News and Events Campus News Content
May 16, 2024
HNU Holds the 23rd Lecture of the Distinguished Scientist Lecture Series

On the afternoon of May 8th, the 23rd lecture of the Hainan University Distinguished Scientist Lecture Series was held in the lecture hall of Tianjiabing Building. Xie Jianxin, a member of Chinese Academy ofEngineering,deliveredareporttitled “Overview of Genetic Engineering of Materials”. Wu Zhonghai,Associate CounselofHainan Association for Science and Technology, and Fu Xuanguo, Chairman of the HNU Council, as well as otherleadershipmembers of theUniversity,including Nie Qingbin, He Yong, Zou Yonghua, Li Buhong, Chen Jun, Tan Yong, and Yang Zhixin, attended the lecture. Zou Yonghua chaired the lecture.

Xie is givinglecture. Photo by Zhou Siyuan

Xie Jianxin, starting from the basic fact thatmaterial sector suffers from tech hysteresis andlacks ofinnovative breakthrough,presented a detailed introduction oftheMaterialsGenome Initiative (MGI)ormaterial genetic engineering from five aspects,namelybackground,implicationand significance,progress made at home and abroad, new paradigms and cases,andprospects.

Xienotedthat material genetic engineeringas arevolutionary progress in material science and technology,aims toconstruct a comprehensive gene database consisting of composition, micro-structure, process and properties,by studying thoroughlythestructureof electron, atom and molecularscale, micro-structureofgrain and phase,as well asmacroscopic preparation technology. Material genetic engineering, with the help ofefficient autonomous computing, automatic intelligent experiments, big data, and artificial intelligence, has replacedthe traditional research and development (R&D) model,becomingan internationally recognized “accelerator” for new materialsdevelopment,representing the forefront ofmaterial science and technology.

He pointed out thatintegrationandcollaboration” is the core idea of the MGI.Withnew theories,newmethods, newparadigmsanddisruptive technologies, we achieve integration of rational design, efficient experiment and big data technology, and collaborative innovation throughout the R&D process through efficient computational design platform, advanced experimental platform and database platform. This helps speed up the R&D and application of new materials.

Q&A session. Photo by Zhang Yuxin

The lectureattracted a large number of students and teaching staff.They shared their ideas on the topics related to the lecture and asked questions.Xieresponded to them patiently and answeredtheirquestions.

Representatives of Hainan Association for Science and Technology,other HNU leadership members, chief of Schools and Departments, and more than 700 teachers and studentsattended the lectureboth online and off-line.

Source from HNU News

Translated by Lin Zhiyi

Proofread by Chen Chuanxian, Yang Jie

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