With continued human pressure on marine fisheries and ocean resources, aquaculture hasbecome one of the most promising avenues for increasing marine fish production in the future.This review presents recent trends and future prospects for the aquaculture industry, withparticular attention paid to ocean farming and carnivorous finfish species. The benefits offarming carnivorous fish have been challenged; extensive research on salmon has shown thatfarming such fish can have negative ecological, social, and health impacts on areas and partiesvastly separated in space. Similar research is only beginning for the new carnivorous speciesfarmed or ranched in marine environments, such as cod, halibut, and bluefin tuna. These fishhave large market potential and are likely to play a defining role in the future direction of theaquaculture industry. We review the available literature on aquaculture development ofcarnivorous finfish species and assess its potential to relieve human pressure on marine fisheries.
Several new carnivorous finfish species are beginning to be farmed and are likely to changethe composition of the“top ten list”(Table 1) within the next decade. For some of these newspecies, aquaculture is emerging as a potential replacement for depleted fisheries (e.g., Atlanticcod and Atlantic halibut), and in other cases, aquaculture and capture production are risingsimultaneously (e.g., barramundi and cobia).Like Atlantic salmon, Atlantic cod have been rearedin hatcheries and released into marine ecosystems for more than a century to enhancediminishing wild populations. It was not until the 1990s, however, that techniques weredeveloped for maintaining captive broodstock and breeding cod in captivity. Cod are generallyviewed as a possible direct substitute for salmon in existing net-pen operations because thegrow-out stage of cod production is almost identical to that of salmon. Some of the majormultinational companies shown in Figure 1, particularly Nutreco, are taking a lead in developingthis industry. A few technical hurdles exist, such as finding a suitable nutrition regime for larvae(unlike salmon, cod larvae have no yolk sac for nutrition and require zooplankton, brine shrimp,or other live organisms for feed) and establishing a sufficient number of juveniles to makeyear-round production possible because the natural spawning cycle of cod is short. Commercialcultivation of Atlantic cod is currently established in Norway, the United Kingdom, Canada, andIceland with production at about 1500 tons in 2002 . Norway is positioned to lead the global codaquaculture industry, just as it has done with salmon, and some sources predict that Norwegianproduction could reach 30,000 tons a year by 2008 . Canada and Scotland are following its lead.At this stage in the development process, commercialization of farmed cod depends on lowcapture rates of wild cod and high prices to remain economically viable.
Bluefin tuna is another carnivorous species coming on line as a major aquaculture product inresponse to serious declines in wild fisheries stocks and large potential profit margins. Unlike codand halibut, most farmed bluefin tuna are ranched, meaning juvenile tuna are captured at seaand then fattened in cages until they reach marketable size. This process can take from twomonths to two years depending on the size of juveniles captured. On a given farm site, up to2000 bluefin tuna may be confined in a single net pen offshore, with eight or more net penstypically grouped together. Australia has ranched southern bluefin tuna since the early 1990swith great economic success; the value and volume of its industry grew by an astonishing 40%and 16% per annum, respectively, between 1992 and 2002. Atlantic and Pacific bluefin tunaranching has emerged more recently in Mediterranean countries, such as Spain and Croatia, aswell as in Mexico, and development is beginning in several other countries including the UnitdStates. In all cases, the market potential is exceptional, with Japan consuming most of the output.Tuna capture quotas exist in all regions and act as a constraint on industry growth; however,these quotas tend to be poorly regulated in regions outside of Australia. Breeding tuna icaptivity for commercial purposes will likely be critical to the sustainability of both the industryand wild stocks. Attempts to do so have been ongoing since the 1970s , and recent work in Japanhas succeeded in closing the production cycle by getting artificially reared bluefin to produceeggs.
Ocean resources are in jeopardy given current trends in fish production. Many capturefisheries are in decline, and marine finfish aquaculture—often considered to be the solution toproblems of overfishing and other human stresses on the marine environment—poses additionalrisks to wild fish stocks. Marine finfish aquaculture is heavily dependent on wild capture for fishmeal and fish oil inputs; it pollutes marine waters through nutrient, and sometimes chemical andpharmaceutical discharges; and it potentially threatens native fish populations via disease andparasite transmission and the escape of farmed fish from net pens into the wild. At the sametime, aquaculture is essentially the only avenue to produce more fish from the oceans, and theindustry appears to be responsive to new technologies and management practices that reducestress on the oceans. The current process of diversification into new finfish species and theprospect of moving operations into the open ocean provide an opportune time to rethink thepresent approach toward marine finfish aquaculture.
As marine finfish aquaculture grows in response to market opportunities, improved scienceand technology, and public sector encouragement, there is a need to marry an ecosystem-basedmanagement approach with a sound business approach. A private-sector business approach tomarine aquaculture without ecological management principles is not sustainable in the long run.Likewise, an ecosystem-based management approach implemented without proper attention tobusiness incentives is not feasible. Governments have an important role to play in integratingbusiness and ecosystem ideals, lest they face collapse both in wild fisheries and marineaquaculture, as well as further damage to marine ecosystems. At the same time, an internationalagreement among aquaculture-producing countries could help to “level the playing field” andpromote environmentally sound practices. Establishment of universal, certifiable best practicesfor marine finfish farming is in the long-term interest of both the aquaculture industry and theconservation community.
Three key steps could help promote sustainability of marine finfish aquaculture: theidentification of lower trophic level marine finfish with strong market potential and suitability forfarming, the continued move toward vegetable-based feeds, and farming fish apart from theenvironment where their wild counterparts live (e.g., through more widespread use ofland-based tanks or enclosed bag net pens). In addition, promoting integrated aquaculture, inwhich mussels, seaweeds, and other species are grown in close proximity with finfish for wasterecycling, could help to reduce nutrient pollution. Several ecologically integrated marineaquaculture systems currently exist, but the commercial viability of such systems depends onlarger scale experimentation and further investigation of the interactions and processes amongjointly cultured species.Naylor R, Burke M. Aquaculture and ocean resources: raising tigers of the sea[J]. Annu. Rev.Environ. Resour., 2005, 30: 185-218.