  • 谭萼辉副研究员、博士生导师
个人首页 项目课题 学术奖励 论文专著

1. Tan, Ehui, Wenbin Zou, Zhenzhen Zheng, Xiuli Yan, Moge Du, Ting-Chang Hsu, Li Tian, Jack J. Middelburg, Thomas W. Trull, and Shuh-ji Kao*. 2020. Warming stimulates sediment denitrification at the expense of anaerobic ammonium oxidation, Nature Climate Change, 10: 349-355. (1区,IF:20.89)
2. Tan, Ehui*, Hsu, T.-C., Zou, W., Yan, X., Huang, Z., Chen, B., Chang, Y., Zheng, Z., Zheng, L., Xu, M., Tian, L. and Kao, S.-j*. 2022. Quantitatively deciphering the roles of sediment nitrogen removal in environmental and climatic feedbacks in two subtropical estuaries, Water Research, 224, 119121. (1区,IF:13.4)
3. Tan, Ehui, Ting-Chang Hsu, Xiaofen Huang, Hsing-Juh Lin, and Shuh-Ji Kao*. 2017. Nitrogen transformations and removal efficiency enhancement of a constructed wetland in subtropical Taiwan, Science of the Total Environment, 601–602: 1378-88. (2区,IF:6.55)
4. Tan, Ehui, Guizhi Wang*, Willard S. Moore, Qing Li, and Minhan Dai. 2018. Shelf-scale submarine groundwater discharge in the Northern South China Sea and East China Sea and its geochemical impacts, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123(4): 2997-3013. (2区,IF:3.56)
5. Tan, Ehui, Wenbin Zou, Xinlei Jiang, Xianhui Wan, Ting-Chang Hsu, Zhenzhen Zheng, Ling Chen, Min Xu, Minhan Dai, and Shuh-ji Kao*. 2019. Organic matter decomposition sustains sedimentary nitrogen loss in the Pearl River Estuary, China, Science of the Total Environment, 648: 508-517. (2区,IF:6.55)
6. Zheng, Zhenzhen., Liwei Zheng, Min Xu, Ehui Tan, D. A. Hutchins, Wenchao Deng, Yao Zhang, Dalin Shi, Minhan Dai, and Shuh-ji Kao*. 2020. Substrate regulation leads to differential responses of microbial ammonia-oxidizing communities to ocean warming, Nature Communications, 11: 3511. (1区,IF:12.12)
7. Wang, Guizhi*, Shuling Wang, Zhangyong Wang, Wenping Jing, Yi Xu, Zhouling Zhang, Ehui Tan, and Minhan Dai. 2018. Tidal variability of nutrients in a coastal coral reef system influenced by groundwater, Biogeosciences, 15: 997-1009. (2区,IF:3.48)
8. Wang, Guizhi*, Aiqin Han, Liwen Chen, Ehui Tan, and Hui Lin. 2018. Fluxes of dissolved organic carbon and nutrients via submarine groundwater discharge into subtropical Sansha Bay, China, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 207: 269-82. (3区,IF:2.33)
9. Yan, Xiuli, Xianhui Sean Wan, Li Liu, Min Nina Xu, Ehui Tan, Zhenzhen Zheng, Wenbin Zou, Li Tian, Dawei Li, Thomas W. Trull, and ShuhJi Kao*. 2019. Biogeochemical Dynamics in a Eutrophic Tidal Estuary Revealed by Isotopic Compositions of Multiple Nitrogen Species, Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 124: 1849-64. (2区,IF:3.41)
10. Dai Guiyuan, Guizhi Wang*, Qing Li, Ehui Tan, Minhan Dai. 2021. Submarine Groundwater Discharge on the Western Shelf of the Northern South China Sea Influenced by the Pearl River Plume and Upwelling. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, DOI: 10.1029/2020JC016859. (2区,IF:3.56)
11. Wang, Guizhi, Shengyao Sun, Ehui Tan, Liwen Chen, Lifang Wang, Tao Huang, Kuanbo Zhou, Weifang Chen, and Xianghui Guo. 2021. A strong summer intrusion of the Kuroshio and residence time in the northern South China Sea revealed by radium isotopes, Progress in Oceanography, 197. (2区,IF:4.08)
12. Han, A.*, Kao, S.J., Lin, W., Lin, Q., Han, L., Zou, W., Tan, E., Lai, Y., Ding, G. and Lin, H.* 2021, Nutrient budget and biogeochemical dynamics in Sansha Bay, China: A coastal bay affected by intensive mariculture, Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 126(9). (2区,IF:3.41)
13. Han, Y., Zhang, M., Chen, X., Zhai, W., Tan, E. and Tang, K.* 2021, Transcriptomic evidences for microbial carbon and nitrogen cycles in the deoxygenated seawaters of Bohai Sea. Environment International, 158, 106889. (1区,IF:13.352)
14. Cui, Y., Wu, J.*, Tan, E. and Kao, S.J. 2022, Role of particle resuspension in maintaining hypoxic level in the Pearl River Estuary, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 127(8), e2021JC018166. (2区,IF:3.56)
15. Dai, X., Chen, M., Wan, X., Tan, E., Zeng, J., Chen, N., Kao, S.-J. and Zhang, Y.* 2022, Potential contributions of nitrifiers and denitrifiers to nitrous oxide sources and sinks in China's estuarine and coastal areas. Biogeosciences, 19(16), 3757-3773. (2区,IF:3.48)
16. Xu, M.N.*, Wu, Y., Zhang, X., Tang, J.-M., Tan, E., Zheng, Z.-Z., Du, M., Yan, X. and Kao, S.-J. 2022, Diel change in inorganic nitrogenous nutrient dynamics and associated oxygen stoichiometry along the Pearl River Estuary. Water Research, 222, 118954. (1区,IF:13.4)
17. Yan, X.*, Yang, J.-Y.T., Xu, M.N., Tan, E., Zheng, Z., Zou, W., Dai, M. and Kao, S.-J.* (2022) Isotope constraints on nitrogen dynamics in the upper water column of the South China Sea. Frontiers in Marine Science 9, 1-15. (2区,IF:5.247)
18. Yang, J.-Y.T., Hsu, T.-C., Tan, E., Lee, K., Krom, M.D., Kang, S., Dai, M., Hsiao, S.S.-Y., Yan, X., Zou, W., Tian, L. and Kao, S.-J.* 2022, Sedimentary processes dominate nitrous oxide production and emission in the hypoxic zone off the Changjiang River estuary. Science of the Total Environment 827, 154042. (2区,IF:6.55)

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