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June 18, 2024
Jointly-Established Confucius Institute by HNU and CRUA Inaugurates in Cambodia

On the morning of June 10, 2024, the official inaugural ceremony of a Confucius Institute, jointly established by Hainan University (HNU) and Cambodia Royal University of Agriculture (CRUA), was held in Phnom Penh, capital of Cambodia. The ceremony was attended by Ngo Bunthan, President of Cambodia Royal University of Agriculture, Cao Bing, Vice President of Hainan University, Tan Yong, Director of Hainan University CPC United Front Work Department (Office of Overseas Chinese Affairs), and heads of relevant departments of both universities.

Photo of guests at the inaugural ceremony

Ngo Bunthanfirstly expressed his warm welcome to the HNU delegation, and then said that in the context of fostering a community with a shared future between China and Cambodia, it is highly significant to establish a Confucius Institute in Cambodia in that it fits in the national development strategy of Cambodia and it is pivotal for the growth of Cambodia Royal University of Agriculture. He also expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the Chinese Embassy in Cambodia, the Cambodia Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries, and various sectors of society for their unwavering support in the establishment of the Confucius Institute.Ngo Bunthananticipated further collaboration between the two universities in the future.

Photo of the traditional Chinese lion dance performance at the inaugural ceremony

On behalf of Hainan University, Cao Bing, HNU vice president, extended his gratitude to the Chinese International Education Foundation, the Chinese Embassy in Cambodia, and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries of Cambodia for their unwavering support for the establishment of Confucius Institute. He appreciated and acknowledged the remarkable progress achieved in the joint establishment of the Institute by the two universities. Cao said that Hainan University would continue to support the Institute and hoped that the two universities would leverage the platform to fully utilize their respective educational resources, with focus on the unique feature of “Chinese Language + Tropical Agriculture”, to strengthen cooperation in tropical high-efficiency agriculture, and promote mutual development and educational exchanges between the two universities, and thus contributing to the development of a community with a shared future for mankind.

Photo of the traditional Khmer blessing dance performance at the inaugural ceremony

Xu Wenting, Chinese Dean of the Confucius Institute at the Cambodia Royal University of Agriculture, presented a brief introduction to the brand, management, operation, and development plan of the Institute.

Group photo of participating members at the ceremony

At the ceremony,Ngo Bunthanand Cao Bing jointly unveiled the plaque of the Confucius Institute at the Cambodia Royal University of Agriculture to mark the official opening of the Institute. As a part of the ceremony, performance of traditional Chinese lion dance and Cambodian traditional dance was presented.

Source from HNU News

Translated by Hu Xiufang

Proofread by Chen Chuanxian, Yang Jie

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