School of Marine Science and Engineering About About us
About us

To respond to national strategy of Maritime Power, satisfy national strategy demands including the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port and maritime “Belt and Road” initiative, and to implement the discipline planning of developing marine science and technology at a high starting point, Hainan University, taking the research team of the State Key Laboratory of Marine Resources Utilization in South China Sea as main body, integrated Department of Marine Sciences of the former School of Marine Sciences with Department of Marine and Engineering of School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, and officially established School ofMarine Science and Engineering June 2023.

On the basis of the working idea of “attracting talents by talents, and attaching equal importance to attracting and nurturing talents”, a group of high-quality teaching staff is rapidly established by reorganizing and gathering excellent talents from the State Key Laboratory of Marine Resources Utilization in South China Sea, Department of Marine Sciences of the former School of Marine Sciences and Department of Marine Engineering of School of Civil Engineering and Architecture and other units and departments. There are currently 62 full-time faculty members, including a total of 15 professors and researchers, 37 associate professors and researchers, and 10 lecturers and assistant researchers. Among the faculty members, there are 37 doctoral supervisors and 52 master’s supervisors.

The School enjoys advanced and supporting laboratory groups and strong scientific research teams, with fruitful scientific research achievements in undertaking multiple scientific research projects including key projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, key special project on “Key Technologies and Equipment for Deep-Sea and Polar Regions of National Key Science and Technology Program, National Climbing Program and provincial and ministerial-level major science and technology programs, and key research and development and funds.

The School targets the national strategic demand of “Maritime Power”, and focuses on the construction of characteristic disciplines and specialties for South China Sea, with two undergraduate majors of Marine Sciences and Marine Engineering and Technology currently established.

The Department of Marine Sciences aims to cultivate high-quality comprehensive scientific and technological talents with good ideological and moral qualities and high cultural scientific literacy, who grasp basic theories, knowledge and skills in marine sciences, systematically learn and master professional theoretical knowledge and practical skills in marine biology, marine physics, marine chemistry, marine ecology and environmental science, marine geology and other fields, and are capable of engaging themselves in scientific research, teaching, management and technology research and development in the field of marine sciences and related industries and fields, and have a strategic concept of maritime development for a new era.

The Department of Marine Engineering and Technology, was established in 2015 in response to the major demands of national strategy of Maritime Power, and economic and industrial development of Hainan Province. As a characteristic undergraduate major supported by Hainan Province, it relies on the State Key Laboratory of Marine Resources Utilization in South China Sea, and actively immerses into the construction of the world’s first-class discipline group “Marine Resources Utilization in South China Sea”, one of the three first-class discipline groups of Hainan University. This major aims to cultivate composite senior technical talents who master basic theories and knowledge skills of marine engineering and technology, are capable of engaging themselves in the planning, design, management and education of marine engineering structures as well as port and waterway engineering and marine energy development at national and local levels, and have strong innovative and practical abilities.

In the future, the School will take the responsibility of serving to develop marine economy and industry of Hainan Province, carry out scientific research and teaching work based on industrial demands, cultivate more high-quality marine science and technology talents for the construction of the Free Trade Port, providing strong support for strengthening and expanding marine economy, and making active contributions to the construction of Maritime Power.
