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    2021年11月18日 18:00


Nitrogen is one of the essential nutrientslimiting phytoplankton growth throughoutmuch of the low-latitude surface ocean. Biologically available nitrogen, or fixed N, isprimarily supplied to the surface ocean fromnutrient-rich subsurface water, but it is also addedby in situ biological N fixation and atmosphericdeposition. Atmospheric transport and depositionof reactive nitrogen (nitrogen oxides, ammoniumand/or ammonia, and N-bearing organic compounds) is an increasingly important source offixed N to open-ocean surface waters, owing tothe rapid increase in emissions from fertilizerusage and combustion of fossil fuels. Model estimates suggest that N input from the atmosphereto the open ocean has more than doubled overthe past 100 years, accounting for up to one-thirdof the ocean’s external N supply (1). This dramaticincrease in anthropogenic atmospheric N (AAN)has been calculated to have increased oceanproductivity by 3% globally (1) and up to 25%regionally (2). However, except in some near shore environments (3), there is little evidenceso far that anthropogenic N inputs have led tosignificant changes in the open ocean’s N cycleand ecosystems.

研究人员Haojia Ren等在2017年在国际顶尖期刊《Science》上发表了一篇名为“21st-century rise in anthropogenic nitrogen deposition on a remote coral reef”的研究论文。由于东沙岛远离陆地,上层海洋的活性氮主要来源于深层水供给和大气沉降,因此东沙岛是研究大气氮的理想位置。

Haojia Ren and other research fellows published a paper entitled “21st-century rise in anthropogenic nitrogen deposition on a remote coral reef” in the international top journalSciencein 2017. Since Dongsha Atoll was far from land and the reactive nitrogen in the upper ocean mainly came from deep water and atmospheric deposition, Dongsha Atoll became an ideal location for studying atmospheric nitrogen.


The authors found that the nitrogen isotope values (6.3 ± 0.5) in corals from Dongsha Atoll in the South China Sea during 2003-2012 were significantly different from those during 1968-1977 (7.6 ± 0.4). Further analysis of global atmospheric reactive nitrogen deposition fluxes revealed a significant increase in activity through atmospheric deposition to the upper ocean after 2000. Meanwhile, the nitrogen isotope values in corals of Dongsha Atoll showed the same trend with the use of fossil fuels and fertilizers in China between 1960 and 2010. The authors concluded that the change in nitrogen isotope values in corals of Dongsha Atoll was mainly due to the increase of reactive nitrogen emissions from mainland China. Finally, the authors suggested improving combustion technologies or switching to renewable energy sources to reduce nitrogen-oxide emissions in East Asia, which may, to some extent, mitigate the Northern Pacific Ocean from anthropogenic nitrogen emissions.




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