Oceanafforestation is considered to an important component of atmospheric CO2 removal (CDR) in order to achieve early carbon neutrality and stop further global warming, yet new research has found that “afforestation” in the ocean does not necessarily contribute to carbon neutrality in the long term!
2021年5月7日,来自澳洲塔斯马尼亚大学和南新威尔士大学的研究人员在国际顶尖期刊《Nature Communications》上在线发表了一篇名为“Testing the climate intervention potential of oceanafforestation using the Great Atlantic Sargassum Belt”的研究论文,文章的中文译名是《利用大西洋马尾藻带测试海洋绿化的气候干预潜力》。
On May 7, 2021, researchers from the University of Tasmania and the University of New South Wales published a paper online entitled “Testing the climate intervention potential of ocean afforestation using the Great Atlantic Sargassum Belt” whose Chinese title was《利用大西洋马尾藻带测试海洋绿化的气候干预潜力》in the leading international journalNature Communications.
After analyzing two biogeochemical feedbacks, nutrient reallocation and calcification bythe Great Atlantic Sargassum Belt, the researchers found that the CDR potential and side effects of oceanafforestationare highly uncertain due to complex physical and biogeochemical feedbacks.
对此,文章的主要作者Lennart T. Bach认为,“利用海洋绿化来吸收大气CO2看似将开阔的沙漠化海洋转化为欣欣向荣的绿色海藻生态系统,其实这将可能以付出更多的CO2排放量为代价”。
In this regard, the lead author Lennart T. Bach argued that “Capturing atmospheric CO2 using ocean afforestation converts seeminglyunproductive open ocean deserts into thriving seaweedecosystems, but in fact it will likely come at the cost of higher CO2 emissions.”
据悉,Lennart T. Bach是澳洲塔斯马尼亚大学海洋与南极研究所的博士后研究员,研究领域主要集中在海洋碳循环相关方向。
Lennart T. Bach is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania, Hobart, TAS, Australia, and he focuses on ocean carbon cycle.
Studying natural analogues presented a low-risk, cost-effectiveway to evaluate the potential of ocean afforestation on the scaleneeded to contribute significantly to CDR. Indeed, there wereprominent examples where studying natural analogues of climateintervention, such as the Mount Pinatubo volcanic eruption orglacial–interglacial ocean iron fertilisation, has led to breakthroughsin our understanding of the response of the Earth Systemto perturbation.Thus, the recent emergence of this Great AtlanticSargassum Belt (GASB) offeredanopportunity to study large-scale ocean afforestation,and researchers had conducted satellite reconnaissance and in situ study.
After measuring biomass, surface-attached biocalcification and nutrient fluxes, the researchers evaluated the effects of ocean afforestation and found that the CDR efficacy of Sargassum was reduced by 20-100% than originally expected.
Theanalysispointed towards a similar conclusion as for terrestrial afforestation;i.e., climate intervention through ocean afforestation mustconsider complicated Earth-system feedbacks
The authors proposedfivefeedback mechanisms that influenced the effectiveness of CDR.
First, while ocean afforestation could consume CO2 through photosynthesis, algae provided a living environment for epifaunas, and particulate inorganic carbon formed by calcification of surface-attached organisms could reduce seawater alkalinity and promote CO2 emission.
Second, marine afforestation competed for nutrients from phytoplankton, reducing their POC production and possibly affecting phytoplankton-dominated CO2 absorption.
Third, when algae for afforestation died and deposited into deep-sea sediments, 90% of the deposited carbon was mineralized again and eventually the CO2 from mineralization was transported back to the atmosphere on larger time scales (e.g., 100 years or 1,000 years).
Fourth, terrestrial afforestation would reduce albedo, and conversely, ocean afforestation albedo would increase because seaweed would reflect more short-wave radiation than seawater, which meant that the afforestation would reflect more solar radiation into space and promote warming.
Fifth, the carbon emissions generated in the various stages of planting, cultivation, harvesting and transportation during the implementation of ocean afforestation needed to be precisely quantified and assessed.
Even though littlewasknown aboutthe CDR potential and side-effects of ocean afforestation whenupscaled. Model simulations were the first step to explore theseunknowns, but they inevitably missed many complexities associatedwith real-world systems.
In short, our expectations are always good, but nature often exceeds our perceptions.