨国集团总部高级咨询专家、深海柔性立管技术研发经理,Baker Hughes (原GE Wellstream) 跨国有限公司高级技术分析家、深海柔性立管技术专家,设计与分析团队负责人,ROSEN跨国集团深海油气立管及脐带电缆总工程师,华南理工大学讲席教授,等。主持了多项国内外深海能源与资源开发科研项目。

    Curriculum Vitae

    Shen was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering in 2011. He was elected as a member of the Technical Committee of the International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers in 2013, and the Chair of the Subsea Systems, Risers, Umbilicals, and Flowlines (SURF) Symposium. His research focuses on deep-sea oil and gas engineering, marine renewable energy technology, and deep-sea energy and resource development technology and equipment. He has been invited to give keynote speeches and chair expert forums at international academic conferences on marine energy and resource development and deep-sea engineering, such as ISOPE, OTC, and OMAE. He is currently a reviewer for the Science Exploration Award in China, a national discipline evaluation expert, an expert in the evaluation of the Higher Education Science Award and Education and Teaching Award of the Henry Fok Foundation, an expert in the evaluation of the Ministry of Education's science and technology projects, talents, and awards, and an expert in the evaluation of the Ministry of Science and Technology's science and technology projects, talents, and awards.

    He received his Ph.D. from the University of Southampton in the UK and then conducted postdoctoral research at Cranfield University in the UK. He has nearly 20 years of experience in senior technical positions at well-known universities and multinational corporations around the world. He has served as an assistant research fellow at the University of Southampton, an associate research fellow at Cranfield University, a research fellow at Brunel University, a research professor at the Technical University of Denmark, a senior consulting expert and manager of flexible pipe technology R&D at Wood, a world-renowned deep-sea energy design consulting company, a senior technical analyst and expert of flexible pipe technology R&D at Baker Hughes (formerly GE Wellstream), a team leader for design and analysis, a chief engineer for deep-sea oil and gas risers and umbilicals at ROSEN, a visiting professor at South China University of Technology, etc. He has led many domestic and international deep-sea energy and resource development research projects.







    Research Interests

    1) Common key technologies in the forefront of deep-sea oil and gas chemical and hydrate (combustible ice) development;

    2) System technology and equipment R&D for deep-sea energy and mineral resource development;

    3) Marine renewable clean energy technology and intelligent equipment system;

    4) Low temperature/high temperature, high pressure deep-sea riser structure and material technology.

    Welcome new participants, including Master's and doctoral students and Postdoctoral Fellow with knowledge backgrounds above.

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  • 邮箱:mru@hainanu.edu.cn mruzp@hainanu.edu.cn(招聘专用)
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