近日,海南大学南海海洋资源利用国家重点实验室与中国科学院海洋研究所提出卫星遥感估算野生动物种群规模方法,相关研究成果以“Estimating animal population size with very high-resolution satellite imagery”为题,在国际Top期刊《Conservation Biology》(中科院SCI一区,IF=6.56)上发表。
Recently, MRU and IOCAS (Institute of Oceanography, Chinese Academy of Sciences)jointlyproposed a method for estimating wildlife population size by satellite remote sensing, and the related research result entitledEstimating animal population size with very high-resolution satellite imagerywas published in the international Top journalConservation Biology(CAS SCI I, IF=6.56).
种群规模和分布是野生动物保护和管理的关键问题。甚高分辨率卫星传感器可以经济、便捷和准确的方式获得对野生动物管理至关重要的种群规模和空间分布信息,且不会干扰野生动物或破坏栖息地。本研究提出了一种使用卫星估算动物种群的方法,该方法包括计算动物平均正射面积的非侵入式摄影方法,以及从观测动物种群面积与平均个体面积比例估算动物种群规模的影像解译方法,可广泛用于估计群居动物的种群规模,并为估算复杂环境中的动物种群规模提供了思路。利用这一方法估算了中国山东荣成大天鹅国家自然保护区中大天鹅(Cygnus cygnus)的种群规模,结果表明2013年2月15日该国家级自然保护区内共有1124只大天鹅,该方法的平均百分误差为3.16%(SE1.37)。
The population size and distribution are key issues for wildlife conservation and management. High-resolution satellite sensors can obtain the information about population size and its spatial distribution, which is critical to the wildlife management in an economical, convenient and accurate manner without disturbing wildlife or destroying the habitats. This study proposes a method for estimating animal population using satellites, including a non-invasive photographic method for calculating the mean orthorectified area of animals and an image interpretation method for estimating animal population size from the ratio of observed animal population area to mean individual area. This method can be widely used to estimate the population size of herd animals and provides ideas for estimating the population size of animals in complex environments. This method with the mean percentage error of 3.16% (SE1.37) was used in this study to estimate the population size of the Cygnus cygnus in Rongcheng Swan National Nature Reserve in Shandong province, and the results showed that there were 1,124 Cygnus cygnus in this reserve on February 15, 2013.
As to the paper, Associate Research Professor Zhao Peng from MRU and Research Professor Zhou Yi fromIOCAS are the co-first authors, and Research Professor Yang Hongsheng from IOCAS is the corresponding author. The related method has been granted two Chinese invention patents and one US invention patent.
This study was supported by the National Natural Sciences Foundation of China (41606192), the National Key R&D Program of China (2019YFD0901301), the National Science & Technology Basic Work Program (2015FY110600), the Industry Leading Talents Project of Taishan Scholars (LJNY201704), the Taishan Scholars Program (Distinguished Taishan Scholars), and the Open Fund of Key Laboratory of Marine Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Link to full text:https://conbio.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/cobi.13613