Research Featured Research Collaborative Innovation Centers Ecological Civilization
Ecological Civilization
Ecological Civilization

Aiming at the national strategy of National Ecological Civilization Pilot Zone (Hainan), National Park Construction, etc., as well as the social and economic development needs of Hainan Free Trade Port such as tropical rainforest, blue carbon, focusing on major scientific and engineering technical problems in ecological civilization construction.

Assist in the construction of Hainan National Ecological Civilization Experimental Zone

(1) Dynamic monitoring of Hainan’s ecological environment

(2) Key technologies for coordinated pollution prevention and control and ecological security guarantee in Xiaohai and adjacent sea areas

(3) Protection and restoration of typical tropical ecosystems

(4) Development and application of handheld Raman spectrometer on-site rapid detection system for plastic ban

(5) Research and industrial development of a new generation of seawater degradable plastics

Assist the construction of Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park

(1) Protection and restoration technology of biodiversity in tropical rainforest

Construct a platform to serve Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park through institutional restructuring of service disciplines;

Establish Hainan University Tropical Rainforest National Park Research Institute to assist in the construction of the tropical rainforest national park;

Carry out tropical rainforest protection research to provide technical support for the construction of the tropical rainforest national park;

Actively carry out gibbon monitoring in Hainan to protect the star species of the tropical rainforest national park.

Promote smart management and emission reduction and carbon sink enhancement, serving the major strategy of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality

(1) Clarify the feedback mechanism between land and sea based on the biogeochemical cycle of source elements

(2) Establish a land-sea coordinated pollution prevention and control and blue carbon assessment and management model

(3) Innovation and application of key technologies for marine hydrogen energy

Construction of wisdom governance technique system for land resource - “multi-element perception-data efficient fusion-business function decision-making”

The wisdom governance technique system for land resource, “multi-element perception-data efficient fusion-business function decision-making” that has been built has been widely used in businesses related to arable land protection in 15 provinces across the country

Tropical ecological economy and planning

Focus on tropical island ecological space, human settlement environment planning and governance
