  • 程鹏教授





    Lv, R.P. Cheng, and J. Gan, 2020.Adjustment of river plume fronts during downwelling-favorable wind events, Continental Shelf Research, 202, 104143.

    Cheng, P., A. Wang and J. Jia, 2017. Analytical study of lateral-circulation-induced-exchange flow in tidally dominated well-mixed estuaries.Continental Shelf Research, 140, 1-10.

    Cheng, P.,2014 Decomposition of residual circulation in estuaries.Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology31(3), 698-713.

    Cheng, P., H. E. de Swart and A. Valle-Levinson, 2013. The role of asymmetric tidal mixing in subtidal dynamics of narrow estuaries.Journal of Geophysical Research. 118 (C5) 26232639, doi:10.1002/jgrc.20189.

    Cheng, P., M. Li and Y. Li, 2013. Generation of an estuarine sediment plume by a tropical storm.Journal of Geophysical Research. 118, 856-868, doi:10.1002/jgrc.20070.

    Cheng, P., A. Valle-Levinson and H. E. de Swart, 2011. A numerical study of residual estuarine circulation induced by asymmetric tidal mixing in tidally dominated estuaries.Journal of Geophysical Research. 116, C01017, doi:10.1029/2010JC006137.

    Cheng, P., A. Valle-Levinson and H. E. de Swart, 2010. Residual currents induced by asymmetric tidal mixing in weakly stratified narrow estuaries.Journal of Physical Oceanography,40 (9), 2135–2147.

    Cheng, P.,and A. Valle-Levinson, 2009. Influence of lateral advection on residual currents in microtidal estuaries.Journal of Physical Oceanography, 39(12), 3177-3

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