News and Events Campus News Content
May 6, 2024
HNU Holds the 22nd Lecture of the Distinguished Scientist Lecture Series

On the morning of April 24, the 22ndlecture of theHainan University Distinguished Scientist Lecture Serieswas held in the lecture hall of Tianjiabing Building. Jian Zhimin,a member of Chinese Academy of Sciences, presented a report titled“Progress and Prospects of Deep-sea Research in the South China Sea”. The lecture was attended both online and offline by nearly 700 people, including Xu Zhenling, Party Secretary and Vice Chairman of Hainan Association for Science and Technology, Fu Xuanguo, Chairman of the HNU Council, Tan Yong, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC HNU Committee and Director of the United Front Work Department, and other representatives from HNU and Hainan Association for Science and Technology. Chen Jun, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC HNU Committee and Vice President of HNU, presided over thelecture.

Photo of the lecture by Wang Zhaomiao

Jian Zhimin began his speech by focusing on the building of a maritime powerhouse, and gave a detailed introduction to the following four aspects: South China Sea and “three deep” technologies, climate evolution and low-latitude driving forces, ocean basin formation and plate margin extension, and marine culture and technological innovation. He pointed out that China’s manned deep-sea submersibles at present have been deployed, the deep-sea drilling vessels have set sail, and the underwater observations are about to be networked. Strengthening China-led international cooperation on deep-sea research in the South China Sea is expected to establish a “Chinese school” of Earth system science and turn the South China Sea into a natural laboratory for international marine science.

Jian’s captivating presentation was hailed by the participating teachers and students. At the Q & A session, the audience expressed their viewpoints on the relevant topics and asked questions and Jian, with his expertise, patiently answered all the questions.

After the lecture, Jian Zhimin, Xu Zhenling and Fu Xuanguo conducted exchanges on topics related to science and technology with young teachers and students in this field.

The Distinguished Scientist Lecture Series in 2024 is jointly hosted by Hainan University and Hainan Association for Science and Technology.

Source from HNU News

Translated by Hu Xiufang

Proofread by Chen Chuanxian, Yang Jie

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