Alumni Stories Content
November 5, 2023
Luo Jinren, Deputy to the 14th NPC and HNU alumnus

Luo Jinren, a HNU Class of 1996 alumnus, Deputy to the 14th National People`s Congress.

Deputy Luo Jinren: Building a Full-chain and Comprehensive Legal Protection System for Intellectual Property Rights

“I was heartened by the phrase in the work report of the Supreme People`s Procuratorate of the People’s Republic China, that is ‘boosting innovation with comprehensive judicial protection of intellectual property rights (IPRs).’ I learned that, after the establishment of the IPRs procuratorial office in the Supreme People`s Procuratorate, special IPRs procuratorial offices have been set up one after another across the country, which showcases the innovative performance of responsibilities of procuratorial organs.” Luo Jinren, deputy to the 14th National People’s Congress and deputy director of the R&D center and assistant to the director general of Guangxi Tianyuan Biochemical Co., Ltd., believes that through handling cases, procuratorial organs severely punish illegal and criminal acts of intellectual property infringement in accordance with law, and provide a strong guarantee to innovation and foster a fair business environment of competition. This vividly illustrates the principle of “protecting IPRs is equal to protecting innovation”.

Deputy Luo Jinren told reporters that, after the Opinions on Strengthening Collaborative Protection of Intellectual Property Rights was countersigned by the Supreme People`s Procuratorate and China National Intellectual Property Administration in April 2022, Guangxi Procuratorial authority immediately established a green channel for intellectual property protection jointly with All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, and State Administration for Market Regulation, in order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises in accordance with law and stimulate innovation and entrepreneurship.

“Judicial protection of IPRs should be further improved. We need to address the issues like data protection and cyber infringement of IPRs caused by the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial change. We need to strike hard the offenses in the fields with strong concern from the public general and media, and areas with frequent infringement and counterfeit. We need to explore and establish a punitive compensation system for IPRs.” Luo suggested that the procuratorial organs focus on the IPRs protection of time-honored brands, intangible cultural heritage and folk arts, and study the public interest litigation involving IPRs, anti-trust and anti-unfair competition, so as to safeguard interests of the public.

“We should take problem-oriented approaches to strengthen legislation in key areas of IPRs.” Luo suggested that we improve the legal system for protecting such property rights as geographical indications and trade secrets, establish and strengthen laws and regulations for the protection of IPRs in such fields as big data, artificial intelligence and gene technology, and build a full chain and all-round legal protection system for IPR. (Procuratorial Daily News, Guo Rongrong, Deng Tiejun)

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