News and Events Campus News Content
December 2, 2023
HNU Holds a Lecture on Intelligent Materials

Leng Jinsong, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, gave a lecture titled "Intelligent Materials: the magic materials with controllable and changeable characteristics" in Haidian campus on Saturday (December 2nd). The lecture is the 15thone of the distinguished scientist lecture serials, a brand academic event of Hainan University. The lecture was attended both online and offline by nearly 2,000 teachers and students from HNU’s three campuses of Haidian, Danzhou and Mission Hills, and Chengxi Basic Teaching Department, and Yazhou Bay Science and Education Park. Gao Diangong, a member of Standing Committee of CPC Hainan University Committee and Vice President of HNU, presided over the lecture.

Professor Leng began his lecture by presenting the characteristics of typical intelligent materials like shape-memory polymers and its composite materials. He then elaborated on the current research status and prospect for application of the intelligent materials in multiple fields, such as aerospace, biomedical, intelligent manufacturing, petroleum pipe, electric power and flexible robot. He noted that intelligent materials are important basis for AI, intelligent system and manufacturing, and they will play a leading role in this field in the future by integrating with multiple fields.

Professor Leng quoted a saying of Heraclitus "there is nothing permanent except change" to inspire all audiences to be creative in their learning and research. He encouraged all students to bravely tackle different challenges in their research and update their scientific theories and research methods so as to adapt to the changing world.

This fascinating lecture was hailed by the audience. After finishing his lecture, Leng answered questions from the audience with his wisdom and patience.

The participants also include other HNU leadership members, Deans of Schools and Chief of Departments.

(Editor: Wang Yiqin)

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