Alumni News Content
November 5, 2023
First International Forum on Dongpo Culture Held in HNU

On the morning of February 18, 2023, the first International Forum on Dongpo Culture sponsored by Hainan Center for Dongpo Cultural Research and Communication was held at the International Academic Exchange Center of Hainan University. More than 200 scholars from top universities and research institutes at home and abroad, such as Harvard University, Cambridge University, Tsinghua University, Peking University, Fudan University, Renmin University of China and Nanjing University, attended the forum in an online and offline manner.

Special guests present at the opening ceremony included Li Jun, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Hainan Provincial People’s Congress; Meng Man, Vice Chairman of the All-China Women’s Federation and professor of Minzu University of China; Yu Dianli, member of the Party Leadership Group of China Publishing Group Corporation, Director and Deputy General Manager of China Publishing & Media Holdings Co., Ltd.; Zhou Yukai, President of the China Sushi Research Society; Wang Huiping, Secretary and Chairman of the Party Leadership Group of Hainan Federation of Social Sciences and President of Hainan Academy of Social Sciences; Fu Xuanguo, Secretary of the HNU Party Committee and Director of Hainan Dongpo Cultural Research and Communication Center; and Luo Qingming, President of Hainan University and academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

With the theme of “The Times Value and World Significance of Dongpo Culture”, this forum focused on the topics of “Research on the Political and Philosophical Thoughts of Su Dongpo”, “Research on Dongpo Literature and Art of Life”, “Research on the International Communication of Dongpo Culture and the Development of Cultural Tourism Industry”, with eight sub-forums for “Su Dongpo’s Thoughts”, “Overseas Dongpo Culture”, “Dongpo Literature”, “Family Tradition of Su Dongpo”, “Dongpo Art”, “Dongpo Culture Communication and Exchange”, “Dongpo Cultural Tourism”, and “Dongpo Culture Innovation”. Through keynote speeches, panel discussions and field visits, scholars helped to keep alive, explore, promote, and transform Dongpo culture, providing cultural assets for the development of Hainan Free Trade Port and facilitating the international exchange of research on Dongpo culture.

(Source: HNU News)

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