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    2021年12月02日 18:00




We can often hear about so-and-so “洋流”or “海流”. So, is there a difference between海流” and “洋流? We can easily deduce that currents at the surface are caused by sea breeze, but are there still currents below the surface? If so, how are currents generated under the surface of the sea where there is no sea breeze?


Basic Concept


海流” and “洋流” are actually the same thing. It is a water mass with different densities due to thermal radiation, evaporation, precipitation and cold shrinkage which is a kind of large-scale and relatively stable flow of seawater for the wind stress, geostrophic deflection force and tidal attraction force. There are many currents in the ocean, and each current flows along a relatively fixed route throughout the year. It is like the blood circulation of the human body, linking the whole world ocean together, so that the whole world ocean can maintain the long-term relative stability of its various hydrological and chemical elements.


Causes of Currents


The formation of currents is basically divided into wind current, density current and compensation current.

● 风海流

Wind Current


Wind-driven current is formed by the wind on the sea surface. Due to the depletion of momentum by viscosity in the movement of seawater, this current weakens with increasing depth until it is negligible, and the depth involved is usually only a few hundred meters, which is a thin layer compared to the ocean of several thousand meters deep. After the formation of currents, the continuity of seawater will lead to the formation of upwelling and downwelling where the seawater produces dispersion or convergence.

● 密度流

Density Current


The difference of seawater temperature and salinity in different seas will cause the difference of seawater density, which will lead to the difference of seawater level, and the inclination of sea surface between two seas with different seawater density will cause the flow of seawater.

● 补偿流

Compensation Flow


When the seawater in one sea area decreases, the seawater in the adjacent sea area comes to replenish it, and the resulting current is called the compensation current. Compensation current can flow both horizontally and vertically, and vertical compensation currents can be divided into upwelling and downing, for example, the Peru Current is an upwelling compensating current.


Sea Current Power Generation


At present, the use of ocean current mainly focuses on the research of power generation. In the ocean movement, current playsan important role in the Earth’s climate and ecological balance. And the ocean currents follow a certain course, and their scale is thousands of times larger than that of huge rivers on land. The flow of sea water can drive turbines to generate electricity and deliver green energy to people. China is rich in ocean current energy, with a theoretical average power of 140 million kilowatts of coastal currents.

投稿者:张炜峰 硕士研究生

审核导师:沈义俊 教授

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