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      2021年02月24日 09:12


    高树基,厦门大学教授(2011-至今),基金委创新研究群体学术带头人 (2018-2023年),曾为国际PAGES/IMAGES计划海洋氮循环的过去与现在(NICOPP)工作组成员。专长以稳定同位素为主要手段研究上层海洋复杂氮动力学过程。2011年加入厦门大学,组建“氮循环实验室”,成功建立了国际领先的稳定同位素示踪技术平台。

    在碳-氮同位素技术、河流碳的源汇过程、氮循环各个过程速率与影响因子、氧化亚氮产率与机制以及天然同位素示踪等方面取得一系列创新性成果,相关结果在国际期刊发表200 余篇SCI 论文,其中以通讯及第一作者在Nature Communication、EPSL、Geology、GRL、ACP、L&O、JGR、Biogeosciences及Paleoceanography等国际重要期刊发表60多篇论文,文章总引超过7000 次,H-index 49。曾服务与台湾“中央研究院”,获得过台湾“年轻学者研究著作奖”(1996-2010年间海洋学科唯一获奖人)、TAO(Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences)“最佳文章奖”等。

    Curriculum Vitae

    Shuh-ji Kao is a professor at Xiamen University since 2011 and the academic leader of the Innovative Research Group of the National Natural Science Foundation of China from 2018 to 2023. He was also a member of the Working Group on Nitrogen Cycling of the Ocean in the Past and Present at the international PAGES/IMAGES program. His main expertise lies in studying the complex nitrogen dynamics in the upper ocean using stable isotopes as the primary method. In 2011, he established the Nitrogen Cycling Laboratory at Xiamen University and successfully built an internationally leading platform of stable isotope tracing technology. He has achieved a series of innovative results in carbon-nitrogen isotope technology, carbon source-sink processes in rivers, rates and influencing factors of nitrogen cycling processes, nitrous oxide production and mechanisms, and natural isotope tracing, among others. He has published over 200 SCI papers in international journals, with more than 60 papers as corresponding or first author in important journals such as Nature Communication, EPSL, Geology, GRL, ACP, L&O, JGR, Biogeosciences, and Paleoceanography. His works have been cited over 7000 times, with an H-index of 49. He has served at Taiwan's Academia Sinica and received the Young Scholar Research Award in Oceanography (the only winner from the field of oceanography between 1996 and 2010) and the Best Paper Award from TAO (Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences), among others.


    ● 全球变化-尤其是气候变暖、人为活性氮增加、酸化和缺氧等条件下海洋氮-碳耦合循环过程的响应和反馈;

    ● 海洋氮动力学及碳-氮耦合过程;

    ● 水环境中N2O的源和汇:从近岸到大洋;

    ● 大气氮沉降及其对西太平洋生态系统和生物地球化学循环的影响;

    ● 高分辨率的自然记录重建古环境及氮循环的演变。

    Research Interests

    ● Global change - especially the response and feedback of ocean nitrogen-carbon coupling cycle process under the conditions of climate warming, anthropogenic active nitrogen increase, acidification and hypoxia;

    ● The nitrogen dynamics and carbon-nitrogen coupling processes in the ocean;

    ● The sources and sinks of N2O in aquatic environments: from coastal to open ocean;

    ● The impact of atmospheric nitrogen deposition on the ecosystem and biogeochemical cycle of the western Pacific;

    ● The reconstruction of paleoenvironments and nitrogen cycling through high-resolution natural records.


    ● 自然源与溶解物不同形态稳定同位素萃取分析技术(硝氮、亚硝氮、氨氮、颗粒、溶解有机氮及其同位素);

    ● 同位素添加示踪技术(新生产力、厌氧氨氧化、硝化、反硝化速率、固氮速率);

    ● 生物壳体键结氮(Shell-bound)。

    Applied Technology

    ● Extraction and analysis of stable isotopes of natural sources and dissolved substances (nitrate, nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, granules, dissolved organic nitrogen and their isotopes);

    ● Isotope addition tracer technology (new productivity, anaerobic ammonia oxidation, nitrification, denitrification rate, nitrogen fixation rate);

    ● Shell-bound





    Undergraduate course: Introduction to Marine Science

    Graduate courses: Advanced Chemical Oceanography and Biogeochemical Cycles in Marine Biology





    2023 万茹、杜墨戈、韩丽丽、李超(博士);欧静、吕炳 辰、王纪宽、黄熠锋、张若洋(硕士)

    2022 陈雨童(本科)

    2021 邹波波、金昊、徐光坤、牛晴晴(硕士);汤锦铭、戴梦瑶、陈煌鑫、金浩泉、林宇轩(本科)

    2020 陈玲(博士);赖瑶、乔静、方永(硕士)

    2019 谭萼辉(博士);黄志雄、林巧云、周俞彤(硕士);李春锦、许继聪、唐甜(本科)

    2018 徐敏、郑珍珍、卢阳阳 (博士);刘丽、朱谦 (硕士)

    2017 郑立伟、丁晓东、万显会、颜秀利(博士);张伟杰、邵光贺(硕士)

    2016 罗笠(博士);何萌、吴乔、张骁(硕士);杨欣妍(本科)

    2015 杨进宇(博士);吴燕华、江新磊(硕士)

    2014 王白云(硕士)







    ● Currently enrolled: Ru Wan, Moge Du, Xifan Tian, Siqi Wu, Liangha Geo, Yong Fang, Hui Shen, Silin Ni, Buce, Lili Han (PhD);

    Bobo Zou, Hao Jin, Bin Chen, Jikuan Wang, Moyang Li, Yifeng Huang (Master); Jinming Tang (Undergraduate);

    ● Graduated:

    2020: Ling Chen (PhD); Yao Lai, Jing Qiao, Yong Fang (Master); Tan E'hui (PhD); 2019: Zhixiong Huang, Qiaoyun Lin, Yutong Zhou (Master); Chunjin Li, Xu Jicong, Tian Tang (Undergraduate);

    2018: Min Xu, Zhenzhen Zheng, Yangyang Lu (PhD); Li Liu, Qian Zhu (Master);

    2017: Liwei Zheng, Xiaodong Ding, Xianhui Wan, Xiuli Yan (PhD); Weijie Zhang, Guanghe Shao (Master);

    2016: Li Luo (PhD); Meng He, Qiao Wu, Xiao Zhang (Master); Xinyan Yang (Undergraduate);

    2015: Jinyu Yang (PhD); Yanhua Wu, Xinlei Jiang (Master) ;

    2014: Baiyun Wang (Master);

    ●Postdoctoral Fellows

    ● Currently in station: Jinji Liu;

    ● Graduated: Dawei Li, Hongyan Bao, Xianhui Wan, Huaxia Sheng, Liwei Zheng, Zhenzhen Zheng, Min Xu.

  • 地址:海南省海口市美兰区人民大道58号海南大学 (邮编:570228)
  • 电话:0898-66292367 传真:0898-66292367
  • 邮箱:mru@hainanu.edu.cn mruzp@hainanu.edu.cn(招聘专用)
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