On April 27, the 32nd luncheon seminar was held in MRU Conference Room 823. With the theme of “Functional Traits and Functional Diversity of Marine Fishes”, the seminar whose presenter was Associate Research Professor Chen Kai was hosted by Associate Research Professor Luo Hongtian. Chen shared his views on themain habitats of marine fishes, the crisis of marine fish diversity, the value of marine fish diversity and the response of functional traits and functional diversity of marine fishes to the environmental stress.
The host Associate Research Professor Luo Hongtian was introducing the presenter.
Associate Research Professor Chen Kai was making the presentation.
As an important component of natural resources, marine fish diversity played a vital role in global food security, economic and social development, and ecosystem stability, according to Chen. However, under the influence of global climate change and human activities, marine fish diversity was degraded or lost at an unprecedented rate, and marine fish were facing great threats due to the overfishing, climate change and habitat degradation. Therefore, how to accurately assess the response of fish populations and communities to environmental stress and the impact of changes in fish community structure and function on ecosystem functions were key scientific questions for preserving marine fish diversity and marine ecosystem. Chen mentioned that the development of marine fish functional ecology was one of the keys to answering this question, and conducting functional ecology studies on such topics as functional traits and functional diversity of marine fishes would not only help to better cope with the ecological consequences of biodiversity loss under the scenario of global climate change, but also provide a theoretical basis for ecological restoration practices.
The scene of the seminar.
This luncheon served as a good guide for students’ scientific research and practice and promoted mutual promotion and learning among the participants who said that they had gained a lot and they were looking forward to the next seminar.
The scene of the communication.