News and Events Campus News Content
January 17, 2024
The 21st Distinguished Scientists Lecture Held in HNU

On the evening of January 4th, 2024, Li Yuliang,academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, gave a lecture titled “Overview of the Progress of Two-dimensional Carbon Graphene” in the Lecture Hall of Tin Ka Ping Building in Haidian Campus. It is the 21stlecture of the Distinguished Scientist Lecture Series initiated by Hainan University. Nearly 1,000 audiences attended online or offline, including teachers and students from three HNU campuses, Yazhou Bay Science and Education Park, and Chengxi Basic Teaching Department. Luo Qingming, President of HNU and academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, chaired the event.


The lecture venue.Photo by Zhang Juan

Li Yuliang focused his speech on the development history of carbon materials, the core advantages of two-dimensional carbon graphene, and the progress of its application research, elaborating systematically on the development potential and prospects of graphene in such fields as new hydrogen energy conversion, efficient artificial nitrogen fixation, photosynthetic chemical production, life science, and intelligent information.

Liindicatedthat graphene and its aggregate structure are currently new fields for scientific researchin materials science and an importantfocusofresearch in newcarbon materials. With its rapid progress, graphene is of great significance inbasicand applied research in manydomains of research.

The lecture was hailed by audience. At the Q&A session, Li patiently and professionally answered the questions from and participating faculty and students, and won great applause from the audience present.


Q&A session.Photo by Zhang Juan

Other HNU leadership members, and chief of Schools and Departments were present at the lecture.

Edited by Liu Xia

Translated by Lin Zhiyi

Proofread by Chen Chuanxian

Source from HNU News

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