School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Academics Undergraduate Content
December 12, 2023
. Applied Chemistry The Applied Chemistry at Hainan University was established in 2004, which was established in the merger of the Applied Chemistry programs from the former South China Tropical Agricultural University and the former Hainan University. In

2. Applied Chemistry

The Applied Chemistry at Hainan University was established in 2004, which was established in the merger of the Applied Chemistry programs from the former South China Tropical Agricultural University and the former Hainan University. In 2009, the Basic Chemical Experiment Teaching Center was merged into this major, establishing the Applied Chemistry department. In 2009, it was awarded the title of "Advanced Group in National Education System" and the Advanced Group of Outstanding Professional and Technical Personnel, and in 2020 it was approved as a provincial first-class undergraduate major construction point in Hainan. In 2021, it was approved by the Ministry of Education as a national first-class undergraduate major construction site. The department also co-constructs master's and doctoral programs in Chemical Engineering and Technology and is establishing a master's and doctoral program in Chemistry (project under construction). The program has provincial and municipal platforms including the Hainan Provincial Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Experiment Teaching Center, the Hainan Provincial Fine Chemical Engineering Technology Research Center, and the Haikou City Green Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Key Laboratory.

The program has admitted 20 cohorts of undergraduate students, with 16 cohorts graduated, and currently has 458 undergraduates and 55 full-time teachers, including 15 professors, 17 associate professors, and 53% of the teachers with doctoral degrees. The department has one national-level talent, one New Century Excellent Talents Program member, two Hainan Province leading talents, 13 Hainan Province outstanding talents, one Hainan Province Youth Innovative Talent Program member, two Hainan Provincial Education Commission members, and five Hainan University excellent teachers and top ten teachers. This has formed a teaching team with a reasonable educational background, age structure, professional title structure, and discipline (major) structure. The department also has four provincial excellent online open courses in inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, organic chemistry, and instrumental analysis, and Hainan University master studio. Guided by national and Hainan economic needs, the discipline has gradually developed three major research directions: "Surface Interface Chemistry", "Synthetic Chemistry", and "Computational Chemistry". More than 20 national natural science foundation projects have been under research in recent years, and more than 10 provincial key research projects have been undertaken or cooperated with. In the past five years, more than 300 academic papers have been published in journals and periodicals at home and abroad, including internationally renowned journals, and more than 20 invention patents have been authorized. The research results have won more than 10 scientific research awards at all levels and various types, including two First Prizes for Hainan Provincial scientific and technological progress, two Second Prizes for Science and Technology achievements in Hainan Province, etc.

The Applied Chemistry program is based in Hainan and focuses on the efficient and green development of tropical resources and energy utilization. It supports the construction of the "Ecological Island" and twelve major industries in Hainan. Through years of construction, it has formed two characteristic training directions: "Analytical Science and Technology" and "Synthetic Chemistry and Resource Utilization". It has also established an appropriate professional course group system to lay a solid foundation for talent cultivation in Applied Chemistry.

Based on Hainan, the construction of the Applied Chemistry major focuses on the efficient and green development and utilization of tropical resources and energy, serves the construction of an "ecological island", and supports the development of Hainan's 12 key industries. After years of construction, it has formed the characteristic training direction of "Analytical Science and Technology" and "Synthetic Chemistry and Resource Utilization", and formed the corresponding professional course group system. It has laid a solid foundation for the training of Applied Chemistry professionals. The major always carries moral education and socialist core values through the whole process of education and teaching, and adheres to the training concept of "thick foundation, strong characteristics and emphasis on practice". At the same time, as a "bridge major" connecting chemistry and chemical majors, the major attaches great importance to interdisciplinary research, integrates into the construction requirements of new engineering, adopts open experimental teaching mode, and nurseries teaching with scientific research. Focus on cultivating students' innovative consciousness and ability, and consolidate students' professional quality in many aspects. Over the years, it has cultivated a large number of outstanding talents with excellent professional knowledge and excellent ideological and political skills for the society, provided strong support for serving local economic construction, and made contributions to promoting the construction of Hainan's "ecological island" and economic construction.

The degree awarding rate of this major has been above 99% in the past three years, the employment rate is basically above 92%, and the proportion of further education has increased to above 40%. The employment scope is relatively wide, with employment opportunities in government agencies, public institutions, and enterprises. Two advantageous employment directions have been formed: "Analytical Science and Technology" and "Synthetic Chemistry and Resource Utilization". Graduates are employed in analytical and testing fields such as environmental testing, product quality inspection, commodity inspection, drug analysis, food analysis, industrial analysis, water treatment, public security testing, and dangerous goods analysis. In the field of synthetic chemistry and resource utilization, they are employed in the extraction and application of natural products, rubber modification and application, drug synthesis, material development (inorganic and organic, nanomaterials), and production of fine chemicals.

Training objectives: Based in Hainan and facing the southern region of China, with a radiation throughout the country, we serve the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port and the development of chemical and related enterprises and industries. Guided by the development needs of the new era for the applied chemistry major, we adhere to student-centered teaching methods, focusing on cultivating students' comprehensive quality, healthy personality, and sense of social responsibility. We aim to cultivate students with good safety, health, and environmental awareness, possessing an international perspective, strong foundation and wide knowledge base, mastering solid chemical theoretical knowledge, knowledge, and skills, possessing solid professional practice ability and innovative spirit. We aim to cultivate students who possess professional advantages in the field of analytical science and technology or synthetic chemistry and resource utilization. They can engage in scientific research, technology development, education and training, professional operation, technical management, chemical testing and quality control in chemical or related enterprises and institutions.

Core courses: Inorganic chemistry, inorganic chemistry experiment, analytical chemistry, analytical chemistry experiment, organic chemistry, organic chemistry experiment, physical chemistry, physical chemistry experiment, structural chemistry.

Core courses for the major: Instrumental analysis, organic synthetic chemistry, chemical engineering principles, polymer chemistry and physics, fine chemicals chemistry, chemical equipment mechanical foundation engineering drawing, professional foreign language courses.

Length of study: The basic system is 4 years. We implement a flexible study system with a minimum study length of 3 years and a maximum of 6 years.

Degree awarding: Students who complete the professional training program and pass the courses will be granted graduation. If they meet the specified requirements, they will be awarded a bachelor's degree in engineering.

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