
Hainan University International Advisory Board Held Meeting with New Member Prof. Wang Jing

2024年04月30日 18:16

On the morning of April 29th(BeijingTime),Hainan University held avirtualmeeting to introduce the new member of the International AdvisoryBoard(IAB), warmly welcoming Prof. Wang Jing from the University of California, San Diego, to join theboard.Prof.Chen Jun, Vice President of Hainan University,andDr.Carter Tseng, Vice Chair of the IAB, attended the meeting.

Video Meeting

Prof.Chen Jun, on behalf of HainanUniversity, warmly welcomedProf.Wangtojointhe IAB. Heemphasizedthat the IABhas held five plenary meetings so farand has played an important role inpromoting thelaunchof the League of Tropical Universitiesandthe cooperation ofindustry,researchand education. As the advisor of the University, the IAB hasprovided a series ofhighly constructive opinions and suggestions for theUniversityin formulating and achievingstrategicobjectives. Healso added thatProf.Wang'sjoiningwill contributea lottotheUniversityas it strives to become a comprehensive, research-oriented and internationalized university under theDouble First-ClassInitiative.

Chair Da Hsuan Feng and Vice Chair Carter Tseng, on behalf ofthe IAB, warmly welcomedProf.Wang to join the board. They noted that theIAB,established in 2019,consists of 21 internationally renowned scholars and senior executives, including four Nobel laureates and two honorary members, but lacks a native Hainanese member. They believe thatProf.Wang's participation will not only filloutthis gap but also bring more international experience,thus improving the overall development of the University to some extent.

Prof.Wang Jing expressed his gratitudeandhonor to join theIAB. He recalled his workexperiencesat Hainan Universitymore than30 years ago andfully endorsed theremarkableachievementsmade bytheUniversityin recent years. Heconveyedhisexpectationsto work with theIABto contribute to the development oftheUniversity.

Attendees also includedDeputyDirectorsfromthe Office of International Cooperation and Exchange (School of International Education, Office of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs)andthe Office of External Relations and Alumni Affairs (Center for Overseas Hainanese Friendship), as well aspersonnel fromtheHainan University International Advisory Board Secretariat.
