Research Featured Research Collaborative Innovation Centers Culture and Tourism
Culture and Tourism
Culture and Tourism

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in the Address on the 30th Anniversary of Hainan Special Economic Zone that international tourist island is a significant business card for Hainan. It is specified in the Guiding Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Supporting the Comprehensive Deepening of Reform and Opening Up in Hainan that international tourist consumption center is among the strategic orientation of comprehensive deepening of reform and opening up in Hainan. The Overall Construction Plan for Hainan Free Trade Port stipulates to strongly develop tourist industry, modern service industry and high-tech industry to keep cementing the foundation of real economy and enhancing industrial competitiveness.


68 national projects were approved, including 2 major projects on national social sciences funds; 83 rewards above provincial and ministerial level were received, including 1 second prize by the Ministry of Education, 1 special prize and 11 first prizes on provincial and ministerial level; 51 approvals were received from the principal leaders above provincial and ministerial level.


Depending on the Dongpo Cultural Research and Communication Center of Hainan Province, Research Center on Forging the Consciousness of Chinese National Community of Hainan Province, “Genglubu” Research Center of Hainan Province and other scientific research platforms, the Center carried out researchers on major issues of Hainan ethnic culture, Hainan historical culture, industrial transformation and upgrading and quality sustainable development of culture and tourism, cultural and tourist consumption and resources utilization, and other fields of culture and tourism according to the other national strategic and local development needs, such as construction of Hainan Free Trade Port, international tourist consumption center, national ecological civilization pilot zone, etc.


1 National Qingchang Talent and 33 scientific research innovation teams were gathered.

Research on South China Sea Policies and Laws

Depending on South China Sea Policy and Legal Research Center of Hainan Province (Legal Research Base of China Law Society), South China Sea Regional Research Center (Category I region and country research center by the Ministry of Education) and other platforms and concentrating on rights protection in the South China Sea, Maritime Silk Road of the 21st Century, and other national strategic deployments, researches were carried out on China-Philippines South China Sea Arbitration, legal system of South China Sea and other major issues, with nearly 100 political reports submitted to Party and government authorities, including 6 reports approved by the central leaders; the research team on maritime law was affirmed by the Ministry of Education as among the first batch of Huang Danian-Style Teacher Teams for colleges and universities nationwide; The “High-end Forum of South China Sea Law” and “South China Sea Regional Cooperation Forum” were held for 10 consecutive sessions and appraised as the “CTTI 2022 Best Case of Think Tank”.

Research on South China Sea Civilization and Marine Tourism

Depending on the “Genglubu” Research Center of Hainan Province, Hainan History & Culture Research Base and other platforms, with the research on South China Sea Genglubu and fishery history as the historical foundation, the Center sorted out the marine culture & history of South China Sea, protected the sovereignty of South China Sea, expanded the business form and industry chain of marine tourist products, forming a research chain and innovation chain from historical research to cultural creation to tourist project planning and implementation. Besides, 2 major projects received the national social sciences funds. The Hainan Genealogical Research and Overseas Immigrants Memoir, Hainan Local Chronicles Series, etc. were published. Among them, the Study of Genglubu by Lu Yefa, Wu Shumao and Huang Jiali won the second prize of the 8th excellent scientific research findings (humanities and social sciences) for colleges and universities held by the Ministry of Education.

Research on Tourism Theory and Industry Management

Depending on the basic theoretical tourism research base of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, research base of tourism throughout Hainan Province and other platforms with theoretical innovation on tourism combined with industry management practice, researches were carried out on the construction international tourist consumption center, development and utilization of tourist resources, quality tourism development, development and protection of tropical rainforest resources in Hainan province, tourist industry development and other issues, to provide partial solutions to local government and enterprises. Literatures were published, including the Blue Book on International Tourist Consumption in Hainan Free Trade Port, Research on the Construction Route of International Tourist Consumption Center in Hainan, etc. Forums on the construction of free trade port and business school development, free trade port accounting summit, and other meetings were held, and over 10 rewards above provincial and ministerial level were received.

Research on Ethnic and Folk Culture in Hainan

With the help of Ethnic and Folk Art Development Center of the Ministry of Culture, Research Center on Forging the Consciousness of Chinese National Community of Hainan Province and other platforms, the database of digital images of Li ethnicity in Hainan, the digital database of literatures on South China Sea, and other digital resources were built. Big data, cloud computation and other modern technological means were adopted to perform multilevel and omnibearing digital acquisition, sorting and research on the ethnic and folk cultural resources in Hainan Province Literatures were published, including the Ecological Research on Folk Culture in Hainan, Research on the Traditional Patterns of Li Brocade, etc. Technical training were conducted on talents to inherit the board dyeing of Li Brocade. Li Ethnic Music won the 2022 “Five “One” Project” Award of Hainan Province.

Research on Dongpo Culture in Hainan

Relying on the Dongpo Cultural Research and Communication Center of Hainan Province and other platforms, the Center is dedicated to the research and communication of Dongpo Culture, for the purpose of enriching the system of Dongpo culture, inheriting and carrying forward Dongpo culture, building the think tank and platform on Dongpo cultural researches, forming the “cultural card” of international influence in Hainan and playing the fundamental role of Dongpo Culture in tourist consumption, so as to strongly support the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port on a cultural level. The Center also has published academic literatures, including the Complete Works of Sushi, Cultural Research on Song Poems Communication, etc. The “1st Dongpo Culture International High-end Forum” and “Dongpo Cultural Creative Product Design Competition and Work Exhibition” were organized as the prelude for the “1st China (Hainan) Dongpo Culture & Tourism Meeting”.
