School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Academics Undergraduate

Chemistry is one of the important basic sciences. The chemical industry based on chemistry is the foundation and pillar of national economic development. It shoulders the basic tasks of providing materials and energy for national production and national defense. Among the twelve key industries in the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port, chemistry is closely related to tropical high-efficiency agriculture, medical health, oil and gas, medicine, low-carbon manufacturing, high-tech and marine science, and plays an important role in the development of Hainan's economy. Basic chemical research plays a huge supporting role in the development of oil and gas resources development and processing, import and export inspection and quarantine, environmental protection and testing, drug production and quality control, new energy and environmental protection materials research and development.

The chemistry major was approved in 2022, and the first 61 undergraduates were enrolled in 2023. There are 40 full-time teachers, with professors accounting for 32.5% and associate professors and above accounting for 62.5%. Teachers with a doctorate account for 67.5% of the total, and those with a master's degree or above account for 82.5% of the total. The teaching team has obtained more than 20 scientific research and teaching reform projects at the provincial and ministerial levels, with 4 provincial excellent courses and 4 provincial excellent online courses. The area of undergraduate teaching laboratory is about 3500 m2, the total value of experimental instruments and equipment in use is 25 million yuan, and there are 6 practical teaching bases.

Training objectives: Chemistry major mainly trains students to adapt to socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era and meet the needs of building a world science and technology power. The students should have solid mathematical foundation, critical thinking, logical thinking, innovative thinking and strong international communication ability. The students should haverich team consciousness, responsibility consciousness and sense of responsibility. The studentsshould master the basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills of chemistry, have a broad vision, and be good at using chemical knowledge to solve problems that are difficult to solve in this field and other fields. After graduation, the students can engage in scientific research, teaching, application development and management in chemistry and related fields.

Main courses: inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, structural chemistry, instrumental analysis, inorganic chemistry experiment, analytical chemistry experiment, organic chemistry experiment, physical chemistry experiment, instrumental analysis experiment, etc.

The length of schooling: 4 years of basic schooling and 4 to 7 years of flexible schooling.
