Research Institutes & Centers
Institutes & Centers
Natural Sciences Humanities and Social Sciences
Natural Sciences

Since 2018, the University, seizing the opportunity of national key laboratory reconstruction, has firmly strategized the construction of national-level platformswith new breakthroughs, and has been approved to co-establish two national key laboratories: "Tropical Crop Biobreeding" and "Digital Medical Engineering". Additionally, the school co-founded the National Salt-Tolerant Rice Technology Innovation Center. The first batch of 53 research personnel joined the Yazhou Bay Seed Laboratory as a part of the national strategic technological force. There are also new additions like the State Administration for Market Regulation Key Laboratory, Ministry of Science and Technology Higher Education Institution Subject Innovation Talent Introduction Base, Ministry of Education Engineering Research Center, Provincial-Ministerial Jointly Built Collaborative Innovation Center, and Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Key Laboratory, among other departmental and ministerial research platforms. Up to now, there are a total of 106 provincial-level and above research platforms in natural sciences, with 5 at the national level.

National Key Laboratories (2)

National Key Laboratory of Tropical Crop Biobreeding

National Key Laboratory of Digital Medical Engineering

State Key Laboratory (1)

South China Sea Marine Resource Utilization State Key Laboratory Jointly Built by Hainan Province and the Ministry of Education

State Technology Innovation Center (1)

Hainan Provincial Key Laboratory of Sustainable Use of Tropical Biological Resources - State Key Laboratory Cultivation Base Jointly Built by Hainan Province and the Ministry of Education

Subject Innovation & Talent Introduction Base for Higher Education Institutions (3)

Tropical Biology and Medicine Subject Innovation & Talent Introduction Base

Tropical Crop Green Healthy Production Theory and Technology Innovation Talent Introduction Base

Brain Spatial Information and Brain-Like Intelligence Subject Innovation & Talent Introduction Base

Ministry of Education Key Laboratories (4)

Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Tropical Biological Resources

Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Advanced Materials for Tropical Island Resources

Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Green Prevention and Control of Tropical Agriculture and Forestry Biological Disasters

Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Genetic and Germplasm Innovation of Tropical Characteristic Trees and Flowers

Ministry of Education Engineering Research Centers (3)

Ministry of Education Engineering Research Center for Utilization of Tropical Polysaccharide Resources

Ministry of Education Engineering Research Center for Tropical Crop New Variety Breeding

Ministry of Education Engineering Research Center for Marine Intelligent Systems

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Laboratories (2)

Key Laboratory of Tropical High-Efficiency Agricultural Intelligent Equipment (Jointly Built by the Ministry of Education and Hainan Province)

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Laboratory for Agricultural Product Quality and Safety Risk Assessment (Haikou)

Joint Provincial-Ministry Collaborative Innovation Centers (3)

Natural Rubber Joint Provincial-Ministry Collaborative Innovation Center

Green Smart Island Joint Provincial-Ministry Collaborative Innovation Center

Special Glass and its Further Processing Collaborative Innovation Center

China Association for Science and Technology's Service Center for Overseas Professionals (1)

China Association for Science and Technology's Service Center for Overseas Professionals in Hainan (Hainan University)

National and Local Joint Engineering Research Centers (1)

National and Local Joint Engineering Research Center for Tropical Facility Agriculture Technology and Equipment

State Administration for Market Regulation Key Laboratories (1)

National Key Laboratory for Market Supervision on Quality and Safety of Tropical Fruit and Vegetable

Observational Research Center of National Forestry and Grassland Administration (1)

Wuzhishan Forest Ecological Station System Fixed-position Observational Research Center, Hainan

Hainan Provincial Key Laboratories (14)

Hainan Provincial Key Laboratory for Salt-Tolerant Crop Biotechnology

Hainan Provincial Key Laboratory for Fine Chemicals

Hainan Provincial Key Laboratory for Tropical Aquatic Biotechnology

Hainan Provincial Key Laboratory for INTERNET Information Retrieval

Hainan Provincial Key Laboratory for Comprehensive Development and Utilization of Silicon, Zirconium, and Titanium Resources

Hainan Provincial Key Laboratory for Tropical Animal Breeding and Epidemic Disease Research

Hainan Provincial Key Laboratory for Special Glass

Hainan Provincial Key Laboratory for Big Data and Smart Services

Hainan Provincial Key Laboratory for Food Nutrition and Functional Food

Hainan Provincial Key Laboratory for Biology of Tropical Characteristic Flowers and Trees Resources

Hainan Provincial Key Laboratory for Quality Regulation of Tropical Horticultural Crops

Hainan Provincial Key Laboratory for Agricultural and Forestry Environmental Processes and Ecological Regulation

Hainan Provincial Key Laboratory for Biomedical Engineering

Hainan Provincial Key Laboratory for Engineering Modeling and Statistical Computing.

Hainan Provincial Academician Workstation (15 in total)

Li Bailian Academician Workstation

David J Craik Academician Workstation

Jamal Deen Academician Workstation

Lan Yubin Academician Workstation

Richard Leaver (Li Cheng) Academician Workstation

Zhu Ming Academician Workstation

Shi Jianming Academician Workstation

Chen Feiyong Academician Workstation

Dong Qinxi Academician Workstation

Wu Desheng Academician Workstation

Chris Ryan (Klein Ryan) Academician Workstation

Zhang Jianwei Academician Workstation

CHOU LOKE MING (Zou Leming) Academician Workstation

Li Song Academician Workstation

Ju Dongying Academician Workstation

Academician Team Innovation Center (29 in total)

Jin Ningyi Academician Team Innovation Center

Hou Baorong Academician Team Innovation Center

Yang Shanlin Academician Team Innovation Center

He Hong Academician Team Innovation Center

Chen Xiaoya Academician Team Innovation Center

Zhao Guoping Academician Team Innovation Center

Chen Xuegeng Academician Team Innovation Center

Fang Zhiyuan Academician Team Innovation Center

Gao Deli Academician Team Innovation Center

Sun Jinsheng Academician Team Innovation Center

Kang Zhensheng Academician Team Innovation Center

Lin Haoran Academician Team Innovation Center

Bao Zhenmin Academician Team Innovation Center

Ou Jinping Academician Team Innovation Center

Tang Shouzheng Academician Team Innovation Center

Zhang Fusuo Academician Team Innovation Center

Zhu Beiwei Academician Team Innovation Center

Zou Zhigang Academician Team Innovation Center

Song Bao'an Academician Team Innovation Center

Zhang Yong Academician Team Innovation Center

Zhou Yuan Academician Team Innovation Center

Wang Maohua Academician Team Innovation Center

Chen Wei Academician Team Innovation Center

Song Liang Academician Team Innovation Center

Schahram Dustdar Academician Team Innovation Center

Fu Bojie Academician Team Innovation Center

Yu Jihong Academician Team Innovation Center

Li Peiwu Academician Team Innovation Center

Chen Yunmin Academician Team Innovation Center

Hainan Provincial International Science and Technology Cooperation Base (5)

Hainan Provincial Marine Energy Materials and Devices International Joint Research Center

International Joint Research Center for Sustainable Utilization of Tropical Biological Resources

International Joint Research Center for Environmental Pollution Prevention and Control on Tropical Islands

Hainan University Center for Pico-electronics Microscopy

Hainan Provincial International Science and Technology Cooperation Base for Microelectronics

Hainan Provincial Engineering Research Centers (10)

Hainan Provincial Engineering Research Center for New Energy Vehicle

Hainan Provincial Engineering Research Center for Tropical Crop Tissue Culture and Germplasm Innovation

Hainan Provincial Engineering Research Center for Tropical Rare and Precious Tree Species

Hainan Provincial Engineering Research Center for Tropical Ecological Environment Restoration

Hainan Provincial Engineering Research Center for Aquaculture Seed Industry

Hainan Provincial Engineering Research Center for Green Agricultural Bio-Preparation

Tropical Island Prefabricated Construction Engineering Research Center

Hainan Provincial Engineering Research Center for Blockchain Technology

Hainan Provincial Engineering Research Center for Embedded Intelligent Systems

South China Sea Engineering Research Center for Efficient Utilization of Aquatic Resources

Hainan Provincial Engineering Technology Research Centers (3)

Hainan Provincial Engineering Technology Research Center for Fine Chemical

Hainan Provincial Engineering Technology Research Center for Marine Communication and Network

Hainan Provincial Engineering Technology Research Center for Tropical Facility Agriculture

Hainan Provincial Service Center for Overseas Professionals (3)

Hainan University (Center for Terrestrial and Marine Biodiversity Research in the South China Sea Region) Service Center for Overseas Professionals

Hainan University Veterinary Service Center for Overseas Professionals

Hainan University Applied Electronics Service Center for Overseas Professionals

Country and Regional Research Center of the Ministry of Education (2)

South China Sea Regional Research Center

Lancang-Mekong Subregion Research Center

Subject Innovation & Talent Introduction Program for Higher Education Institutions(1)

Intelligent Regulation and Governance Modernization Innovation Base

Ministry of Culture and Tourism(1)

Cultural and Tourism Research Base

Hainan Province Key Laboratory of Philosophy and Social Sciences(1)

Key Laboratory for Governance Innovation and Intelligent Regulation in Free Trade Port

Hainan Province Key New-Type Think Tanks for Philosophy and Social Sciences (2)

Hainan Province Open Economy Research Institute

Research Institute of Free Trade Port with Chinese Characteristics

Hainan Province Key Research Base of Philosophy and Social Sciences (11)

Hainan Province Historical and Cultural Research Base

Hainan Province South China Sea Policy and Law Research Center

Hainan Province Comprehensive Tourism Research Base

Research Center for the Revolutionary Spirit and Cultural Resources of the Communist Party of China in Colleges and Universities of Hainan Province

Hainan Province "Genlu Bu (Manual of Sea Routes)" Research Center

Hainan Province Open Economy Research Institute

Hainan Province Public Governance Research Center

Hainan Province Foreign Language Literature and Public Opinion Research Center

Hainan Province Chinese Literature Research Center

Hainan Province Corporate Governance Research Institute

China (Hainan) Competition Policy Research Center

First Batch Base of "International Organization Talent Cultivation Innovation and Practice Project" of Chinese-Foreign Cultural Exchange Center, Ministry of Education(1)

Cultural Exchange Research Institute for Chinese-Foreign Accounting Professionals

Jointly Constructed by the CPC Hainan Provincial Committee and the National Security Committee(1)

National Security Center of Hainan University

Jointly Constructed by Hainan Province People's Procuratorate(1)

Civil and Administrative Public Interest Litigation Procuratorial Research Base, Hainan Free Trade Port

Jointly Constructed by the United Front Work Department of the CPC Hainan Provincial Committee(1)

Hainan Province United Front Theory Research Base

Jointly Established by Chinese Academy of Labour and Social Security, Chinese Academy of Personnel Science, and Department of Human Resources and Social Security of Hainan Province(1)

Research Institute for Livelihood Security and Personnel System Innovation, Hainan University

Humanities and Social Sciences

Humanities and Social Sciences

Jointly Established by UC Davis, USA(1)

Hainan University-UC Davis Joint Research Center for Energy and Transportation Development


Hainan Province Su Dongpo Culture Research and Communication Center

Hainan University "Belt and Road" Research Institute
