Ocean frontisthe narrow transition zone between two or more water bodies with distinctly different characteristics. It can be described by horizontal gradients of elements such as temperature, salinity, density, velocity, color, chlorophyll, or by their higher gradients; that’s to say, the position of a frontal zone can be determined by the intensity of the characteristics of one or several of the above elements.

Brief Introduction
There is a strong horizontal convergence (divergence) and vertical motion in the vicinity of the frontal zone, and so it is unstable. And there are processes of gradual transformation and bending to different extents.
Scientific research on the causes and effects of ocean front began in the middle of the 19th century. The American oceanographer M. F. Maury described front as a peculiar oceanic phenomenon in 1858. Since then, ocean front has attracted the public attention. With the needs to search for marine resources and to prepare for military affairs, the study of ocean front has been rapidly developed and gradually formed into a branch of marine science.
The study of the physical, chemical, biological and optical properties of fronts is the basic content of the science of front.
Ocean front can last from a few hours to a few months. The component parallel to the front often has a strong horizontal shear in the direction perpendicular to the front. For a large-scale front, this shear may be in geostrophic equilibrium. However, currents near a small-scale front in shallow sea are much more strongly influenced by local acceleration stresses and boundary friction than by Coriolis force.
The important physical drivers are those related to the sea-air exchange, which includes planetary and local wind stress, heat (heating and cooling of the sea surface), seasonality of water (evaporation and precipitation) and planetary vertical transport. Several other processes which include freshwater input from rivers, convergence and shear of tidal currents and surface geostrophic current, turbulent mixing due to seafloor topography and roughness, mixing due to internal waves and internal tidal shear and centrifugal effects due to bending are also driving forces for ocean front generation.
The rotation of the earth can significantly affect the motion process of large frontal zones, while small-scale fronts seem to be controlled only by nonlinear inertial and frictional effects.

Aquatic scientists have confirmed through field observations and theoretical studies that outer ocean fronts do act as acoustic lenses, so the information of acoustic scattering obtained by survey ships may become one of the potent tools for investigating and studying ocean fronts.